Welcome Back to WHS for 2024-2025
The "Official" Back to School Letter from Dave Danielski
Dear WHS Families,
The WHS School Theme for this year is:
"Be a Hammerschmidt H.E.R.O.!"
Our quest this year is help our Hammerschmidt students become the heros in their own story! In addition to helping our students be the best they can be with respect to academic growth, we will focus on the the following four characteristics:
E- Empathetic
R- Responsible
O - OriginalThroughout this school year we will have "Hammerschmidt Hero" days that will focus on these qualities.
Upcoming Dates to Note:
Click on the flyer below to download a copy for the fridge!
WHS PTA "Back to School" Pool Party
1:1 Technology Information:
District 44 School Calendar 2024-2025
Welcome WHS KINDERGARTEN (High School Senior Graduating Class of 2037)
Kindergarten Student Visitation Session
Kindergarten Information:
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The first three days are half days for Kindergarteners.
- On Wednesday 8/14, Thursday 8/15, and Friday 8/16, Kdg. Students will attend from 8:35 a.m. until 11:40 a.m.
- During the afternoons on these days Kdg. teachers will be meeting one- on -one with students to do ESGI (Educational Software for Guiding Instruction) assessments. You will sign up for your child's appointment at the Kindergarten Student Visitation Session on Tuesday, August 8th.
- The first full-day for Kdg. students will be on Monday, August 19th.
KINDERGARTEN PARENTS.... CLICK HERE ... for more specific information!
Welcome New Hammerschmidt Staff Members:
With Mr. Frazier's retirement, we have a new PE teacher joining us. We also have a new Speech and Language Pathologist supporting our WHS students this year.
Ms. Janie Ternes, PE
Mrs. Jennifer Tuerk, SLP
Teacher Assignments
On Wednesday, August 7th, class placements and teacher assignments can be found for all registered students in our Skyward Information System.
(Kindergarten teacher assignments will be finalized during the first two weeks of school.)
School Supply Drop Off Opportunity/ WHS PTA "Kona Ice" Social!
- Last Name A- K, Tuesday 8/13 from 1:00- 1:30 p.m.
- Last Name L- Z, Tuesday, 8/13 from 1:30- 2:00 p.m.
Please note that these supply drop off opportunities are entirely OPTIONAL. There is NOT an expectation that all students will need or want to drop off their supplies in advance, and there is NOT the expectation that parents need to take off of work in order to participate.
PTA Coffee Talk
First PTA Meeting for 24-25-- Monday, August 19st
Are you interested in being a Hammerschmidt Lunch/Recess Supervisor? If so, APPLY ONLINE! Please feel free to reach out to Mr. Danielski with any questions! Become a part of our WHS or D44 team!
School Picture Day: Wednesday 9/11
Did you know you can Subscribe to the digital PTA and school calendar? Visit Events and then click subscribe. You can choose iCal, outlook or Google calendar and it will automatically add the events to your calendar.
Join the WHS PTA Facebook Page so you will always have the most up-to-date information for all the PTA events happening throughout the school year.