GHS Weekly Newsletter:

Week of May 27, 2024:
Congrats to the GHS Athletes on their recent commitments to play in college!
The Goshen High School graduation ceremony will take place on May 28, 2024 at Northern Kentucky University’s Truist Arena. The program will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Students are expected to arrive no later than 6:00 p.m. This is the occasion that family and friends of each graduate have looked forward to since kindergarten. Please respect all classmates by refraining from any activity or using any noisemaker that will detract from the dignity of the ceremony.
Commencement Ceremony:
May 28, 2024 @ 7:00 PM
Northern Kentucky University, Truist Arena
500 Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, KY 41009
GHS Graduation Live Streaming Link:
GHS Graduation Map and NKU's Clear Bag Policy:
Lifetouch Graduation Photos:
Get ready for graduation picture day by buying an AdvancePay credit to use when pictures are ready! You'll receive a text message when the gallery is published, and your credit will be automatically applied to your purchase when you sign in with your mobile number at checkout. Buy in now!
Follow GHS:
It is our goal to increase communication with the school community throughout the school year. Please access the following social media sites in order to keep informed:
Follow @GoshenWarriors on TWITTER for daily updates/announcements, celebrations, extra-curricular updates and photos of daily activities.
Follow Goshen High School on INSTAGRAM (GHSWarriors) to see photos of our students in action.
Like Goshen Local Schools on FACEBOOK to celebrate successes in all buildings across the district.
GOSHEN HIGH SCHOOL WEBSITE: Check the Goshen High School website frequently for school related information as well as a calendar of important events. Goshen High School
GHS Staff Email Addresses:
The following link included all email addresses for teachers at Goshen High School. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Staff Email Address Document:
Administrative Team and Responsibilities:
If you have questions or concerns regarding your child, school or athletics, feel free to reach out:
Mrs. Stephanie Walker, Principal: walkers@goshenlocalschools.org
Ms. Randi Isaacs, Assistant Principal isaacsr@goshenlocalschools.org
Mr. Chuck Boothby, Ascend Director boothbyc@goshenlocalschools.org
Mr. Scott Wake, Athletic Director: wakes@goshenlocalschools.org
Mrs. Kerri Mantz, Guidance Counselor M-Z mantzk@goshenlocalschools.org
Mrs. Kelly Royal, Guidance Counselor A-L royalk@goshenlocal schools.org
Goshen High School
Email: walkers@goshenlocalschools.org
Website: https://ghs.goshenlocalschools.org/
Location: 6707 Goshen Road, Goshen, OH, USA
Phone: 513-722-2227
Twitter: @GoshenWarriors