Mansfield Public Schools
August 24, 2023
Newsletter Takeaways
- Important Back-to-School Dates
- Open House
- Placement emails and class schedules
- Bus Routes
- Flu Shot Clinic
District Open House
Open House for the Mansfield Public Schools will be August 31st from noon to 3 pm. Open House is an opportunity for students and their families to see the building and where their classrooms will be for the upcoming school year. Building administration will be on hand to answer any questions visitors may have. This is not an opportunity to meet teachers as they have not yet returned. Our faculty will look forward to meeting families at Curriculum Nights in September.
Emailed Placement Letters
For students in kindergarten through grade 5, letters will identify their homeroom teacher. Middle school students in grades 6 through 8 will receive their Team for the school year.
Freshman and transfer students who attend Open House on August 31 will receive their schedule. High school students will receive their schedules on the first day of school when they report to their homeroom, including freshman and transfer students who were not able to attend on August 31.
If you do not receive a placement email, please first check your spam or junk folders and then contact your school's office to verify the correct email information is on file. Please wait until 1:00 PM for all emails to be sent.
Bus Routes
Bus Routes for the 2023-2024 school year are posted on our website. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student’s route, please email
Representatives from our Transportation Department and Connolly Bus Company will be available during the District Open House to answer questions. The District Open House is Thursday, August 31 from noon to 3:00 PM. Representatives will be available at both Robinson and Jordan/Jackson Elementary Schools. In addition, to help alleviate any first day “jitters”, Robinson students are welcome to board a school bus which will be parked outside of the school. Students and families can explore the bus to help prepare for the first day of school.
A few reminders for families as we start the new school year. During the first week of school, please allow a 15-minute window for your student’s morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off. For example, if your student’s morning pick-up time is listed as 7:55 AM, for the first week of school you should be at the bus stop no later than 7:40 AM.
Likewise, dismissal during the first week of school, especially at the elementary level, typically takes longer than usual. Do not be alarmed if your student is not dropped off according to the published schedule. Please follow us on Facebook and we will post updates when buses leave each school to help you gauge your student’s arrival home.
While bus routes are published and available for everyone to view, families who have submitted a transportation request form and paid (if applicable) received a Bus Route Confirmation Email on August 17th. For the first 5 days of school, no one will be denied transportation to school so that you can secure your transportation if you have not already done so. The confirmation email secures your student’s seat both to and from school for the school year. Again, If you do not receive an email and you need transportation, please contact Leslie Green at
Bus passes for grades 3-12 are distributed at the school-level and families will receive additional information during the first few weeks of school.
Massachusetts Legislature Approves Funding for Universal Breakfast and Lunch for all Students
What does this mean? All students will continue to receive breakfast and lunch at no cost if they choose. Additional snacks can be purchased for a fee.
Your email will be read and directed to the appropriate person for a response. Please allow 3 business days for a response.