Pauba Valley Reminders for Families
May 30, 2023
Modified and Non-Modified Day Reminders
May 31 and June 7 ARE NOT modified days. These are full days for grades 1 - 5. TK and Kindergarten classes will all be early birds on these days.
June 8 and June 9 ARE modified days for TK - 5. All students will be dismissed at 12:55 PM on both days.
Yearbooks have been delivered to classes. They will be passed out by teachers.
If you did not purchase a yearbook you can bring in $26 (exact change) to the office and be added to our waitlist. These yearbooks will be passed out later in the week.
Annual Family Update and Device Insurance
Don't forget to complete the Annual Family Update. This helps us plan for the new school year and ensures your child's information is up to date in Infinite Campus.
Device Insurance is available now to purchase for the next school year. It is available for a limited time. To purchase, please use this link:
Class Park Day Volunteers
Any families that are accompanying the classes for Park Day or will be meeting them there to join the fun will need to be cleared as a volunteer through the Raptor System. This is a process that can take a few days. If you are not already in the Raptor System, here is the link with information:
Class Requests
Our teachers are currently building classes for next year. Teachers take into account many factors when creating the classes and must ensure classes are balanced in all areas. There may also be staffing changes over summer or early fall. Due to the variety of factors involved, we are unable to take class/teacher requests. We appreciate your understanding.
TVUSD Social Studies Information
TVUSD engages in an ongoing cycle of reviewing our curriculums to ensure that they continue to align with our district goals, current learning standards, teaching practices, and the rapidly changing associated technologies. This year we created a team of teachers from every grade level, at every school site, to review and pilot new history social science curriculums. This pilot team had the opportunity to review the updated History Social Science Framework (adopted in 2016), and The Fair Education Act (adopted in 2012). They also received presentations from 4 publishers on the California Department of Education’s approved curriculum list prior to selecting TCI and Studies Weekly as the two curriculums TVUSD would pilot. After piloting each curriculum for 9 weeks, our pilot team reconvened to make a collaborative recommendation to the school board for adoption approval.
As a parent or guardian of an elementary school student, we are interested in your feedback. The materials have been available for public review at the District Office, and we recognize the need to make them more accessible to you. Both of these curriculums are also available at our school site. If you would like to come review both curriculums, please note that we will ask you to sign-in through our Raptor system, and we will ask you to complete a Google Form following your review of the instructional materials. Your input will be collected and used as part of the process in selecting the best curriculum to support history social science standards for TVUSD elementary students.
Pauba Valley Elementary
Location: 33125 Regina Drive, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: 951-302-5140
Twitter: @paubavalley