Panther Press
Summer Edition - 2023
Principal's Note
I hope you are having a fabulous summer. Mid July has arrived and the first day of school is quickly approaching. The anticipation of a new year, new teachers, new students, new learning and meeting new friends is upon us! Hooray! As always, I look forward to seeing each of you on August 8th for our open house and then on August 10th for the first day of school. The quote, "It's one of my favorite seasons of the year: Back to School" rings true for me.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Mrs. Westfall
Meet Our 2023 - 2024 Prairie Lane Staff
Office Staff
Principal - Belinda Westfall
Secretary - Janis Thompson
School Nurse - Lynette Mullins
Health Assistant - Carole Anderson
Technology Assistant - Sam Stevens
Teaching Staff
Sarah Schuppan - Kindergarten
Molly Seals - Kindergarten
Sandy Fey - 1st Grade
Karen Neuman - 1st Grade
Alexa Thielen - 2nd Grade
Taylor Wilken -2nd Grade
DeAnne Stroud - 3rd Grade
Sarah Clark - 3rd Grade
Carmen Suey - 4th Grade
Jill Langhorst - 4th Grade
Claire Frankel - 5th Grade
Stephanie Sinnott - 5th Grade
April Bridwell - 6th Grade
Richard Christie - 6th Grade
Jordan Carmichael - Special Education
Michelle Bauermeister- Special Education
Joshua Kelley - Special Education
Claudia Kinnaman - SLP
Meghan Morrissey - School Psychologist
Rebecca Ross - School Counselor
Jennifer Borges - Behavior Interventionist
Theresa Meehan - OT
Holly Williams - PT
Molly Matheson - Library/Media
Melisa Brezina - Art
Alex Steele - PE
Madeline Henecke - Music
Mike Freeman - Band
Viktoria Matheson - Strings
Jenelle Strecker - Reading Coordinator
Megan Thompson - EY
Susan Sloup - EL
Educational Assistants
Carrie Bailey, Nancy Epstein, Bree Holyoak, Trudy Foster, Betty Johnson, Amanda Kidder, Hannah Carr, Annie Morgan, Kristine Weis, Alexis Juengst, Jill Smith, Jaidyn Hoffmann
Custodial & Maintenance
Larry Kudrna - Maintenance Engineer
Andrew Larson - Day Custodian
Searcy Smith - Evening Custodian
Kitchen Staff
Kathleen Hayford
Rosa Caro
Please Welcome Our New Teachers....
Welcome Mrs. Ross! Rebecca Ross taught in Bellevue for five years, and will be joining Prairie Lane and Rockbrook as a school counselor. She loves to make things-decorations, cards, scrapbooks, paper flower bouquets and DIY projects. We are excited to share her desire to provide social, emotional, and career guidance to our students.
Carmen Suey
We are excited to introduce our new Prairie Lane fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Carmen Suey. Mrs. Suey taught first grade for Millard Public Schools and led the Maverick Retreat after school club for reading program. We are excited to share her creativity and passion to our students, staff, and community.
Susan Sloup
Hello, I'm originally from Buffalo, New York but have considered Omaha my home since I was ten years old. My husband, Jim, and I have three children named Alyssa, Amanda, and Jim. We love to camp, fish, boat, and spend time outdoors with our two dogs, Jaxx and Sophie! I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Nebraska in Elementary Education and Spanish. Shortly after, I earned a master’s degree in Early Childhood and an endorsement in English Language. This is my 8th year teaching English Learners and over 30 years teaching for Westside Community Schools. I absolutely love my job and the amazing relationships I get to build each day with students and their families.
Before School Begins
Please Keep Us Informed
If you know that your child will not be attending Prairie Lane in the Fall, please call the office at 402-390-6470 as soon as possible.
Additionally, the Prairie Lane office must be updated on any legal documentation concerning your child, including restraining orders, custody changes or address changes.
The Returning Student Registration
Online enrollment for the upcoming school year is now available! This process replaces the paper forms sent home at the beginning of each school year. You will use the PowerSchool Parent Portal to access the Registration.
How do I get started?
Login into your PowerSchool Parent Portal. From the Parent Portal:
- Select the student you wish to register along the top
- Select the Student Registration Icon on the left side for 2023-2024.
- Agree to the terms and conditions
- Click Begin Forms
I can’t remember my login for the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
If you aren’t able to retrieve your login credentials using the “Having trouble signing in?” link on the Sign In page, please contact for assistance logging in to the Parent Portal. Please supply the name(s) of child(ren).
Do I have to answer all the questions?
Required questions are marked as "Required".
What if I make a mistake?
If you would like to make a change, click on the underlined field or click “Prev” to return to a previous page.
I’ve completed the form, now what?
When you have finished entering your information, click “Submit.” This will send all of the information you’ve entered to the school. If you cannot click on this button, you will need to make sure that you have answered all required questions.
What if I have more than one student at *is*Customer:Name*is*?
Do I need to do this for each child? Yes, because you’ll need to provide information that is specific for each child. We recommend that you submit one *is*Action:Title*is* and then start another – this will allow you to “snap over” shared family information, which will save you time. Go back to your PowerSchool Parent Portal, click on next child's name, then click on the icon again.
- We understand this list is long. This list is a suggested list. Thank you for purchasing what you can during this time.
- Please send a water bottle to school with your child.
- You may send a bottle of hand-sanitizer to keep at their desk; this is optional.
- Please place names on all items and containers.
- We know it's a lot to carry, so please feel free to bring your student's school supplies with you at Open House or to send with students over the first few days of school.
Information On-Line
All Westside Community Schools will communicate news and information via our school and district websites as well as email. Please update your Returning Student Registration to make sure we have your most current email address.
• Monthly Panther Press Newsletter and Panther Weekly News - These will be sent to you via email and are filled with important information for you about current events.
• Parent-Student Handbook and other important district information can be found at
Prairie Lane Community Club Information
Prairie Lane Community Club Welcomes You
We are a parent teacher association involved in the betterment of the school for its students, teachers and support staff. Throughout the school year, the Prairie Lane Community Club provides fun activities and fundraising events for the betterment of our school. As a self-sustaining organization, the Prairie Lane Community Club relies on parent and teacher volunteers to coordinate and run all the activities and fundraising events. See the PLCC August Newsletter below and look for more information at Open House on August 8, 2023.
Card My Yard First Day Photos
Prairie Lane News
Start-Up Calendar
8 Open House Night
10 First Day of School
22 PL Community Club Meeting, 6:30pm
30 Elementary Band & Strings Parent Meeting WMS, 6:30pm
1 Professional Learning - No School
4 No School - Labor Day
8 PLCC K-6 Outdoor Movie Night 7:00 pm
12 Step It Up Fundraiser Kickoff
22-26 PL Book Fair
26 PL Community Club Meeting 6:30 pm
27 School Picture Day
You can link to the calendar at
School Arrival Time
8:00-8:20 am Staff Planning
8:10 am - Student Supervision and Breakfast
8:20 am - First Bell
8:30 am - Classes Begin
8:31 am - Tardy
3:30 pm M, T, Th, F Dismissal
3:00 pm W Dismissal
We will have supervision outside the building starting at 8:10 am. We ask that students do not arrive before 8:10 am unless:
- Participating in a school activity
- Serving on Safety Patrol
- Working with a teacher
- Attending Club 66 Before Care program
Teachers are involved in team meetings, staff meetings and individual planning from 8:00-8:20 am. Students may enter the building when first bell rings at 8:20 am. Our school day begins promptly at 8:30 am. Thank you for your continued cooperation.
Open House
All Prairie Lane families are invited to attend open house from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8th. This fun night will be a chance to meet the teacher, see the building, and learn more about the curriculum. Come join us and enjoy a "Popcorn Meet and Greet" hosted by our community club!
Absences, Tardies
We want to know that all our students are safe. Please notify the office at 402-390-6470, or, when your student is not coming to school or will be late for school. If we have not heard from you, it is our policy to call.
Students arriving after 8:30 am must come to the office and check in. Parents picking up or dropping off their students during the day for appointments, illness, etc., must sign them in and out through the office.
Meal Information
Meals are provided as follows
Please note there is an additional charge for any extra items not included in a full meal scanned for your student. Students in grades 4-5 may request an extra main meal.
Student Prices:
Breakfast: $1.70
Lunch: $2.65
Extra Main:
Bottled Water
Extra Milk
*Meals includes one milk. Bottled water is always extra.
BREAKFAST PROGRAM - Breakfast is served from 8:10 - 8:30 daily. Our breakfast program will be available beginning August 10, the first day of school.
- CASH OR CHECK - Breakfast and lunch charges come out of the same account. Each student in your family has a separate account, but you may send one check to be divided. Please make checks out to “Prairie Lane.” You may also drop lunch money in the “lunchbox” at the office during our Open House night or anytime. Be sure to include your child's NAME.
- PAY ONLINE - Our online payment website is If you are setting up a new myschoolbucks account, you will need your student's ID numbers available from Mrs. Thompson at the office. For additional support or questions, please contact Jacklyn Cambridge at or 402-390-3382, or you can go to
Free/Reduced Applications - For families in need, applications for free/reduced meals should still be completed every year regardless of the current free meals program or whether you qualified in the past. Forms are available on-line now and anytime at .
Health Information
School Nurse
Lynette Mullins will be the district nurse assigned to our school. She visits us regularly, once a week and is available to us at anytime if needed.
Carole Anderson, our Health Assistant, will be in the office everyday for daily health matters.
Medication Administration Policy
Medication should be brought to school only when it is not possible to arrange administration outside of school hours. All prescription and over-the-counter medications, including medicated creams, eye drops, ear-drops, herbal products, and cough drops, must be provided to the school by the parent/guardian in the pharmacy- or manufacturer- labeled container. Repackaged and expired medications will not be accepted.
- A Medication Authorization form must be completed for any medication taken at school. These forms may be obtained from the Health Office or on the school website. The physician portion of the medication form must be signed by your doctor for any prescription medication. Non-prescription medicines can only be kept at school for two weeks at a time. If more time is needed, the form must be updated by a parent.
- Students are not permitted to keep any type of medication with them; all medication must be kept in the health office. The only exception is for students who must carry an inhaler for asthma, in which case a parent/guardian must submit written verification from a physician that the student is able to self-carry and self-manage.
Student Illness Guidelines
- Office personnel will notify parents/guardian when a student needs to be sent home from school due to illness. Conditions requiring a student be sent home include: temperature greater than 100.0°F, vomiting, diarrhea, unexplained rashes, or on determination by the school nurse that the child’s condition prevents meaningful participation in the educational program, presents a health risk to the child or others, or that medical consultation is warranted unless the condition resolves. Before allowing a child exhibiting any of these symptoms to return to school, parents should be sure that the child has been symptom- and fever-free for 24 hours without the assistance of medication.
- Parents should complete the online Returning Student Registration each year to verify that all emergency daytime phone numbers are current, so that parents can be reached if their child becomes ill or is injured while at school. Parents should also inform the School Nurse or Health Assistant of health-related information they feel is important for each child’s safety and success at school.
District Approved Snack List
Student Dress Code - From the District Student Handbook
See the complete policy in the 2023-2024 Student Handbook.
A student’s personal appearance is the responsibility of the student and their family. Students in the Westside Community Schools are expected to dress in a way that is appropriate for the school setting. Students should not dress in a manner that is dangerous to the health and safety of anyone or interferes with the learning environment or teaching process in our school. Following is a list of examples of attire that will not be considered appropriate; this list is not exclusive, and other forms of attire may be deemed by the Principal to be inappropriate for the school setting:
- All students must wear a shirt, bottoms, (pants/sweatpants/shorts/skirt/dress/leggings) and shoes (soft-bottomed slippers are not allowed). Undergarments are not considered tops or bottoms. Clothing/undergarments should cover a student’s private body parts. Clothing should not expose genitals or undergarments.
- Costumes and blankets should not be worn during the school day unless they are a part of a school-sponsored activity.
- Clothing and jewelry should not advertise beer, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
- Clothing and jewelry should not be lewd, indecent, vulgar, make sexual references, exhibit nudity or profanity, or include violent images or language, hate speech, or images or language creating a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class.
- Clothing and jewelry should not be able to be used as a weapon (ex: chains, spikes) or encourage horseplay or cause property damage (ex: cleats).
- Clothing and jewelry should not promote illegal activity.
- Heavy coats should be put away during the school day.
- Unless it is part of a school-sponsored activity, students should not wear baseball caps, stocking caps, hoods. This does not prohibit religious headwear.
Violations of dress code will expose the student to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct.
Personal Property Reminder - From the District Student Handbook
Nuisance Items:
Students are discouraged from bringing gum and candy to school. Toys, skateboards, etc. are also discouraged except when their presence serves an educational purpose assigned and approved by the Principal. The School is not responsible for items that are lost or broken. Pets are not allowed unless prearranged with the teacher and approved by the Principal.
Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices:
Students are discouraged from bringing cell phones to school. [This does not include devices authorized by a staff member for an educational assignment or by an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Accommodation Plan when used as set forth in the plan.] While students are permitted to bring phones with them to school, phones may not be on a student’s person between the school’s start and dismissal times. During school hours, phones must be either checked in with staff for safekeeping or kept in the student’s book bag.
Use or possession of cell phones and other electronic devices, including the recording of any person, on school grounds, at school-sponsored events, and in school vehicles is prohibited when the use or possession:
- disrupts or is reasonably likely to disrupt the educational environment;
- is an illegal activity under state, federal or local law/ordinance;
- is prohibited under any Board policy including, but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct (Board Policy 5300) or District rules for internet use;
- is contrary to a directive previously given to a student by a staff member;
- creates a risk to the safety of students or others;
- infringes on a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy; or constitutes “sexting.”
Early Childhood and Club66 News
Club 66 is currently FULL for Fall Enrollment. You may contact Stephanie Humphrey if you would like to be placed on the wait list. 402-390-8209
District News
Have a Safe, Respectful, Responsible Summer!