2nd Grade
Sunset Valley Second Grade Newsletter 2024-2025

Semana 27 / Week 27
Coming up....🌼 March 10th - March 13th🌼
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish)
Lectura y oralidad
Textos informativos
Lenguaje figurado
Orden cronologico
Palabras esdrújula, graves y agudas
Palabras con el prefijo pre-.
Sujeto y verbo
Caligrafia Cc, Dd, Ee
Math (English):
Length and Time
Students will be able to:
Determine and distinguish if an activity occurs in the a.m. or p.m. .
Read and write time to the minute on an analog clock.
Use both an analog and digital clock to read and write time.
Science (Spanish):
La supervivencia de las plantas
Ecosistemas y medioambientes (Continuar)
Los estudiantes describen cómo las características físicas de los medioambientes, incluso la cantidad de lluvia, son el soporte de plantas y animales dentro de un ecosistema.
Decoding with: V/CV
Review Practice Cursive I, D, E, J, S, G
Read with Phrasing and Intonation
Social Studies
Identify ways in which people have modified the physical environment and the effects of those modifications
Coming Up:
As a reminder, the trip to Spain is still on, and we can’t wait for you to experience this amazing adventure! From the stunning architecture of Barcelona to the vibrant streets of Madrid, this is your chance to immerse you and your family in the beauty, culture and flavors of Spain. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to make it happen. The last day to enroll is March 27, 2025 so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
- 3/13 End of the 3rd 9-Weeks / Career Day
- 3/14 No school
- 3/17 - 3/21 Spring Break
- 3/27 Literacy Caregiver Learning Session
- 3/24 - 3/28 PRIDE Week
- 4/9 2nd Grade Field Trip
2nd Grade Teachers:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 26 / Week 26
2nd Grade Families
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish)
Lectura y oralidad
Textos informativos
Lenguaje figurado
Orden cronologico
Palabras esdrújula
Sujetos compuestos
Predicados compuestos
Oraciones compuestas
Conjunciones coordinantes
Math (English):
Length and Time
Measuring length with non-standard units
Measuring length with standard units
Science (Spanish):
La supervivencia de las plantas
Ecosistemas y medioambientes
Los estudiantes describen cómo las características físicas de los medioambientes, incluso la cantidad de lluvia, son el soporte de plantas y animales dentro de un ecosistema.
R-controlled vowels or, ar /er/
Social Studies
How Are Goods Produced?
Coming Up:
As a reminder, the trip to Spain is still on, and we can’t wait for you to experience this amazing adventure! From the stunning architecture of Barcelona to the vibrant streets of Madrid, this is your chance to immerse you and your family in the beauty, culture and flavors of Spain. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to make it happen. The last day to enroll is March 27, 2025 so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
- 3/01 Garden work day 9:00-12:00
- 3/03 -3/06 TELPAS
- 3/6 Principal Coffee
- 3/7 DL Tour 9:00 AM
- 3/8 Second Saturday Playdate
- 3/12 Class Picture Day
- 3/13 Career Day
- 3/14 No School
3/16-3/22 Spring Break
2nd Grade Teachers:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 25 / Week 25
Coming up Feb 24th - Feb 28th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish)
Causa y Efecto
Identificar palabras que riman.
Palabras Esdrújulas
Sustantivos singulares, plurales, comunes y propios
Identificar tipos de oraciones (exclamativas,interrogativas)
Caligrafia: I-i
Math (English):
Three Dimensional Solids
Relationship between two-dimensional figures and three-dimensional solids
Formal vocabulary of three-dimensional solids
Classify, sort, and compose three-dimensional solids
Science (Spanish):
La supervivencia de las plantas
Estructura de la planta (2 días más)
Los estudiantes identifican raíces, tallos, hojas, flores, frutos y semillas de las plantas y comparan cómo estas estructuras ayudan a las distintas plantas a satisfacer sus necesidades básicas para sobrevivir
Polinización y semillas en movimiento
Los estudiantes explican y demuestran cómo algunas plantas dependen de otros seres vivos, del viento o del agua para la polinización y para dispersar sus semillas.
Blend and segment phonemes.
Practice decoding with r-Controlled Vowels er, ir, ur /er/
Compose words with r-Controlled Vowels or, ar /er/
Social Studies
Identify markets where consumers buy goods and services.
Identify ways in which people are both producers and consumers
Coming Up:
As a reminder, the trip to Spain is still on, and we can’t wait for you to experience this amazing adventure! From the stunning architecture of Barcelona to the vibrant streets of Madrid, this is your chance to immerse you and your family in the beauty, culture and flavors of Spain. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to make it happen. The last day to enroll is March 27, 2025 so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
2/24-2/28- Food Workers Appreciation Week
2/24-2/28- TELPAS Test Administration
2/27 Black History Month Performance - “Let it Shine” ✨
3/14 No School
2nd Grade Teachers:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 24 / Week 24
2nd Grade Families:
What we are learning Feb 18th - Feb 21st
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish)
Sufijo –able, –ible a palabras conocidas.
Identificar tipos de oraciones (exclamativas,interrogativas)
Identificar palabras agudas que riman.
Sílaba Tónica con tilde
Sustantivos singulares, plurales, comunes y propios
Caligrafia: Yy, Zz
Organizar los pasos en orden lógico
Orden de palabras alfabéticamente
Math (English):
Create Two Dimensional Shapes
Compose and decompose two dimensional shapes
Compose a new polygon made using several different polygons
Decompose a two-dimensional polygon into two or more polygons
Science (Spanish):
La supervivencia de las plantas
Estructura de la planta
Los estudiantes identifican raíces, tallos, hojas, flores, frutos y semillas de las plantas y comparan cómo estas estructuras ayudan a las distintas plantas a satisfacer sus necesidades básicas para sobrevivir
Read and define Homophones.
Read with Accuracy and Self-Correction
Cross-linguistic. Homophones in English and Spanish.
Explain how work provides income to purchase goods and services
Explain the connection between natural resources and jobs
Compare different industries that people can work in
Coming Up:
As a reminder, the trip to Spain is still on, and we can’t wait for you to experience this amazing adventure! From the stunning architecture of Barcelona to the vibrant streets of Madrid, this is your chance to immerse you and your family in the beauty, culture and flavors of Spain. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to make it happen. The last day to enroll is March 27, 2025 so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
2/24-2/28- Food Workers Appreciation Week
2/24-2/28- TELPAS Test Administration
2/27 Black History Month Performance - “Let it Shine” ✨
3/14 No School
2nd Grade Teachers:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 23 / Week 23
2nd Grade Families:
Coming up Feb 10th - Feb 14th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish)
Palabras agudas
Identificar tipos de oraciones (exclamativas,interrogativas, declarativas)
Describir personaje principal
Sílaba Tónica con tilde
Sustantivos singulares, plurales, comunes y propios
Hiatos y diptongos
Math (English):
Create Two Dimensional Shapes
Attributes of two-dimensional shapes
Classify two-dimensional shapes
Compose and decompose two dimensional shapes
Science (Spanish):
¿Cómo ven los científicos los objetos del espacio?
Los estudiantes observan los objetos en el cielo usando herramientas y comparan cómo los objetos en el cielo son más visibles y pueden parecer diferentes con una herramienta que cuando se miran sin ayuda.
Read and define Homophones.
Read with Accuracy and Self-Correction
Cross-linguistic. Homophones in English and Spanish.
Explain how work provides income to purchase goods and services
Explain the connection between natural resources and jobs
Compare different industries that people can work in
Coming Up:
As a reminder, the trip to Spain is still on, and we can’t wait for you to experience this amazing adventure! From the stunning architecture of Barcelona to the vibrant streets of Madrid, this is your chance to immerse you and your family in the beauty, culture and flavors of Spain. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to make it happen. The last day to enroll is March 27, 2025 so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
2/12- Math STAAR Interim
2/14- Valentines Day- Classroom Parties & Afterschool Valentines Dance
2/17- Parent Teacher Conference Day
2/18- Science STAAR Interim
2/24-2/28- Food Workers Appreciation Week
2/24-2/28- TELPAS Test Administration
2nd Grade Teachers:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 22/Week 22
2nd Grade Families:
Coming up Feb 3rd - Feb 7th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish)
Decodificar aumentativos
Identificar exclamativas
Describir ambiente de un cuento
Sílaba Tónica con tilde
Distinguir hecho y opinión
Describir ambient de un cuento
Math (English):
Relationships between fractional parts
Fractions beyond one whole
Count by unit fractions past one whole
Use an improper fraction to name a fraction greater than one whole
Science (Spanish):
El calor y la luz del Sol
Pregunta esencial: ¿Cómo obtienen luz y calor la luna y la tierra?
Los estudiantes describen al Sol como una estrella que proporciona luz y calor y explican que la Luna refleja la luz del Sol.
Decoding with r-Controlled Vowel ar /ar/
Read with Expression
Decoding with r-Controlled Vowels are, air, ear /air/
Identify people who exhibit individualism and inventiveness
Coming Up:
- February 4th- STEAM Night
- February 5th- Reading STAAR Interim
- February 12th- Math STAAR Interim
- February 17th- Parent Teacher Conferences
- February 18th- Science STAAR Interim
As a reminder, the trip to Spain is still on, and we can’t wait for you to experience this amazing adventure! From the stunning architecture of Barcelona to the vibrant streets of Madrid, this is your chance to immerse you and your family in the beauty, culture and flavors of Spain. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to make it happen. The last day to enroll is March 27, 2025 so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
2nd Grade Teachers:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 21/Week 21
2nd Grade Families:
Coming up Jan. 21st - Jan. 24th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Nr,lr combinations
Diminutivos y rimas
Words with Ff, Kk
Sufijos; –dora, -dor
Características del texto
Orden Cronologico
Hacer inferencias
Math (English):
Partition objects into equal parts and name the parts, including halves, fourths, and eighths using words
Identify examples and non-examples of halves, fourths, and eighths
Identify examples and non-examples of halves, fourths, and eighths
Science (Spanish):
¿Qué es el tiempo riguroso y dónde ocurre?
Los estudiantes investigan distintos tipos de sucesos de tiempo riguroso y explican que algunos sucesos son más probables que otros en una región determinada.
Homophones in English and Spanish.
Practice decoding with VC/CV
Spelling: Compose VC/CV words
Identify transportation technologies used today and in the past.
Describe how technology has affected transportation
Describe how transportation has affected people’s lives
Coming Up:
As a reminder, the trip to Spain is still on, and we can’t wait for you to experience this amazing adventure! From the stunning architecture of Barcelona to the vibrant streets of Madrid, this is your chance to immerse you and your family in the beauty, culture and flavors of Spain. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to make it happen. The last day to enroll is March 27, 2025 so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
January 29th No school for students
January 30th- Caregiver Math Workshop
January 31st- A Day in Africa Presentation for students @8am
2nd Grade Teachers:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 20/Week 20
2nd Grade Families:
Coming up Jan. 21st - Jan. 24th
- Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Nr,lr combinations
Familias de palabras
Words with Vv, Xx , Ff, Kk
Prefijos pre- y re-
Sufijos; –sión, -ción.
Características del texto
Hacer conexiones
Math (English):
Addition and subtraction in multi-step problems
Unknowns that are in any position of an equation
Vocab: Sum, difference, addend, minuend, or subtrahend, unkown
Science (Spanish):
¿Cómo se mide y se registra el tiempo?
Los estudiantes miden, anotan y grafican información sobre el tiempo.
Homophones in English and Spanish.
Practice decoding with VC/CV
Spelling: Compose VC/CV words
Identify transportation technologies used today and in the past.
Describe how technology has affected transportation
Describe how transportation has affected people’s lives
Coming Up:
As a reminder, the trip to Spain is still on, and we can’t wait for you to experience this amazing adventure! From the stunning architecture of Barcelona to the vibrant streets of Madrid, this is your chance to immerse you and your family in the beauty, culture and flavors of Spain. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to make it happen. The last day to enroll is March 27, 2025 so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
January 21st- Science Fair Judging
January 22nd- Spelling Bee
January 30th- Caregiver Math Workshop
January 31st- A Day in Africa Presentation for students @8am
2nd Grade Teachers:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 19/ Week 19
2nd Grade Families:
Coming up Jan. 13th - Jan. 17th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Combinaciones fl, gl, tl; Sufijos –ando, –iendo; Prefijos pre- y re-
Causa y efecto
Ideas y apoyo
Orden cronológico
Publicar y compartir
Students will add up to four two-digit numbers and subtract two-digit numbers using mental strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and properties of operations.
Keep the Same Distance Strategy
Over and Adjust Strategy
Sistemas y Procesos de la Tierra
¿Cómo se conservan y desechan los recursos?
Los estudiantes describen cómo se puede limitar el impacto humano al tomar decisiones para conservar y desechar adecuadamente los materiales.
Vowel Teams ow, oa, oe /ō/ and igh, ie /ī/
Texas Symbols and Landmarks
Coming Up:
As a reminder, the trip to Spain is still on, and we can’t wait for you to experience this amazing adventure! From the stunning architecture of Barcelona to the vibrant streets of Madrid, this is your chance to immerse you and your family in the beauty, culture and flavors of Spain. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to make it happen. The last day to enroll is March 27, 2025 so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
January 17th & 21st- Science Fair Judging
January 22nd- Spelling Bee
January 30th- Caregiver Math Workshop
January 31st- A Day in Africa Presentation for students @8am
2nd Grade Teachers:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 18 / Week 18
2nd Grade Families –
Coming up Jan 7th to Jan 10th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
fl, gl, tl.
Sufijos -able, -ible.
Punto de vista en tercera persona
Hacer inferencias
Causa y efecto
Pistas del contexto
Hacer conecciones
Identificar las características de la poesía
Elementos de la Poesía
Escribir un borrador
Math (English):
Students will add up to four two-digit numbers and subtract two-digit numbers using mental strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and properties of operations.
Give and Take Strategy
Keep the Same Distance Strategy
Science (Spanish):
Sistemas y Procesos de la Tierra
¿Cómo distinguir los distintos tipos de recursos?
Vowel Teams ey, eigh /ā/ and ow, oa, oe /ō/
US and Texas Symbols and Landmarks
Coming Up:
A reminder about the exciting Spain trip coming up this summer! There’s still time to enroll if you and your family would like to join us on this unforgettable adventure. In other news, we’re thrilled to announce a new opportunity for summer 2026! Instead of Belize, we now have an incredible chance to travel to England. This trip promises to be an amazing way for our students to experience English culture and history. If you’re interested in joining us, click on the link below to enroll. For more details, you can also fill out the form to schedule a meeting for more information. For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms. Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org).
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 17/ Week 17
2nd Grade Families –
Reminders –
Monday: Dress like an elf!
Tuesday: Dress in team santa or team grinch!
Wednesday: Dress as a reindeer!
Thursday: Wear something shiny or sparkly!
Friday: Pajama Day!
Coming up Dec 16th to Dec 20th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
cl, bl, pl
Punto de vista
Hacer inferencias
Causa y efecto
Pistas del contexto
Hacer conecciones
Escribir un borrador
Math (English):
Finalize instruction
Cent and Dollar Symbol
Subtraction with a number line
Science (Spanish):
HSR Lessons
Students who opted out will be taking opt out lessons.
Patriotic Symbols
Vowel Teams ai, ay, /ā/
Coming Up:
12/16-12/20- HSR Lessons
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 16/ Week 16
2nd Grade Families –
Reminders –
Monday: Dress up in blue or white attire..or like a snowman!
Tuesday: Wear your flannel plaid!
Wednesday: Wear your favorite holiday accessories and socks!
Thursday: Dress up as a tree, present, ornament, etc.!
Friday: Ugly sweater!
Coming up Dec 09 to Dec 13
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
gr, pr, fr, cr, dr
Textos informativos
Elementos del texto informativo
Math (English):
Determining the value of a collection of coins
Using cent sign, dollar sign and decimal
Science (Spanish):
El agua mueve suelo y rocas
Patriotic Symbols
Vowel Teams ai, ay, /ā/
Coming Up:
MAP Growth School Wide Test Administration:
Monday 12/09- Math
Tuesday 12/10- ELA
Wednesday 12/11- SLA
*MAP Growth Make-Ups will continue through 12/20
12/16-12/20- HSR Lessons
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 15/ Week 15
2nd Grade Families –
Reminders –
Thursday: College T-shirt
Friday: SVE Spirit Shirt Day
Coming up Dec 02 to Dec 06
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
tr, br combinations
Generative Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary
Power Words
Evaluate Ideas and Support
Retell and Paraphrase
Content Area Words
Types of Adjectives
Math (English):
Names of coins and their values
Identify coins and examine relationships between coins
Use skip counting to determine the value of a collection of similar coins
Science (Spanish):
The wind moves the soil and rocks.
Essential Question: ¿Cómo mueve el viento materiales por la superficie de la Tierra?
Decode words with consonant + le
Decode words with vowel teams ee, ea, ey (/ē/)
Describe what makes someone an example of a good citizen
Coming Up:
Keep Austin Beautiful: Generation Zero Waste Interactive Lessons
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 –Second in-class presentation date- Compost Critters
· 12:30 – 1:15 pm – Mr.Soto, Room 303
· 1:20 – 2:05 pm – Ms.Rodriguez, Room 304
· 2:10 – 2:55 pm – Mrs.Diaz, Room 307
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 14/Week 14
2nd Grade Families –
Reminders –
Thursday: College T-shirt
Friday: SVE Spirit Shirt Day or CRAZY OUTFIT DAY!!
Coming up Nov 18th - Nov 22th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Words with x /ks/ y w /u/
Figurative Language
Character Traits
Text Features
Possessive Nouns
Possessive Pronouns
Math (English):
Representing and solving one-step word problems (subtraction)
Science (Spanish):
Fuerza y Movimiento
Essential Question: ¿Cómo la fuerza al jalar o empujar cambia el movimiento de un objeto?
Decode words by dropping e for Suffix Addition
Decode words by changing y to i for Suffix Addition
Explain the significance of Veteran’s Day
Explain the significance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Explain the significance of Memorial Day and Independence Day
Explain the significance of Thanksgiving Day
Coming Up:
Keep Austin Beautiful: Generation Zero Waste Interactive Lessons
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 – First in-class presentation date- Diversion Dash
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 –Second in-class presentation date- Compost Critters
· 12:30 – 1:15 pm – Mr.Soto, Room 303
· 1:20 – 2:05 pm – Ms.Rodriguez, Room 304
· 2:10 – 2:55 pm – Mrs.Diaz, Room 307
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 13/ Week 13
2nd Grade Families –
Reminders –
Thursday: College T-shirt
Friday: SVE Spirit Shirt Day
Coming up Nov 11th - Nov 15th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Palabras con ch /ch/
Estructura del cuento
Causa efecto
Texto persuasivo
Math (English):
Representing and solving one-step word problems (addition)
Science (Spanish):
Pushes and Collisions
Essential Question: How do objects push against each other and can change their shape when they touch or collide?
Decode words by Doubling for Adding Suffixes –ed, –ing
Decode words by Doubling for Adding Suffixes –er, –est
Explain the value of the fire department and police to the community
Explain the value of government services to the community
Coming Up:
- 🌱Keep Austin Beautiful: Generation Zero Waste Interactive Lessons
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 – First in-class presentation date- Diversion Dash
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 –Second in-class presentation date- Compost Critters
· 12:30 – 1:15 pm – Mr.Soto, Room 303
· 1:20 – 2:05 pm – Ms.Rodriguez, Room 304
· 2:10 – 2:55 pm – Mrs.Diaz, Room 307
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 12/Week 12
2nd Grade Families –
Reminders –
Tuesday - No school for students!
Thursday: College T-shirt
Friday: SVE Spirit Shirt Day
Coming up Nov 4th - Nov 8th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Elements of a play
Make and confirm predictions
Persuasive texts
Words with syllables:
hue, hui, or hie
Math (English):
Computational strategies to solve two-digit problems - Get to 10
Science (Spanish):
Push and pull
Essential Question: What happens when objects come together and collide?
Decode words with -
y as /ĭ/ /ē/
Identify and read the words busy, business
Doubling for Adding Suffixes –ed, –ing
Describe how elections work
Identify places in the community provided by governments
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 11/Week 11
📖2nd Grade Families –
Reminders –
🎀Red Ribbon Week!🎀
Monday: Wear your pajamas to school! 💤
Tuesday: Wear your craziest hat! 🤠
Wednesday: 2nd grade Field Trip to Mama Mary’s Farm and Pumpkin Patch🎃
Thursday: Come dressed as your favorite book character! 📖
Friday: NO SCHOOL!!!
Coming up October 28th - October 31st
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Make inferences
Understand the characteristics of a persuasive text
Organization of the text
Cause and effect
Story structure
Beginning, middle, end
Words with ñ
Math (English):
Beginning computational strategies to solve two-digit problems
Counting Up
Beginning computational strategies to solve two-digit problems
Get to a Friendly Number
Science (Spanish):
Energy is everywhere
Learn about sound and how it travels
Decode words with Inflectional Suffix –ed
Identify and read the words busy, business
Describe the functions of government
Identify public officials
Describe how public officials are selected
Coming Up:
2nd grade’s Field Trip to 🎃Mama Mary’s Farm and Pumpkin Patch🎃
Don’t forget to pack a lunch for your student
Students have let teachers know if they need a lunch from the cafeteria
Tennis Shoes are highly recommended
We will leave the school at 9:30 am and arrive around 1:45 pm
Once again, we thank you for your support and understanding. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 10/ Week 10
2nd Grade Families –
Reminders –
Thursday: College Shirt Day
Friday: SVE Spirit Shirt Day
Coming up October 21st - October 25th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Words with y and ll /y/
Verbs in past and future
Story structure
Make inferences
Math (English):
Add up to four two-digit numbers and subtract two-digit numbers using mental strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and properties of operations.
Science (Spanish):
Energy is everywhere
How do we communicate over long distances?
Decode words with -
VCe Syllables
People Who Helped Shape Their Communities
Coming Up:
Scholastic Book Fair Link
Parent Volunteers - Sign Up Sheet
What is EWallet? Explanation
Book Fair Daily Schedule
Monday, October 21st, 7:30 - 3:00 and extended hours from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Tuesday, October 22nd, 7:30 - 3:00 pm
Wednesday, October 23rd, 7:30 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, October 24th, 7:30 - 3:00 pm
Friday, October 25th, 7:30 - 3:00 and 5:00 - 7:00 pm, will open for Fiesta Night.
Author Visit
Author, Nadine M. Fonseca, will present to 2nd grade 1:00 - 1:45 on October 25th. Link to purchase books. About the author.
Once again we thank you for your support and understanding. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 9/ Week 9
2nd Grade Families –
Reminders –
Monday: October 14th Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School)
Thursday: College Shirt Day
Friday: SVE Spirit Shirt Day
Coming up October 15th - October 18th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Main Idea
Words with y and ll/y/
Math (English):
Using place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,200 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols (>, <, or =)
Science (Spanish):
Energy is everywhere
Vibration and Sound
Language Arts & Social Studies (English):
Decode words with -
VCe Syllables
trigraphs -tch, -dge
Identify how individuals have impacted their communities
Coming Up:
Scholastic Book Fair Link
Parent Volunteers - Sign Up Sheet
What is EWallet? Explanation
Book Fair Daily Schedule
Monday, October 21st, 7:30 - 3:00 and extended hours from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Tuesday, October 22nd, 7:30 - 3:00 pm
Wednesday, October 23rd, 7:30 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, October 24th, 7:30 - 3:00 pm
Friday, October 25th, 7:30 - 3:00 and 5:00 - 7:00 pm, will open for Fiesta Night.
Author Visit
Author, Nadine M. Fonseca, will present to 2nd grade 1:00 - 1:45 on October 25th. Link to purchase books. About the author.
Once again we thank you for your support and understanding. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org
Semana 8 / Week 8
October 7th-11th
2nd Grade Families –
Reminders – This week is Principal Appreciation Week!
Thursday: College Shirt Day
Friday: SVE Spirit Shirt Day
Coming up October 7th - October 11th
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish):
Point of View
1st and 3rd person
Personal Narrative
Math (English):
The students will
Use words like "greater than," "less than," or symbols like > and < to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,200.
Science (Spanish):
Vibration and sound
Language Arts & Social Studies (English):
Decode words with VCe
long a /ā/, i /ī/
long u /ū/ /yū/
long o /ō/, e /ē/
Compare and contrast the rules for plurals and identify what is transferable and what is not.
Explore the ways that words change to represent more than one object - plurals - in both English and Spanish.
Coming Up:
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Monday, October 14 (No School) (Homeroom teacher will send a signup with available dates and times, not all conferences will need to be on this day. Some conferences can be virtual -over the internet or phone)
Upcoming travels: A reminder about the exciting Spain trip coming up this summer! There’s still time to enroll if you and your family would like to join us on this unforgettable adventure! Additionally, we’re also gearing up for our summer 2026 trip to Belize, and enrollment is still open for that as well . Both trips are wonderful opportunities for our students to experience new cultures. Click on the links below to find out more or you can reach out to Ms. Delgado (alba.delgado@austinisd.org) or Ms Arriaza (maya.arriaza@austinisd.org) for more information.
Once again we thank you for your support and understanding. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ms.Rodriguez - stephani.carrascorodriguez@austinisd.org
Mrs. Diaz - wanda.diaz@austinisd.org
Mr.Soto - roberto.sotopalomares@austinisd.org