Weekly Wrangler
January 24, 2025
Message from Ms. Triplett
Howdy Wrangler Families,
Exciting events are just around the corner! This coming Friday, January 31st is packed with school spirit and community fun. Be sure to join us Friday at 5pm for our Wranglers Around The World event. This is always a highlight of the year, so don’t miss out on this celebration of our school’s diversity and talent! We'll also be hosting a pep rally and celebrating School Spirit Day - so break out your best superhero costumes!
- Friday, January 31: Pep Rally and School Spirit Day: Superheroes
- February 4: Dave and Busters Power Cards: Purchase now for future use or at our upcoming restaurant night
- February 5: Talent Show Applications Due
For families who would like to enroll their student in a CVUSD school other than their assigned neighborhood school, this may be completed via the School Choice Application process. School Choice Applications may be submitted at any time between now and Friday, January 31, 2025 at 11:59pm to be considered "on time" and to be included in the lottery process. If you have already applied for school choice, you do not need to apply again.
Save the Date: On Monday, January 27th, Online Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year for new TK-12 CVUSD students will open! On/after that date, families may proceed to the online pre-enrollment website and click on the "Online New Student Enrollment" button to begin the enrollment process for your new to CVUSD student.
Happy Trails,
Ms. Triplett
Lang Ranch Talent Show!
Odyssey of the Mind Judges Needed!
Wanted: Parents, grandparents, and friends or neighbors of Lang Ranch students that can judge the LA Basin regional Odyssey of the Mind tournament on Saturday, February 22nd.
No experience necessary, training will be provided on either February 1st or 8th . Support our five Lang Ranch teams as they compete with other Southern California students in presenting their creative solutions to problems across multiple disciplines- vehicle, technical, classics, structure and theatrical.
Please volunteer by contacting Mlauterman@conejousd.org . Questions? Call Mrs. Lauterman at extension 262.
3rd Grade Lunch Bunch - January 28th
Spring Picture Day ~ February 11th
Upcoming Events
- 31st - Pep Rally & Spirit Day (Super Hero Day)
- 31st - PTA General Association Meeting
- 31st - Wranglers Around the World
- 4th - Restaurant Night: Dave & Busters
- 7th - PTA Executive Board Meeting
- 11th - Spring Picture Day
- 12th - Kindergarten Love Show
- 14th & 17th - NO SCHOOL ~ President's Day
- 18th - School Site Council Meeting
- 28th - Pep Rally and Spirit Day : Crazy Hair & Hat Day
** Short Term Independent Study Changes **
CVUSD has made major changes for Short Term Independent Study (“STIS”). Our school gets funding from the State based on student attendance. If your student is not present (regardless of reason: excused/unexcused), we do not get paid.
STIS is available for families when a student is absent. Once an agreement is signed and schoolwork submitted & graded by the teacher, the absences will be changed to reflect that schoolwork was received and missed days will not be marked against his/her attendance record.
Advantages of doing STIS are your child will accrue attendance (i.e., will be as though he/she were present in class), teacher gets reimbursed for prepared schoolwork, and allows CVUSD to collect funds based on student average daily attendance. There now is NO minimum number of days or NO limitations on reasons for STIS. You may apply for STIS for as little as a single day and for ANY reason (travel, illness, doctor visit, mental health day, etc.). Please consider applying for STIS when your child is absent – For planned absences, please give the school one to two weeks notice to prepare the school work.
*Only 15 STIS days per school year permitted*
Contact health clerk/attendance liaison Kristine Kawaguchi at kkawaguchi@conejousd.org or 805/241-4417 ext 319 if interested in STIS, have questions, or need additional information.
"Office Chatter"
~Report Card Requests~
Saving your child's report cards is crucial for tracking their academic progress over time, offering insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. These records can be helpful when applying for scholarships, enrolling in advanced programs, or meeting with educators to discuss your child's development. Additionally, report cards may be required for transferring schools or during a move to a new district.
If you need a copies of their report card, please be aware that it may take time to process the request, so we kindly ask for at least a week's notice. This ensures that the front office has sufficient time to retrieve and prepare the necessary documents. Thank you for your understanding.
Visitors & Volunteers
All volunteers and visitors MUST check-in at the front office with your ID each time you are on campus.You will not be permitted on campus without your ID.
If you will be volunteering regularly on campus, you will need to fill out the volunteer paperwork. It was sent home the first week of school and needs to be submitted at least one week prior to the start of volunteering. All volunteers must have a scheduled volunteer time with their student's teacher. Thank you for your support in keeping our school safe!
Pep Rally Sign In Procedures
Please make sure you sign-in if you are on campus for our pep rallies! Anytime you are on campus after the bell rings, you must sign-in!
Travel Around the Globe at Wranglers Around the World!
Congratulations Reflections Winners!
Dave & Buster Fun!
Purchase Dave & Busters Power Cards through Lang Ranch during the month of January and LRE will receive 50% on every card! Cards can be used at our Dave and Busters Family Night on February 4 or at ANY time! Give them as gifts, save them for the future, or enjoy them at our event! Cards will be delivered to your student's classroom on February 3. Buy now on our website at langranchpta.com or click the image below.
Wanted: 2025 PTA Nominating Committee Volunteers
We are looking for 6 volunteers (4 members and 2 alternates) to serve on our 2025 PTA Nominating Committee.
The PTA Nominating Committee will fill the slate of nominees for the 2025-2026 Executive Board. No one may serve on the Nominating Committee if they served last year and all who wish to serve on the committee must be in good standing with CAPTA.
If you are interested or have any questions about serving on the nominating committee, please contact Jill McAnear at langpta.parliamentarian@gmail.com
Support our AMAZING PTA!
Yearbook needs your Pictures!
Monthly Lunch Menu
School meals for the 2023-2024 school year will be available to all students at no charge. Please click on the link below to access the online lunch menu for Lang Ranch Elementary School.
Welcome to Lang Ranch Elementary: a new webpage of flyers from community groups/organizations that will be used to reduce the amount of paper that your child takes home in their backpack.
From time to time, individuals or groups in the community will distribute information and advertisements to parents/guardians on the public sidewalks during school arrival or dismissal. This information is not affiliated or endorsed by Lang Ranch Elementary school and CVUSD. Any approved communications (i.e. announcements, fliers) from Lang Ranch Elementary school and CVUSD will be provided directly from the school to you via email, or given to your students to take home. If you ever are unsure whether or not materials are from Lang Ranch Elementary school and CVUSD, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.
Please Note: The Conejo Valley Unified School District approves flyers from organizations as a community service. The distribution, posting, or publishing of these materials is *NOT* the District's endorsement of the group's activities, products, or services.
Community News
Lang Ranch Elementary
Email: mtriplett@conejousd.org
Website: www.conejousd.org/lre
Location: 2450 Whitechapel Place, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Phone: 805-241-4417
Facebook: facebook.com/langranchelementary
Twitter: @LangRanchElem