Centennial Connection April 21, 24
An update for families from Centennial Public School
Dear Centennial PS Families -
We have had a great week of learning in class, as well as opportunities to socialize and play during the several indoor recesses! We try to go outside whenever we can - even if it is lightly raining - but when it is pouring we do stay inside. Indoor recess provides opportunities for students to develop skills too - communication and interaction, as well as play and fun. Some classes participate in zumba or dance activities, others play board and card games, others have centres with art or drama activities. While we prefer to be outside and go out whenever we can, we still have fun when the weather doesn't allow. A reminder to please ensure students have a change of clothes and an extra pair of dry socks. This helps greatly when we do go out and conditions are damp!
Did you know that Centennial PS has the opportunity to work some shifts at the Play! Kingston Gaming & Entertainment Centre on Bath Road? These shifts include greeting clients, walking through the gaming areas, and being a presence to represent the school during various gaming times. No calling numbers or call back of numbers. We are looking for volunteers! Shifts are 2 hours in length and are all during the after school and/or evening hours. Training and uniform (Centennial golf shirt) provided! Please email the school if you are interested in being on the Centennial PS volunteer list. The school email is cente@limestone.on.ca
Over the next several weeks students in Grades 4-6 will be participating in the biennial School Climate Survey. Families of students in these junior grades received a separate email with details about the survey last week. Should families have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school. The anonymous sand voluntary survey collects idea and opinions from students. This year KFL&A Public Health have also included some questions on the survey.
Next weekend on Saturday April 27, the School Council will be holding an "Empties for Centennial" fundraiser. Please feel free to come to the school parking lot on Saturday April 29th between 10am-12noon and drop off any empty bottles or cans that would otherwise be returned to the Beer Store. Thank you to everyone who is able to participate and a huge thank you to the School Council for organizing this!
We hope this weekend brings time for family and friends and time outdoors in nature! Have a wonderful weekend and see you tomorrow. We can't wait!
-Deborah Thompson, Principal & Centennial PS Staff
Upcoming Dates
April is Autism Acceptance Month and Sikh Heritage Month
April 21 to May 2 - Ridvan
April 22 - Earth Day
April 22-30 - Passover
April 22-23 - Rocks & Rings
April 26 - Gr 3/4. 5, 5/6 & 6 to Grand Theatre
April 27th - School Council bottle drive
May is Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month
May 1 - LCVI Road Race
May 2nd - Indigenous elder, Grandma Judi to visit Murphy Grade 1
Week of May 6th - Mental Health week and Education week
May 8 to June 12th - EQAO
May 9th - Girls Basketball Tournament at Queen's
May 11th - Science Rendezvous at Slush Puppie Place
May 13th - School Council
May 17th - International day against transphobia, biphobia & homophobia
May 17- Kinder C (Farndon/Aylesworth) and Murphy Grade 1 to Little Cat Conservation Area
May 16th - School Council Games Night & Book Sale
May 20th - Victoria Day (school closed)
May 23 - Vesak day
May 27th - Regional Track & Field Meet
May 28th - Red Shirt Day (for National Accessibility Week)
May 28th - Murphy Grade 1 and Beardall Grade 2 to Gould Lake
May 31st - PA Day (no school for students)
June 3 - School Council
June 5 - Welcome to Kindergarten (after school for students who will be in JK in September 2024)
June 11 - Grade 6s to Calvin Park
June 12 - School Council Barbecue & Fun Fair
June 18 - CPS Primary Track & Field (1-3)
June 19 - CPS Junior Track & Field (4-6)
June 20 - Rain date for either of the track dates for CPS
June 24 - Kindergarten Celebration (PM)
June 25 - Kindergarten Celebration raindate
June 26 - Report cards go home
June 28 - PA Day
Kindergarten Registration - A Message from the LDSB
Welcome to Kindergarten! This is an exciting time for both you and your student. Kindergarten is a wonderful experience and your student’s next phase on their journey of learning.
We are now accepting new student registrations for this September 2024. If your student is four or five by the end of December, now is the time to register.
Kindergarten offers a wonderful new world of learning and growing. We learn how to read, how to write and we make new friends. At École James R. Henderson Public School, we offer both French Immersion and English Kindergarten programs that help children get the best possible start in school. Your student will be challenged and encouraged to do their very best.
In Kindergarten classrooms, a teacher and an early childhood educator work together as a team. This partnership helps to create a nurturing learning environment; giving every student the opportunity to learn in the way that is best suited to their individual strengths and needs. Our caring team of educators is with them every step of the way!
In Limestone, students can begin French Immersion in Year 1 Kindergarten, Year 2 Kindergarten or Grade 1. The French Immersion program is designed for students who are learning French as an additional language. The program is an inclusive environment for rich language development and designed for students who do not speak French at home. Parents and guardians are not expected to be French speaking themselves. There is nothing extra that you need to do to prepare your student for French Immersion. All students are welcome!
We are excited to announce that Limestone District School Board will now be accepting applications for open boundary Kindergarten registrations for the upcoming school year. LDSB encourages students to attend their area school, but we understand selecting the right educational setting for your new student is a significant decision.
In accordance with Board policy, by default, students will be enrolled in the school designated within their boundary area, based on their home address.
Students may be permitted to attend any school within the board when there is available student space, upon submission and approval of the proper application. The Board will not be held responsible for the provision of any transportation for students outside of their regular school boundary area.
We typically welcome new families to orientation events in June of each year. We will share more about these opportunities soon.
We want everyone to see themselves in Limestone. You can feel confident your student will be cared for in a safe and inclusive environment.
We are committed to supporting you every step of the way. Our dedicated staff are here to assist you throughout this process. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the school.
Let’s embark on this exciting educational journey together! We look forward to meeting you.
Check out the resources linked below - lots of resources for families!
Get your CPIC for free!
Thanks to a grant from the LDSB, any parent/guardian who gets a CPIC to volunteer at the school or attend a field trip can have the cost of the CPIC reimbursed. Just bring in your receipt and the school will reimburse you. Anyone volunteering needs to ensure that a CPIC with Vulnerable Sector Screening is obtained at the office prior to participating in school activities such as field trips. CPICs can be obtained through the City of Kingston Police website at: https://www.kingstonpolice.ca/en/services-and-reporting/background-check.aspx
Check out the link below about Summer Camp opportunities in the area!
School Council Dates
Please mark your calendars for the School Council meeting dates. Meeting begin at 6:30pm and are 90 minutes in length. Child care for school aged children is provided for those who register by the Sunday before. If you require childcare, please notify the council of your need by emailing councilcentennialps@gmail.com
All parents and guardians are welcome to attend!
Monday May 13th
Monday June 3rd
The School Council is also organizing another Family Games Night, and an end of year Family Barbecue. Stay tuned for more details!
Fun in the gymnasium!
Students learning English and applying their understanding
Probability in Grade 1 Mathematics: Certain, Possible & Impossible
Pattern art work in the primary hallway
Spring paintings in Kindergarten
Learning how to roll as part of gymnastics in physical education class
Junior students using their learning in French
Characters and self portraits using watercolours in primary
Co-created posters and anchor charts for literacy...
...and numeracy in Grade 6
STEM Challenge fun!
Attendance Matters
When children miss a day they miss important literacy and math learning, and can fall behind on lessons that build from day to day. Students who are regularly late, even if it is only 10 minutes, often miss critical reading instruction, which often happens first thing in the morning.
We know that children need to stay home when they are sick, and the rules for staying home have changed throughout the pandemic. The most recent guidelines on staying home can be found beneath the chart below. Please contact the school if you need support with attendance issues. Let's work together and get every student here every day!
Safety in the Parking Lot - We need your help!
We have had some "near misses". Please DO NOT enter the bus lane or the staff parking lot, and please do not use the exit as an entrance. Parking is available on neighbouring streets. Thank you for your help!
Hot Lunch - Orders Due by Sunday Noon
Once again this year we are using LunchBox to provide families with some options for hot lunch, should they wish to participate. Orders are due by NOON on Sunday for orders being delivered the following week.
Just a reminder that should buses be cancelled, hot lunches are also cancelled and credit will be provided to account.
LunchBox is looking at more varied choices for hot lunches moving forward, and those will be reflected in the menu options, if it is possible.
To create an account and order hot lunches, use the guide below and linked here: Get The Guide
We are a nut aware school!
What Do I Need To Bring? What Should Stay At Home?
All school supplies that students need for their learning and work will be provided by Centennial Public School. Sometimes students prefer to have their own pencil case with pencils/markers, but it is not a requirement.
Students do need to come to school with:
- Indoor, non-marking athletic type of shoes
- Water bottle with child's name clearly marked (we have bottle filling stations, not fountains)
- Nut-free snacks and lunch
Please label all items!
- items of value (sentimental or monetary)
- any kind of weapon (for example, a Swiss Army knife)
- any kind of toy that could be a replica weapon (for example, a toy gun)
- electronics of any kind
- jewelry
- make-up
- anything scented
- anything with nuts (please ensure all lunches and snacks are nut-free)
- toys, stuffies, Pokemon cards
Thank you for keeping these items at home. Sometimes a quick check of a backpack can ensure that treasures do not come to school. Thank you for understanding that we are not responsible for lost, broken or stolen personal items.
School Day
Each returning family has a School Day account that you would have used last year. The user name and password you used last year continues to be active for this year.
Families new to Centennial will receive a paper information sheet this week with a unique user name and password (which you can change). Please keep this information handy as we use School Day for various permission forms, school trips, consents and payments.
Returning families who are not sure of their School Day information can contact the school office and a new form can be sent home to you.
Please note that we are not able to accept verbal or written permission generally and that School Day is to be used. Cash and cheques cannot be accepted at the school due to safe money handling procedures and as such, the much more secure method of School Day is used.
This platform may be new to some families (and to us too!) and we are here to work through the process together. Don't hesitate to reach out to the office if you are experiencing any challenges.
Cell Phone Use
Should a student need to make contact with home throughout the day, they are welcome to let their teacher know and the school can either contact home or the student can use the phone in the main office.
We have devices at school such as ipads and chromebooks that are available for student learning, and as such, cell phones are not needed during the school day. At recess students play and have time for social interaction face to face.
Indigenous Self-Identification
Please see the link below for more information and to self identify, if you wish.
Oliver's Labels
Do you need a way to label your things that stay labelled? Do you need a way to show what's yours? Need a way to label your child's things so they don't get lost or mixed up? Support Centennial Public School Council by purchasing through the link. The school receives 20% of your purchase! All funds raised go to support School Council initiatives including student activities. Thank you!
Safe Arrival - How Do I Report An Absence?
How to report your absence:
1. Toll-free telephone
- Call 1-855-257-9349 toll-free to report an absence using the automated phone system.
2. School Messenger App
- Use your mobile device to download and install the free SchoolMessenger blue app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, the SchoolMessenger website portal, or from within the LDSB mobile app.
- The first time you use the app, you must select Sign Up to create your account. Please ensure you use the same email address your student’s school has on file. If you do not use that same email address, you will not be able to create an account, or may not be able to see the "Attendance" option. You may have already created an account when we introduced the Communicate broadcast system.
- Select Attendance, then select Report an Absence and follow the prompts.
- Visit the SchoolMessenger website portal.
- The first time you use the app, you must select Sign Up to create your account. Please ensure you use the same email address your student’s school has on file. If you do not use that same email address, you will not be able to create an account, or may not be able to see the "Attendance" option. You may have already created an account when we introduced the Communicate broadcast system.
- Select Attendance, then Report an Absence and follow the prompts.
Stay Up To Date!
Stay Up To Date! Please check the following regularly...
Centennial PS Twitter https://twitter.com/centennial_ldsb?lang=en
Centennial PS Website https://centennial.limestone.on.ca/
LDSB Website https://www.limestone.on.ca/
LDSB Twitter https://twitter.com/LimestoneDSB
LDSB Facebook https://tinyurl.com/wbhjtku
LDSB Instagram https://instagram.com/limestonedsb?igshid=1epyma6c0g5qd
Centennial Public School
"Show Up! Stand Up! Never Give Up!"
Email: cente@limestone.on.ca
Website: https://centennial.limestone.on.ca
Location: 120 Norman Rogers Dr, Kingston, ON K7M 2R2
Phone: 613.546.5517
Twitter: @Centennial_LDSB