NTHS' LumberGram
March - 2024
Principal's Message
Lumberjack Family,
As we near the start of our Spring Recess, I want to pass along some important information, as we begin to close out the 2023-2024 school year at NTHS. I know that many of us speak about June as a faraway month on the calendar, but in fact we only have 41 school days until our first Regents Examination, Algebra 1, on Tuesday, June 4th. There are 46 days until our last student attendance day on Tuesday, June 11th and just about 60 school days until our Commencement Ceremony scheduled for Sunday, June 30th. Your child's attendance each school day is critical towards their academic success.
On Wednesday, March 20th, students at NTHS received solar eclipse glasses as part of our district’s raising awareness for the upcoming Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th. Please remember that students will not report to school on this date, as we have adjusted our calendar for student attendance. You will find more information about the solar eclipse glasses in this Smore below.
This week at NTHS, we have been celebrating “Anti-Vaping” Week. This week has been sponsored by our Students Against Destructive Decision (SADD) and the Community Health Alliance of North Tonawanda in the hopes of raising awareness to the harmful and addictive effects of vaping. This Friday, March 22nd, we will have a guest speaker, Mr. David Edward Garcia on campus to talk about the vaping pandemic facing many of our students. This presentation will be given to all of our students grades 7-12 in our Fine Arts Center.
Enjoy the upcoming Spring Recess,
Mr. Bradley W. Rowles
Modification of Student Transitions
Over the course of the past few months, we have noticed large numbers of our students loitering in our lavatories between the change of classes. At times, we have witnessed 19 or more students "hanging out" in our lavatories, during the 4 minute passing period between classes. These large groups of students are causing a distraction and making it difficult for students to actually use the bathroom. These groups of students have been found violating our Student Code of Conduct by vaping or using a dab pen.
As such, we will adopt a new plan for the change of classes effective Tuesday, April 9, 2024. Students will be expected to “check-in” with the next period teacher to approve a digital hall pass. For well over a year, we have been utilizing a digital pass system called eHall pass, instead of the traditional paper based system. The eHall Pass program allows us to establish how many students can be approved for specific areas on our campus. We will be scheduling additional adult supervision in our hallways, during the 4 minute change of classes beginning on Tuesday, April 9th.
Solar Eclipse 2024
In preparation for the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024, all staff and students at NTHS have received a pair of solar eclipse glasses. The glasses were distributed to students on Wednesday, March 20th. We are sharing the documents below that includes safety information endorsed by the American Astronomical Society and NASA on the safe viewing of the solar eclipse. Also included is a link to both the New York State Education Department's website and the Niagara County Resident's Guide where you will find information and resources related to the Total Solar Eclipse.
2024 Spring Recess @ NTHS
Our Spring Recess at NTHS will begin on Monday, March 25th and run through Friday, April 5th. I have listed some important Spring Recess information below:
- 11th and 12th grade ONBOCES CTE students are expected to attend their CTE programs from Monday, March 25th to Thursday, March 28th.
- District transportation will be provided from NTHS to the Niagara Career and Technical Center and back to NTHS each day. Students must make their own way to and from NTHS during these days.
- Monday. April 8th is a Staff Development Day and no students should report to NTHS and/or their ONBOCES CTE program.
- All students should report to NTHS on Tuesday, April 9th for all normal academic programming
Unified Sports Store
Posted below is this year's link to our amazing UNIFIED SPORTS apparel. Show your support by ordering between now and April 10TH, then wear your new appeal to any of our Unified Basketball games and/or the May Mile on May 20th!
Important NTHS Dates
· Monday, March 25-April 5th: Spring Recess
· Monday, April 8th: NTCSD Staff Development Day
· Monday, April 8th: Solar Eclipse Day
· Tuesday, April 9th: Start of the 4th MP
· Friday, May 10th: 35 Week Progress Reports Close
· Monday, May 6th – Friday, May 10th: Jacks on the Move/College and Career Week
Saturday, May 11th: Jacks That Care Spring Vendor Fair (10:00 AM - 3:00 PM @ the FAC)
· Monday May 6th- Friday, May 17th: 2024 AP Exam Session
· Monday, May 20th: May Mile
· Monday, May 20th-Thursday, May 23rd: Wellness Week
Friday, May 24-Monday, May 27th: Memorial Day Recess