Washington - Caldwell Parent Update
Back to School 2024
Message from our Principal
Hello Bulldog Families,
I am very happy to share with you that the majority of the facility work on our building has been completed. One major area of facility work is the HVAC system. We are now a fully air-conditioned building! The system has been tested and is up and running successfully. In addition, the replacement of our boiler heating system is nearly complete and will be ready for the cold weather. We have installed new lighting throughout the building to increase efficiencies and upgrade our aging lighting fixtures. You will see and feel a significant difference in the school when you visit on Thursday, August 29 for Meet and Greet. We are so very grateful to those who supported our Capital Referendum to make this possible. Our students deserve the best learning environment possible and these changes will make a difference. Thank you!
As we approach the start of the school year, we want to share with you that the girl's basketball season is approaching quickly. With this in mind, Coach Dena McCormick will be holding open gym sessions for all grades 5-8 girls who are interested in playing basketball. The open gym nights are scheduled for September 10, 11 and 12 from 3:40 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. All girls in grades 5-8 that are interested in dropping in are welcome. There will be more details to come in the next week or so.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday during Rock the Block and Thursday at Meet and Greet!
Kevin, Superintendent/Principal
Calendar of Events
Upcoming Dates
Staff Inservice: Monday, August 26 through Thursday, August 29
Rock the Block: Monday, August 26, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Meet and Greet: Thursday, August 29, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Labor Day - No School: Monday, September 2
First Day of School for the 2024-2025 School Year: Tuesday, September 3
Registration for 2024-2025 School Year and School Supply Kits
Rock The Block
Watch for your teachers to pay a visit to your porch on Monday, August 26 from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. They will be bringing their enthusiasm for the upcoming school year as well as a treat bag of goodies.
Meet And Greet - Thursday, August 29
Come to school on Thursday, August 29 between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm. - Check out your room, meet your teacher, and bring your school supplies.
Our district nurse, Rachel Pankonin, RN will be here to answer any of your questions regarding student health, immunizations, and medications that may need to be given during the school day.
The bus company will be on hand with bus information.
The PTO & Scouts will also be here to inform you of the fun things they do.
The front office staff (Karen and Sue) will be available with information, smiles and handouts. You may pay your registration fees and add money to lunch accounts if you have not done so yet.
YMCA Y-Base and Wrap Care Registration
Y-Base is available for before or after school care this school year for your student(s). Register with Mukwonago YMCA.
Wrap Care is available for 4K students in the afternoon from 11:30-3:40pm.
Please reach out directly to YMCA with questions. You can also email washcald@washcald.com with questions. YMCA registration information can be found at this link - WashCald YMCA Y-Base/Wrap Care
2024-2025 School Calendar
The student cost for school lunch remains the same as last year.
Student lunch is $3.25 (this includes 1/2 pint of milk)
Extra Entrée is $2.50
Milk is $0.40
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are available year round on the school website under the Parent section. Please reach out to Kelli Vogt if you have questions. The link is referenced below.
Flyers of Interest
(These opportunities are not affiliated with Washington-Caldwell School District.)
Connect with Washington-Caldwell
Ms. Kelli Vogt, Assistant Principal -- kvogt@washcald.com
Mrs. Sue Krystowiak, Main Office Secretary -- skrystowiak@washcald.com
Ms. Karen Kaldor, Main Office Secretary -- kkaldor@washcald.com
Dousman Transport Bus Company 262-910-1310
Website: www.washcald.com
Location: 8937 Big Bend Road, Waterford, WI, USA
Phone: 262-662-3466
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wcbulldogs