WMS Newsletter
January 17th, 2025
Staff Spotlight - Mr. Alaownis
Mr. Alaownis has worked for Ware Public Schools for the past 21 years. He has taught 6th grade Math for 20 years, served as AP at the High School for 1 year, NJHS Adviser for 2 years, Athletic Manager for 2 years, and basketball coach for 9 years. Thank you to Mr. Alaownis!
Music Education
Students in Ms. Sroka's Music class are enjoying learning about musical traditions across cultures. They've even learned a few dance moves! Here's Mr. Trzpit's homeroom demonstrating for Ms. Thompson.
Behavior Contracts - Snow Ball
WMS Leadership Committee will host a Snow Ball on February 7th. Behavior Contracts went home with students TODAY!!! Please sign and return by TUESDAY, JANUARY 21st. Teachers will sign contracts for students that have demonstrated responsibility and academic integrity.
Any questions, please call the office at 413-967-6903.
Cold Weather!!!
Please be advised that the weather and "feels like" temperature has been too cold to allow the students to play outside. Below is the Child Care Cold Weather Chart issued by DESE is what we use to determine weather-safety. In any event, please make sure your student has a coat and cold-weather appropriate clothing when they come to school.
Community Partners
Vaccine Accessibility
During the cold season, Healthy Quaboag emphasizes the importance of accessible vaccine clinics. Therefore, they wanted to be sure to inform Ware families of the In-Home Vaccination Program offered by the state’s Department of Public Health.
This program is available to anyone who has difficulty in getting to a community vaccination location, particularly those facing mobility or transportation challenges. There is no cost to the patient (note that if you have insurance, they will be billed for the cost of the vaccine).
To schedule an in-home vaccine call the In-Home Vaccination Central Intake Line at (833) 983-0485 or go online to the CDR Health Patient Portal page at patientportalma.com.
Both Covid-19 and Influenza vaccines are available. For more information, visit https://www.mass.gov/info-details/in-home-vaccination-program-covid-19influenza.
The Ware Housing Authority is holding a vaccine clinic on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, from 11am-2pm. The address is 20 Valley View, Ware, MA 01082. COVID-19 and influenza vaccines are available for adults and children 6 months and older.
For more information, please click the vaccination program link below. The vaccine registration link is also listed.
COVID-19/Influenza Mobile Vaccination Program
Thunderbirds Stick To Reading Event
WMS will be participating in the annual "STICK TO READING" program!
The start date will be February 3, 2025 and will end on March 6, 2025.
The students will have the 5 weeks of time to read as many hours/minutes/books
as they want!
Our school district each year has had an extremely high participation rate!
Let's keep it going!!!!!
Friday March 7, 2025 is Community Reading Day! Boomer will be on campus
for that event, and he will collect the reading logs!
Each "reader" will receive a certificate, book mark, and a ticket to the game
being held on Friday March 21, 2025! A flyer with a QR code for family/friends to purchase tickets for the game will be available! The ticket sale will be another fundraising opportunity for our school district, with $3 from each sale coming back to us!!!!!
WMS Important Dates
Thursday, January 16th - Quarter 2 Grades Closed
Friday, January 17th - Early Release Day
Monday, January 20th - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL!
Thursday, January 23rd - Report Cards Issued TODAY!
Wednesday, January 29th - School Colors Day!