Weekly Update to Families
September 20, 2024
Message from the Principal
Goodwater Families,
As we wrap up the first six weeks of school, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support and involvement. It’s been a fantastic start to the year, and your encouragement has made all the difference.
The students have shown tremendous growth and enthusiasm, and I’m so proud of their achievements so far. Thank you for your collaboration, whether it’s helping with volunteering, getting your child to school each and every day, or simply cheering them on.
Two of the areas that all children across the state struggled with last year was writing and Math. Here are a few parent resources that you can check out for your child to continue contributing to their academic success:
- Typing.com
- Khan Academy
- Eureka Math Practice
- Writing Games
Our guides have emailed or sent out student MAP results this week and they will be gearing up for parent conferences scheduled for October 14th. All progress reports will be emailed out by October 4th. Please reach out to your guide if you have additional questions. We are hoping for 100% participation from our guardians for our parent conferences so please be on the look out for additional information regarding parent conferences.
I hope you all enjoy a relaxing three day weekend, filled with quality time with family and friends. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings!
Have a great weekend!
Goodwater Montessori Staff Favorite Things
Please access this link here to find out the favorite things of the amazing staff at Goodwater. Thank you in advance for being so kind to our staff.💖
Breakfast Menu - September 23rd-30th
Lunch Menu - September 23-30
Movie Night at Goodwater!
🎬 Movie Night at Goodwater! 🎬
Join us on October 18th, 2024, from 6pm to 8pm for a fun-filled Movie Night at Goodwater!
🚗 Entry Fee: $5.00 per car 🎟️ Concessions: Pizza, popcorn, snow cones, and more (Tickets will be used for purchases)
What to Bring: Lawn chairs, blankets, and anything comfy to enjoy the evening.
For the Little Ones: We’ll have a special area for those who might not want to watch the movie.
Movie! Inside Out 2
We’re excited for this opportunity for our community to come together. If you’d like to help with the event or have any questions, please reach out to Mr. and Mrs. Jimenez at jimenez3844@gmail.com.
Let’s make this a night to remember!
Go Dolphins!
All monies raised will go towards our teacher retention fund.
Double Your Giving
We wanted to share a great way to maximize the impact of your donations to our school! Many employers offer matching gift or grant programs, where they will match your charitable contributions dollar for dollar.
By signing up for your company's matching gift program, your future donations could go twice as far. For example, if you donate $25, your employer could match that amount, turning your $25 into $50 for our school!
We encourage you to check with your HR department or employer's benefits portal to see if this option is available. It’s an easy way to make a big difference, and it only takes a few minutes to sign up. You can click the link below to check an alphabetical list of employers who participate in the matching program.
Thank you for your continued support in making our school a great place for our children to learn and grow.
Here is the list of participating employees in alphabetical order.
Artist Needed....
If you are someone who would love to lead art sessions at Goodwater; please reach out to beverly.al-tabatabaie@goodwatermontessori.org. We think that this would be a great opportunity for our students. Please reach out for additional information.
We also have opportunities for Chess, Checkers, Cheerleading volunteers.
Safety Update
Please ensure that all students are securely buckled up in your vehicle when arriving at school and when leaving the campus. Additionally, remember that the speed limit on campus is 10 mph.
Your cooperation is crucial in keeping our students safe.
Thank you.
News from the PTO
ATTENTION: During our first PTO meeting of the year September 18th, the following individuals accepted the positions below:
Executive Board
Jade Winters - President
Vice President - Sheyla Hernandez
Secretary - Mike Sawicki
Treasurer - Esther Henry
Parliamentarian - Deserie Mensch
Additional Board Members
Dolphin Pride Committee Chair - Miki Gaffney
Sunshine Committee Chair - Dulce Correa
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported Goodwater during this transition. We appreciate you!
A Note from Dr. Bruce
Dear Goodwater Montessori Families,
We hope this note finds you and your families well. The school year has begun with great enthusiasm, and we are delighted to see your students engaged and excited about learning. We appreciate your support in getting them to school on time and helping to create a positive educational environment.
We would like to announce that the PTO has elected new officers who will be leading the effort to support our school community. We are grateful to those who have stepped into these roles and appreciate their commitment and we appreciate everyone who assisted us in 2023-2024. The school is appreciative of all the time and energy our PTO provides.
Please be reminded that there will be no school for students on Monday, September 23rd. Our staff will be participating in a professional development day, focusing on refining their skills and preparing for the upcoming nine weeks.
We are pleased to report that student attendance is above our goal, which is crucial for our school’s funding and success. We also have openings in grades 1-4, so if you know families who are looking for a new school experience for their children, please share this opportunity.
Thank you for being part of the Goodwater Montessori community. We are proud of our school and work diligently to make each student's learning experience positive and productive. We hope you enjoy a restful weekend and an extra day with your child(ren).
Kindest Regards
Dr Bruce
Donations to Goodwater Montessori
Setting up a one-time or recurring online donation is the best way to support Goodwater Montessori. Charter schools in Texas receive significantly less funding than public schools. For more information on these topics, see how we are funded and the different giving options available for families to support our school.
Click on the link below if you would like to make a donation:
Sponsorship Opportunity
We are currently organizing a fundraiser to support our teachers, and as part of these efforts, we’re designing custom t-shirts that our students, staff, and supporters will proudly wear.
We’d be thrilled to feature your business as a sponsor on these t-shirts. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to education and the local community while gaining valuable visibility for your brand. The shirts will be worn by approximately 320 Students and 50 staff individuals, offering significant exposure for your business.
Your sponsorship will directly contribute to our teacher retention fund, and as a token of our appreciation, we’ll proudly display your logo on the shirts.
We believe this partnership would be mutually beneficial, and we’re excited about working together. Please let us know if you’re interested in supporting our school and making a meaningful impact on our students.
Thank you for considering this opportunity.
Please reach out to Ms. Beverly at beverly.al-tabatabaie@goodwatermontessori.org if you would like to be a sponsor.
Montessori Moment.....
Montessori education is a highly structured, child-centered approach to learning, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 20th century. Through careful observation of children, she identified four planes of development that all children pass through on their way to adulthood. Using the data from her observations, she created a learning environment and curriculum that respected the children and their stages of development.
The first plane of development, called Infancy, occurs between 0-6 years old. Children in this stage are undergoing huge transformations, both physically and intellectually. They have great concentration and are drawn to order. They are observers of their environment and have no filter; all they see becomes part of the fabric of their being. They work alongside their peers but have no drive toward social interaction. Children in the first plane of development are grounded in the here and now and are striving toward physical independence.
The second plane of development, or Childhood, occurs between the ages of 6-12 years old. It is in this stage that social connections become critical. There is a great sense of justice among this group of children; concerned not only with what is right and what is wrong, but most importantly, with what is fair. Children in the second stage have a concept of history and can imagine the possibility of the future. They are less concerned with order in their physical environment, but instead are seeking order within, while striving for mental independence.
The third plane of development, called Adolescence, occurs between the ages of 12-18 years old. Due to the physical transformations that occur during this stage, the third-plane child is often compared to the first plane child. There is great fragility in this stage, with a need for reassurance and belonging. Adolescents are doing the hard work of moving from childhood to adulthood. They are seeking social and economic independence, through noble and meaningful work.
The fourth, and final, plane of development, or Maturity, occurs between the ages of 18-24 years old and culminates in a sense of moral independence.
Through careful consideration of the child and their developmental plane, Montessori education is designed to serve the child where they are at, in the best way possible.
Lost and Found
Do any of these belong to you?
Upcoming Events
September 16 - October 15
- Hispanic Heritage Month
September 23, 2024
- Professional Development Day All Staff - no students
September 24, 2024
- Board Meeting
Friday, September 27, 2024
- End of 6 weeks
September 27, 2024
- Fire Drill
October 4th
- Deadline to send out Progress Reports
October 7 - October 11
- FALL BREAK!!!!!!!
October 14, 2024
- Parent Conferences
Friday, October 18, 2024
- Movie Night
October 23 - October 31
- Red Ribbon Week
October 25
- Red Ribbon Pep Rally
Friday, November 1, 2024
- Fall Festival/Riddle Day
Contact Info
Goodwater Montessori Charter School
Principal: Mrs. Beverly Al-TabatabaieWebsite: www.goodwatermontessori.org
Location: 710 Stadium Dr, Georgetown, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 931-3560