Naiades Oncology Rowing
Cancer Survivors Rowing for Recovery
We Would Love to Hear From You
We value your opinion, thoughts and ideas........
When finished reading, please take a moment to complete this very brief survey and let us know how you think we are doing: SURVEY
Thank you!
Teams Line Up & Get Ready for Some 2021 Great Golf!
Brighter Days Ahead
Changes are slowly coming. We are still continuing Tuesday Zoom workouts throughout April 2021. With transitioning to outdoor erging at Genesee Waterways Center (GWC), and walks in parks in May, along with the addition of kayaking at GWC in late June-July.
After reviewing the US Rowing Guidelines for Re-Opening the Boathouse and Return to Training; the Program Committee has agreed for the safety of all teams that it would be best for Naiades to begin our outdoor "On the Water" rowing season in boats after the High School Teams are done in the GWC Boathouse. This date will be further determined.
Please email for sign up for workouts, to receive our weekly Zoom link, and for any questions regarding "On the Water" in boats.
Our workout program, calendar and contact information can be found here:
Want to Be Part of Our Rowing Team & Are New to Rowing?
We have capacity on Thursday evenings for new rowers to be part of our team and to learn how to row with us. Interested individuals should contact the Programing Committee for further information at:
Before Going on the Water....A Requirement
NOTE: For US Rowing membership registration you will need the following identification codes for Naiades Oncology Rowing:
Club Code: WGY4M
USRowing Organization # 1961
A Brush Up On Your Rowing Mechanics:
Ever wonder what your brain communicates to your body in order to perform a single row? The basic rowing action is a coordinated muscle action that requires application of force in a repetitive, strong and smooth manner. Every large muscle group contributes to this action which consists of the following sequence (from top to bottom):
1. The catch, when the oar enters the water
2. The drive (leg push, body swing and arm pull) that propels the boat
3. The finish with legs extended, body back, and oar handle to the body, and
4. The recovery, when the oars return to the catch position
This information was Abridged from: <>. For a more complete description of rowing mechanics, please see Kinesiology of the rowing stroke, NSCA Journal, volume 10, number 2, 1988, Thomas Mazzone, MD, Wyoming County Community Hospital, Warsaw, NY
Opportunity for Some New Beginnings..... We Have Two Open Board Seats
Open to Rowers and Community Supporters:
Please send your notes of interest to: with your questions and/or a statement describing your interest and qualifications. We appreciate the effort of our volunteer Board members and look forward to adding other volunteers to our Board. Thank you!
This Month's Quote to Live By:
"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."
Your Donations Help! Keep Them Coming!
How to Add More Spirit Fund Tribute Names to Our Boats:
Browse Our Naiades Oncology Rowing Website & Facebook Page for Current and Future Information!
Learning to row is hard work, yet a rewarding and FUN sport! Take a look at our info below:
- Brochure:
Website Home Page
Facebook Page:
Why Come Row with Us??? because we are about:
- Offering programs that appeal to individuals with all levels of rowing experience.
- Rowing with others who have faced the challenges of cancer.
- Having coaches who understand the uniqueness of our team and coach to our mission/goals.
- Your setting and accomplishing your own personal and team goals.
- Promoting an amazing and healing environment, leaving cancer behind one stroke at a time.
- Getting involved in Regattas as a fun way to work together to get to the finish line demonstrating progress in recovery.
- Offering accommodations for many post-treatment limitations.
- The water is magical, healing and enchanting, releasing your mind to a bigger purpose within nature.
Keep an Eye Out for News of Our Future Events! We Hope to be Back in Person Together Soon!