Mustang Round-Up
Calm, Clarity, Compassion, Courage
Principal's Message
October 2024
Dearest TES Community,
And just like that, we are in the middle of October!! Can you even believe it?! There is nothing like the rapid growing of a child or the passing of months in a school year to make me feel older than the hills. ;-)
In the coming weeks you will likely see messaging coming from our school and district surrounding the vital importance of regular attendance. Like many other districts in the state, we are collaborating with families and community to reverse the trend we have seen in regular student attendance since Covid. This year we will ensure we have all hands on deck to support these efforts by making more strategic partnerships between our own local businesses and entities with the school. (I cannot wait to share more about what we have in the works when we have details ironed out!)
What we know is that regular attendance is directly correlated with higher student performance. There is no doubt that when students miss school, they miss key concepts and learning opportunities. Over time, skill gaps and misunderstanding grows exponentially. For some, a day here or there can feel like it's no big deal. But when we add up the days and instructional minutes over a school year, or worse, a school career, it can really impact a child's chances at future successes into their adulthood.
If you have a student who struggles with meeting our regular attendance threshold of 90%, please know that we are here to support you in any way we can. We recently sent out our first round of letters to families who have students who are not meeting our 90% target. These are not meant to shame or blame but, rather, to bring attention to this very important component of success in school. Some students have also been placed on formal tracking incentive plans. Others will receive direct contact from myself or a team member to help establish a plan for future success. Together, we/ve got this!
Lastly, please keep reading below because we have some really FUN events coming up. This Friday is our annual Pink and Demin Fun Run when staff raise funds to support local cancer survivors. Then on the 31st we have our highly anticipated Trunk-or-Treat event. Lots of good coming our way!
With all my heart,
💚Ms. Lowe
Proud Principal, TES
5280 Run and Pink & Denim Day
Friday, October 18th 1:30
For the past 19 years, the staff at TES has participated in October's National Breast Cancer Awareness by wearing Pink & Denim. We are now encouraging all our students and families to participate as well. Join us for the 5280 run this month wearing your pink and cheering our students on.
Please be sure to dress your student in the appropriate shoes (and pink) come by at 1:30 to show your support.
Not Too Late To Order Pictures
It's not too late to place an order for school pictures. Orders placed will be sent directly to you, see the attached info sheet with Portrait Package choices and a QR code for easy payment. Mark your calendar now for Re-Take Day on November 21st.
PHS Socktober Event
The leadership class as Phoenix High School is holding a sock drive all month long. Donate NEW socks of any size to our school and we'll send them to the high school for you. Indicate what grade level you want recognized, because it's also a spirit competition between grades at PHS!
Trunk or Treat/Costume Parade
Thursday, October 31st! 1:00pm
We combine our costume parade and the fun of trick or treating at our 4th annual Trunk or Treat event. Come by to watch or decorate your vehicle and join in the fun! Due to allergies, please keep your treats PEANUT & PEANUT BUTTER FREE. Treats don't have to be candy, prizes are treasured just as much, see Amazon or Oriental Trading for ideas. Please save space in the large parking lot for decorated vehicles.
Costume Rules: Students can change into their costume after lunch recess.
1. No violent or bloody images. It is okay to look "scary," but there is a difference between frightening and gruesome.
2. Please make sure that your child's costume is safe. Tripping and/or getting materials caught is a major concern.
3. Masks are acceptable (make sure that vision is not impaired). Makeup should be minimal and applied at home.
4. Weapons of any kind are not permitted.
A Message from Nurse Carrie
Please see the attached file for important information in English and Spanish about Naloxone and Opioid Safety.
Upcoming Events✔️
- Friday, October 18th 1:30pm ~ Pink & Denim Day and 5280 Run 💗
- Thursday, October 31st 1:00pm ~ Trunk or Treat for TES students
- Thursday, October 31st 3-5pm ~ Trick or Treating at Suncrest Place, 300 Suncrest Rd.
- Thursday, October 31st 4-6pm ~ Trunk or Treat @ Phoenix Civic Center open to the public
- Friday, November 1st ~ Inservice, No Classes
- Sunday, November 3rd ~ Daylight Savings Time End ~ "Fall Back"
- Monday, November 4th 6pm ~ PTA Meeting ~ Joining via ZOOM is an option
Talent Elementary School ~ Home of the Mustangs
Location: 307 Wagner Creek Road, Talent, OR, USA
Mailing Address: PO Box 296 Talent OR 97540
Phone: 541.535.1531