The Riverview Reader
Updates For The Week of August 12
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A Message To Families From Mr. Peck
Riverview Families,
I hope you have been enjoying these beautiful summer days with family, neighbors, and friends! We are missing your children and the energy and joy that they bring to our school each day. As the first day of school quickly approaches, we start to get even more excited about welcoming them back to Riverview.
We are also excited to partner with you this school year. We know that you were your child's first teacher and that you know them better than anyone. We want to ensure we are working together to ensure they are having a wonderful school experience and learning at their highest potential throughout the year. We appreciate your support and partnership so much!
Below you will find lots of important information about the start of the school year. If any of it is confusing or if you need support with any aspect of the back-to-school process, please reach out to the RVES main office at 651-460-1600. You can also stop by the school any time between 7:30-3:00 Monday-Friday between now and the start of the year. We want you to feel supported and for your child(ren) to have a successful start to the school year. We are happy to help in any way we can.
Best wishes for the upcoming week!
Shawn Peck
Important Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, August 14 - Teacher Assignments Become Viewable on Infinite Campus
- Wednesday, August 14 - Sign Up link For Assessments/Meet & Greets Goes Live
- Thursday, August 22 - Assessment/Meet & Greet/Picture Day #1
- Tuesday, August 27 - Assessment/Meet & Greet/Picture Day #2
- Tuesday, September 3 - First Day of School!
Make Sure Your Child is Reading At Least 20 Minutes Per Day Over the Summer!
A Note About Classroom/Homeroom Teacher Assignments
Please be aware that a great deal of time and effort has been utilized in creating balanced classroom rosters, with many factors being considered. Changes to class lists this close to the beginning of the school year are not possible due to the imbalances they create. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation on this.
Assessment/Meet & Greet Days are on Aug. 22 & Aug. 27
Nurse Lisa Klemmenson will also be available on Assessment Days. If you’d like to drop off medicine, medical supplies, or have questions for the nurse, please stop by the nurse’s office to connect.
Learners who choose to turn in their school-issued iPads at the end of last school year, will be able to pick them back up during assessment days as long as a signed user agreement is in place. You can start the process of completing the user-agreement by clicking here.
School Pictures To Be Taken During Assessments/Meet & Greets
If you are unable to attend on August 22 or 27, we will have a fall picture make-up day on September 26. Make-ups will take place during school hours.
Please Complete Your Annual Infinite Campus Update As Soon As Possible
At the beginning of each school year we ask parents and guardians to update their information in the Infinite Campus parent portal. This includes reviewing important contact information as well as providing information which the Minnesota Department of Education uses for planning purposes. Please take the following steps to review the Annual Update in your Parent Portal account.
1. Login to Infinite Campus Parent Portal (Campus Parent) through following Link: https://farmingtonmn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/farmington.jsp (If you do not yet have a Campus Portal account, please contact your child's school to be sure we have your correct email address on file. If you have children in multiple schools, only one school needs to be contacted. This must be done either in person or by phone (not email) so your identity can be verified. Thank you for your understanding and support. Please reference this web page for more information about the Parent Portal.)
2. Select the icon in the top left corner to display the menu of options.
3. Select More from left slide-in menu.
4. Select the Annual Update menu item on the right.
5. Click on Start button
6. You will see a list of your enrolled student(s) and then click on Begin Registration button. You will be able to complete the Annual Update in either English or Spanish to walk through the entire process.
7. Ensure you use the “Next” or “Save/Continue” buttons on each screen if you have issues moving from one section to another. You will not be able to advance to the next screen until all required fields fields have been completely filled out.
About the Annual Update Questions
- The Minnesota Department of Education requires the district to ask additional questions, including:
- Race/Ethnicity as the state categories have changed within the past few years
- Digital Access (NOTE: enrolled students will be provided an iPad from their school so these two questions are pre-answered but can be changed if incorrect)
- Race/Ethnicity as the state categories have changed within the past few years
- Only portal users listed as legal parents/guardians in the Primary Household are allowed to update the portal. Legal parents/guardians in Secondary Households have the ability to view but not modify an Annual Update that is in-process.
- Only one annual update can be completed per primary household each year. Information can continue to be updated/changed until final submission is completed.
For additional help with Infinite Campus Parent Portal:
- For New Accounts, call the main school office for your student
- For Existing Accounts: email campusportal@farmington.k12.mn.us or call our Student and Family Tech Helpline 651-463-5090 for help with username or password issues.
- For help with your Annual Update or Online Registration application, please contact the MARSS office (MARSS@farmington.k12.mn.us or 651-463-5052).
The First Day(s) of School
For kindergarten ONLY: We “stagger start” our kindergarten learners, meaning half will attend school on Tuesday, September 3 (and not on Wednesday, September 4) and the other half will attend school on Wednesday, September 4 (and not on Tuesday, September 3). All kindergarten students will then attend on Thursday, September 5. We use this staggered approach to ensure each child gets the attention and support they need on their first day of school, and we have found it to be very effective in ensuring a positive first school experience for them. It gives us a better chance to establish effective routines right away that will lead to a greater sense of predictability for learners and more learning throughout the year. Parents of kindergarten learners should use this link (it will “go live” on Wednesday, August 14) to choose which day you would like your child to attend and we will do our best to accommodate your wishes. This is the same link you will use to schedule your child’s assessment date/time with their teacher.
Transportation/Bussing Information
Transportation information will be posted in Campus Portal on August 23. If you are expecting transportation information and it does not appear for your child, it typically means your child is classified as a walker. If you have questions about your child’s transportation information please contact Marshall Lines at 651-463-8689 or email them at mlidispatch@minnesotacoaches.com
Other Important Notes from Marshall Lines About Bussing:
Incoming Kindergarten and New Farmington Students - All new students will be routed to/from their primary home address unless something else was requested on their enrollment form. If your home address has changed since your initial enrollment was submitted, you should reach out to Marshall Lines so they can update their records. The deadline to submit these changes is Friday, August 16 so they have adequate time to make adjustments.
Returning 1st-5th Grade Students - No changes are made to transportation arrangements from previous years unless changes are requested through Marshall Lines (daycare/split households, etc). There is no need to reach out if no change is needed. Keep in mind that route numbers, pick-up and drop-off times, as well as pick-up/drop-off locations, could potentially change depending on route changes from last year. If your home address has changed over the summer, you should reach out to Marshall Lines so they can update their records. The deadline to submit these changes is Friday, August 16 so they have adequate time to make adjustments.
Multiple Addresses – Campus Portal can only show one pickup and one drop off address. If a child lives between two family households within the Riverview boundaries, families will need to call Marschall Line to receive information about the child’s bussing at the second address. Again, please do this as soon as possible to ensure a smooth start to the school year and that your child can safely get to their expected destination each day.
- Pay to Ride: If your child is a walker, but you would like to “Pay to Ride,” make sure to submit the application paperwork (and payment) you received by mail no later than August 9. This is a hard deadline. You can access the Pay to Ride application here. It is a good idea for any families that do Pay for Ride to fill out their educational benefits application ASAP so that it can be processed for their Pay for Ride application too. More information on the educational benefits application can be found below.
Breakfast/Lunch & Food Service Information
School Meals will again be free to all students during the 2024-25 school year. Breakfast will be available each morning from 7:25-7:45. Students who choose to eat breakfast should go directly to the cafeteria when they arrive at school before heading to their classroom to ensure they can eat quickly enough to be in class when instruction starts at 7:45.
To view the breakfast and lunch menus throughout the year click here: Nutrislice Menus | Farmington Area Public Schools
24-25 iPad Loan Agreement and iPad Protection Plan Enrollment Is Now Open
The 24-25 iPad Loan Agreement as well as enrollment in the iPad Protection Plan for the 2024-25 school year are both now open. Click here to get the process started. This agreement will need to be in place prior to a school-issued iPad going home with your child. It will speed up the process to have everything completed prior to coming in for assessments/meet & greets. You can also stop by the RVES media center on those days to complete the agreement. However, that might mean that your child won't get their iPad until the start of the school year, however.
If you have not used RevTrak yet, you will need to create an account and also know your child’s Student ID number to complete the registration process. If you used RevTrak for completing last year’s 2023-24 iPad Loan Agreement, the system has saved your parent and child account information. You will still need to know your learner’s Student ID number.
2024-2025 School Supply Lists
If purchasing school supplies presents a significant burden to you or if your family is experiencing financial challenges and you’d like to explore other potential supports or resources available to you, please contact our Riverview family support worker, Lindsy Bednar (lbednar@farmington.k12.mn.us). You can also reach out to our school counselors, Jessica Alladin (jalladin@farmington.k12.mn.us) or Nicole Felipe (nfelipe@farmington.k12.mn.us) for support.
All Families Are Encouraged To Complete Educational Benefits Application
Even though meals are free for all students in 24-25, we still would like all families to complete the application for Meal/Educational benefits. These applications benefit in many ways including allowing us to access more state & federal funding that we use to benefit our learners. They can definitely benefit families as well as those who qualify for meal benefits automatically qualify for iPad insurance coverage. Please make sure to complete your paperwork and submit it to Chartwells at:
- Mail: ISD 192 Educational Benefits, 510 Walnut Street, Farmington, MN 55024.
- Email: foodservice@farmington.k12.mn.us
- Fax: 651-460-3810
Free/Reduced Lunch Application: 2024-25 Application for Educational Benefits Packet - English ISD 192.pdf
Free and Reduced Lunch Application - Spanish: 2023-24 Application for Educational Benefits Packet - Spanish ISD192
Families can also opt to apply online by logging into their food service account. The person applying must be the primary account holder and should log-in to their meal account to submit an online application. Thank you for taking the time to complete this important paperwork. We will have a table set up in the main lobby for families to complete it as well if that is easier for you.
24-25 RVES Student Handbook
24-25 School Calendar
Kid Connection Child Care (Before/After School Care)
Farmington Area Schools’ Kid Connection is your best choice for your child’s School Age Care for the Summer as well as during the School Year. Kid Connection offers quality, care at each elementary school in the during the school year and various locations each summer. Kid Connection provides enriching out-of-school-time activities before & after school, on non-school days and during the summer. We’re staffed with dedicated and trained professionals who have a combination of education and experience specific to school age children!
Click here to learn more and sign up for Kid Connection Child Care
“Starting Tiger Strong” Immunization Clinic Communication
New District Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy Takes Effect
In order to maintain focus on the educational process, we require that cell phones stay inside your child’s backpack and be turned off/ silenced throughout the duration of the school day. We understand that families may need to communicate with their child throughout the day, however, families need to communicate through the main office to deliver important messages. Students wearing watches should not be using the watch to make calls or send/receive messages during the school day. If the phone or watch is causing a distraction to learning, the phone/watch will be placed in the office for the remainder of the day and the student may pick it up at dismissal time. If it continues to be a concern, the phone/watch will be placed in the office and a parent will need to come pick it up.
School district will not be responsible for any lost or stolen personal items.
Please Consider Joining Our Team as a Substitute Teacher or Paraprofessional
If you would like to sign up to sub as a teacher or paraprofessional for the Farmington Schools you will have to apply through Teachers on Call (TOC). Please email or call TOC directly to sign up as we will no longer be filling these positions through Farmington Schools. TOC also offers many benefits including, weekly paychecks, ability to easily sub at multiple districts and many insurance benefit options.
To Apply Click Here: teachersoncall.com
For more information contact Teachers On Call (TOC): 800-713-4439
Have a Child Starting Kindergarten?
Be Sure To Return All Library Books and Other Materials Borrowed From School
We are still missing some checked out items from last school year. If you have any books or other materials that are still at your home, please return them to RVES right away. The main office is open Mon-Fri from 7:30-3:00.
Attendance Line Information
Riverview Elementary School Hours
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Riverview CARES
- Cooperation
- Assertiveness
- Responsibility
- Empathy
- Self-Control
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office: 651-460-1600
Nurse: 651-460-1606
Social Worker - 651-460-1629
Food Service: 651-460-3820
Bus Company: 651-463-8689
School Fax: 651-460-1610
School Closing Line: 651-985-1100
Community Education: 651-460-3200
Archived Newsletters
About Riverview: A Learner Centered Community
The mission of Riverview Elementary School, a learner-centered community that transforms the future of learning, is to ensure each individual continuously grows emotionally, socially, and academically to have a positive impact in their communities through:
- Honoring the diverseness of our communities
- Learning experiences driven by passions, sparks, and interests
- Reflection on the learning process and real-life experiences
- Collaborative relationships, trust, and open communication
Our Objectives:
- Each learner continuously demonstrates academic and personal growth.
- Each learner develops the skills to understand how they learn best.
- Each learner possesses the skills to advocate for themselves and others.
- Each learner continuously explores personal interests and passions to drive their learning.
Read more about our Strategic Framework here.
Email: speck@farmington.k12.mn.us
Website: https://rves.farmington.k12.mn.us/
Location: 4100 208th Street West, Farmington, MN 55024, USA
Phone: 651-460-1600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rve192