Feb 18-22, 2025 Marysville Jr/Sr High School #dogproud364
Principal's Note
Greetings Marysville Family,
By now you should have gotten the following message from Superintendent Schroeder: Due to the continuing forecast for extremely cold temperatures (wind chill), we will cancel Parent Teacher Conferences scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19th. Conferences will be held next Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at the same time with the same scheduling format. Next Wednesday will be a half day for students. This weather has thrown a real curveball at us and because of that, a lot of things have been affected. I thought an updated newsletter for what is left this week made sense. I also left a couple items off Sunday's letter so this gives me a chance to get them in. Please stay inside if possible. Frostbite can occur on exposed skin within minutes at the type of temps we will be seeing the next two days. We hope to see all students Thursday! STAY WARM!
Tim Woodcock, Principal
Cookin' Up A Storm
Two students from Mrs. Sandmann's Creative Culinary Essentials class recently entered the Marysville Advocate Recipe Contest. After "cooking up a storm" Juan Mortero took first place with his Mexican Flan and Aubrey Dressman took third with her Apple Pie! Looks delicious!
Marshall County Spelling Bee
Fifth grader Stella Zutterman from Marysville Elementary spelled the championship word "astringent" correctly to win the Marshall County Spelling Bee held today at the Marysville Jr/Sr High School auditorium. She moves on to the 2025 Sunflower State Spelling Bee held Saturday, March 22 at Kansas Wesleyan University. Barrett Lyhane, Marysville 7th grader, was 2nd place and Eli Frese, Marysville 8th grader, finished in 3rd. Thirty-six students in all from MES, MJSHS, St. Gregory's Catholic School, Good Shepherd Lutheran School, Axtell, Frankfort, and Valley Heights had qualified by placing in the top 6 at their school spelling bees. A big thanks to the Marysville Advocate for sponsoring the Marshall County Spelling Bee and also to Mr. Brian Cook, MJSHS English teacher for being our pronouncer.
Make sure to get out to the pancake feed held in the Ag Shop on Monday, February 24. It starts at 7:00 AM and runs until 10:00 AM. It's a free will donation and your chance to have an FFA student serve you breakfast. You can also use the QR code in the picture to pre-order a breakfast to go!
Forensics Judges For Saturday Still Needed
Judges still needed for the Marysville Forensics Tournament on Saturday, February 22. We have rounds at 8, 9:30, 11 and 1. Please contact Matt Friedrichs or Carla Wolfe at 562-5386 if you can help with one or more rounds. This is a great way to see incredible teenagers doing amazing things and to support their growth!
Game Locations and Times for High School Contests:
Activity Center
JV Boys - 4:30pm
Varsity Girls - 6:00pm
Varsity Boys - 7:30pm
Jr. High Gym
8th A - 4:30pm
C-Team Boys - 5:45pm
JV Girls - to follow
Week At A Glance
Wednesday, February 19
Parent/Teacher Conferences Postponed until February 26
Thursday, February 20
4:00 PM JH Scholars Bowl @ Hanover
4:30 PM JH Boys Basketball Home v Wamego (See Announcement Above)
4:30 PM HS Basketball Home v Wamego (See Announcement Above)
7:00 PM JH Dance @ Lee Dam Art Center
Friday, February 21
4:30 PM Basketball @ Abilene
Saturday, February 22
7:30 AM Marysville Forensics Tournament
9:00 AM Boys Wrestling Regional @ Abilene
9:00 AM JV Girls Basketball @ Sabetha
10:15 AM JV Boys Basketball @ Sabetha
11:30 AM JV Girls Basketball @ Sabetha
12:45 PM JV Boys Basketball @ Sabetha
7:00 PM Forensics Trivia Night @ Lee Dam Art Center