MED Fall '20 Schedule Newsletter
Reading Specialist
Gearing up for Fall!
The time has come to begin planning for the fall schedule! Please review the information provided in this newsletter to add your course or courses. You may begin scheduling on March 30th, 2020.
Some important dates to remember:
- September 2nd - Last day to drop or add classes
- September 15th - Last day to apply for graduation
- October 23rd - Last day to withdraw from classes
- December 16th - Winter Commencement 10:15a.m.
Please review the section describing the graduate core to view those options. Then utilize your program specialization section to view information regarding your technology course options this summer.
News and Notes
Covid-19 Response
Are You a MASTER Teacher?
More Online Choices Coming
Graduate Core Registration Info (Fall, 2020)
MED502.901 - Development, Learning, and Inclusive Practices (CRN14567)
Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Leese (jleese@ycp.edu)
Course Description: Students will expand their knowledge of effective educational practices, development, behavior, and inclusive practices. They will apply their expanded understandings of these topics while interacting with school-based special education professionals in a variety of leadership roles. Throughout the course, participants will explore emerging models of development while reflecting on their personal leadership characteristics and their roles in creating cultures of inclusivity and presumed competency for all learners. The culminating activity will require students to develop their personal missions, visions and core values as formal or informal school leaders with a focus on inclusive practices. (3 credits)
SPAN: 8/25/20 - 12/15/20
Days: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: ONLINE
MED503.801 - Curriculum Trends & Issues (CRN - 13850)
Instructor: Dr. Joshua DeSantis (jdesant1@ycp.edu)
Course Description: Students will analyze significant trends and issues impacting curricular decisions, trace their historical development, and examine likely future trends. Issues to be examined include conflicts between and among educational philosophies, learning theory, content, inclusion practices, and purpose of the written curriculum. Further public expectations, legislative decisions, and policymaking will be examined to better understand the many facets of a schoolʼs curriculum process. (3 credits)
SPAN: 8/25/20 - 12/15/20
Days: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: ONLINE
Reading Specialist Registration Info (Fall '20)
MED511.801 - Children & Adolescent Literature (CRN - 14546)
Instructor: Dr. Chrystine Mitchell (cmitchell4@ycp.edu)
Course Description: This course is an advanced survey of childrenʼs and adolescent literature. Included will be the examination of the genres of literature, the literary elements that combine to create a good book, and how literature can be used in any classroom. Students will learn advanced strategies for teaching literature as a teaching medium – one that enhances and expands the lesson or instructional concept. The course will also emphasize the strategies and techniques teachers use to promote literature within and throughout every subject area. (3 credits)
SPAN: 8/27/20 - 12/15/20
Days: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: ONLINE
MED513.801 - Development & Admin of School Reading Programs (CRN - 13851)
Instructor: Ms. Wendy Grentz (wgrentz@ycp.edu)
Course Description: This course defines the various reading specializations along with the duties and responsibilities of reading specialists. Students will examine current theories and practices on the development and administration of school reading programs, especially those suitable for specific school situations. Additionally, the course will enable students to monitor and assess the effectiveness of a school or district reading program in line with current standards and/or regulations. (3 credits)
SPAN: 8/27/20 - 12/15/20
Days: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: ONLINE
MED526.801 - Clinical Practicum in Reading Diag & Assessment (CRN - 13852)
Instructor: Dr. Stacey Dammann (sdammann@ycp.edu)
Course Description: This course is designed to give practice in the use of formal and informal assessments in appraising a childʼs skill in reading and related areas.The utilization of a reading profile or case study that serves as the basis for instructional practices is emphasized. Clinical and field experiences are part of this course. (3 credits)
SPAN: 8/24/20 - 12/15/20
Days: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
MED527.801 - Clinical Practicum in Reading Corr & Rem (CRN - 13853)
Instructor: Dr. Stacey Dammann (sdammann@ycp.edu)
Course Description: In this course, teachers work in teams designing corrective and remedial instructional plans for students with mild to severe reading disabilities, according to their emotional, cultural, and educational learning needs. It involves supervised practice in the use of sociological, psychological, and pedagogical instructional procedures including: keeping student portfolios, collaborating with related support school personnel, conferring with parents, using community resources, and conducting classroom action research. (3 credits)
SPAN: 8/24/20 - 12/15/20
Days: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Have Schedule Questions?
- Reading Specialist Program Supervisor- Dr. Stacey Dammann (sdammann@ycp.edu)
How Do I Register / Pay My Deposit / Defer Tuition Payment?
- If you are a newly admitted student, be sure to submit the medical forms in your acceptance packet to the YCP Health Center as soon as possible.
- Identify the CRNs (Course Reference Number) of the course(s) that you wish to register for.
Deposit and Holds:
- Each semester you are required to submit a deposit of $100 before you can register for classes.
- You should check for any holds on your account at least one week prior to registration so they can be resolved in a timely fashion. Holds can include Health Center information, tuition balance, Library fees, etc.
- If you are registering for classes after the due date set by the Business Office, payment in full is expected on that day - Tuition deferment is unavailable after that date.
- Go to MyYCP and sign into the York College portal. Click on YCPWeb. Click on Student Services, then Registration, Add/Drop Classes, Select a Term and then enter your CRNs in the spaces available at the bottom of the page.
- If you need to drop a class, click on the Action box and click Web Drop. Click Submit Changes on the bottom of the page.
- To view your schedule of classes, go to Student Schedule by Day and Time.
Tuition Deferment:
If you would like to postpone payment of your tuition bill until the conclusion of the course, please submit your deferment request AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after registering for your class(es). Please use this link to submit your deferment request. You will need an electronic copy of your employer's reimbursement policy to complete the deferment request.
York College of Pennsylvania - Graduate Programs in Behavioral Science & Education
Email: MED@ycp.edu
Website: ycp.edu/med
Location: 441 Country Club Road, York, PA, USA
Phone: 717-815-6406
Twitter: @ycpmed