Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
From the Principal
Parents & Families,
We are just a few weeks away from the 1st Day of School! We are excited to welcome back our returning students and families, and welcome new families to our campus. I will send a campus newsletter each Thursday afternoon to parent email addresses. These newsletters help you stay up to date on events, news, and important information.
Have a wonderful last few weeks of summer and we will see you all at Parent Orientation on Thursday, August 1st.
LSRO Important Information Newsletter
Please review the LSRO Important Information Newsletter to read about our campus policies and procedures. Please pay close attention to our Visitors' Policy. This newsletter will be active all year, and is a great place for families to refer back to to review policies.
Student Pick-Up Authorization Form
Parents, skip the line during Parent Orientation and pick up your hang tags prior to school starting! Hang tags are needed each day for dismissal. Visit the LSRO front office starting July 15th between 8:00-4:00 to fill out your Student Pick-Up Authorization form, the office will be closed Fridays in July. The parent filling out the Student Pick-Up Authorization form, must present your driver's license to get the hang tag. Be sure to bring the driver's license number of anyone else who will be picking up your child during the school year. Don't forget, daycare buses also need a hang tag! If you complete your Student Pick-Up Authorization form prior to August 1st, your child will earn a free jean day coupon to be used in September.
Save yourself time and download, print, and complete the Student Pick-Up Authorization prior to coming to campus.
**Green hang tags have now expired. Our new color for the 2024-2025 school year will be pink.**
Calendar of Events
July 27-Back to School Bash, 9:00-12:00, LHSW
August 1-Parent Orientation, See Below
August 5-First Day of School
August 9-No School Friday
August 16-Staff Development, No School
August 20-Big Kahuna Fundraiser Starts
August 23-No School Friday
August 29-Birthday Thursday/$3 Free dress Day
August 29-Lost & Found Donated
August 30-No School Friday
We are excited to see you on Parent Orientation on Thursday, August 1st. This is a wonderful time to briefly meet your child's teacher and visit our various stations around the building.
5:30-6:00 Parent Orientation Presentation in The Oaks Fellowship Worship Center
6:00-7:30 Meet the Teacher & Visit Stations
Used Uniform Swap & Sale: Shirts and pants will be sold for $1, sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets will be sold for $5, and families will be able to swap clothing items for larger/smaller sizes.
Spirit Shirt Sales: Parents can purchase youth and adult short and long sleeve spirit shirts. Limited number of each size will be available.
Medication Drop Off: This is an opportunity for you to drop off your student's medication in the nurse's office.
Hang Tag Forms: Be sure to fill out the Student Pick-Up Authorization Form and get your Hang Tags before the first day of school. Please bring your driver's license and the driver’s license numbers of anyone who may pick up your student during the school year.
Free & Reduced School Meal Application: Fill out the Free & Reduced School Meal Application using one of our campus devices.
Powerhouse: Receive information about Powerhouse and enroll your student in their before and after school program.
The first day of school is Monday, August 5th. Students will need to be in full uniform starting the first day, see below for information regarding uniforms.
We will serve breakfast and lunch starting the first day, see below regarding breakfast and lunch.
Parents are welcome to walk their students to their classrooms on the first day of school.
Morning Arrival 7:15-7:40
Afternoon Dismissal 4:00-4:35
Click here for a detailed explanation of Dismissal and see below for Mrs. Ostrander's video explanations
Please follow the below dismissal and arrival maps when in our parking lots. The light blue lines indicate exit lines. Please do not ever enter the parking lot through the exits, this is dangerous for you, our students, and other drivers.
See below some reminders regarding Arrival & Dismissal:
Arrival is from 7:15-7:40.
Breakfast is from 7:15-7:40.
Any students arriving to the cafeteria after 7:35 will not be able to eat breakfast.
Tardies are written starting at 7:45.
Please remain a safe speed and put your phone away during arrival and dismissal
All students must be dropped off through our arrival lines. Dropping off in the parking lot or on the other side of the church is not safe for our students, as they are not monitored.
Remember, our doors do not open until 7:15. Prior to 7:15, students will not be permitted into the building and are not supervised by Life School staff. Our students' safety is our top priority, and being dropped off prior to 7:15, without adult supervision, is not safe for our students.
Dismissal is from 4:00-4:35.
- All parents and families must pick students up in the dismissal lines. Parents are not permitted to walk into the building to pick up a student. All parents must have a hangtag in order to pick up their student from school. All parents will need to remain in the pick up lines. If you do not have your hangtag, you will need to come into the office, retrieve a hangtag, and get back in the carline.
- All daycares must also have a hangtag when picking up students.
- If your child will be going home a different way, please communicate that information to your child's teacher and/or the front office by 3:35.
- Our staff work hard in rain, cold, wind, and sunshine to release close to 1,100 students safely, please be patient and kind to our staff and other drivers.
- Please remain a safe speed and put your phone away during arrival and dismissal.
- Starting Monday, August 12th: Students are expected to be picked up promptly at dismissal time, before 4:35 pm, or make other arrangements to have students picked up. Adults picking up students must have a valid form of identification or a hang tag to pick students up from the office after 4:35 pm and a $10.00 late fee per student will be due at the time of pickup. The office can accept cash or online payments.
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
All households need to complete the Free and Reduced Price School Meal Application each school year, even if your child does not purchase school meals. The application is available throughout the school year and available to complete again should your family have a change in income or additional family members in the household.
Click here to view the breakfast and lunch menus.
Breakfast is served each day from 7:15-7:45.
Dress Code & Uniforms
Please see below reminders regarding school uniform and dress code:
- Elementary students must wear navy pants, skirts, or plaid jumpers or skirts. Elementary students should not be wearing khaki pants or skirts.
- Elementary students must wear navy or red polo shirts or a white oxford (button-down) shirt with the Life School crest.
- Spirit T-shirts can only be worn on Thursdays. Polo shirts must be worn Monday-Wednesday.
- Be sure to make note regarding hair color. As stated on page 13 of the handbook "Hair must be neatly groomed. No excessive colors or nonconforming hairstyles for boys or girls (only natural hair colors are acceptable)."
- For more information, please see our Student/Parent Handbook.
Don't forget to sign up for Galaxy Digital by clicking here. By signing up, you will receive updates regarding events and opportunities on our campus.
When you respond for an event, you will receive hours for your participation. As parents receive hours, we will recognize parents throughout the year with shout outs, special prizes, and recognition.
Important Reminders & Links
Reading Together
Research consistently shows that reading aloud to children has a significant positive impact on their literacy development and overall academic success. Set aside time daily or weekly to read-aloud with your student. You can use our LifeLeader Literacy Connections to discuss the stories you read together. Share with us on social media using #LifeLeadersRead.
Charlotte Mathis-August 1st
Maddie Creech-August 11th
Chelsea Davis-August 13th
Telina Williams-August 13th
Angel Gaynor-August 14
Michelle Garner-August 17th
Ronda Johnson-August 19th
Kali Umphenour-August 22
Zennell Henderson-August 25th
Tarra Daugherty-August 27th