Bear Business
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Attendance Reminders . . .
We would like to take this opportunity to emphasize how important regular school attendance is for a student to make the most of his or her education. Regular attendance helps our students to benefit from teacher-led activities, to build each day's learning on the previous day's instruction, and to grow as an individual. Absences from class may hinder a student's mastery of the instructional materials. While we understand that students must stay home when they are ill, we respectfully request that students and parents make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences.
State law requires that a student enrolled in Kindergarten and higher who attends school must attend at least 90% of the days the class is offered to receive credit.
If a student needs to go to a medical appointment during the school day and is in attendance before and/or after the appointment, the absence will not count against the student for the 90% rule as long as a note is provided from the physician. If, however, a student misses an entire day of school, even if it is for a medical purpose, the absence will count as one of the days towards the 90% rule. Please send a note or email within three days to Melissa Smith at melismith@mckinneyisd.net each time your child is absent stating the reason for the absence in order for it to be documented. Family vacations will be counted as unexcused absences.
Arriving to school on time each day is also an important part of learning. Classes begin promptly at 8:00AM each morning. Students who arrive after 8:00AM are missing key elements in the instructional process. Tardy letters will be sent home throughout the year. Thank you for giving your child the optimum opportunity for success by arriving to school promptly. We are also keeping a record of any student that is picked up late after 3:15PM.
We will continue to have a poster this year in the front office to bring awareness to the number of absences, tardies, and early checkouts for each day. We appreciate your support and your help to ensure that your child arrives to school so that we can maximize learning time. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the attendance policies.
Watch DOGS Registration Ends This Week!
Learn more and sign up at :
Please remember to complete your volunteer background check.
Bennett Choir . . .
More information at the Choir site: https://sites.google.com/student.mckinneyisd.net/bearchoirnotes/home
Bennett Learning Commons September Newsletter . . .
Counselor News . . .
New to Bennett? Here's some info . . .
On Friday afternoon, our entire school family will gather for our first Friday Live of the year. This is a pep rally like assembly where we recognize and celebrate our students, parents, and staff! All students, staff, and parents are encouraged to wear a spirit shirt! Spirit sticks will be awarded to classes with the highest participation!
Coming Up!
Wednesday, September 20: Fourth and Fifth Grade Choir 7:15AM
Thursday, September 21: PTO Sponsored Spring Creek BBQ
Friday, September 22: PTO Sponsored Principal's Coffee 8:15AM; STUCO elections; Friday Live 2:15PM; Watch DOGS registration closes
Saturday, September 23: Crape Myrtle Run MBHS
Monday, September 25: Creed Lunch 10:30AM; Special Olympics Bowling; STUCO Reps announced; Bennett Batons 3-4PM
Tuesday, September 26: Fourth and Fifth Grade Choir 7:15AM; Big Kahuna Principal Fundraiser orders due; PTO October Newsletter goes home; Vision/Hearing Screenings for Kinder, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades. If your child wears glasses, please make sure they bring them!
Wednesday, September 27: 1st-5th Grade Progress Reports go home; Fourth and Fifth Grade Choir 7:15AM
Thursday, September 28: Bear Buddies - all 1st-5th grade new to Bennett students are invited!
Saturday, September 30: MISD Volunteer Renewal Grace Period ends - get your background check updated!
Campus Improvement Plan Tactic Teams . . .
To learn more about the tactic teams or participate, please see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FsPwi9gxtxdOL7H5xHGfUfa6RpklBe0j0YrhmcsETZs/edit?usp=sharing
Crape Myrtle Run
Each year McKinney has the Crape Myrtle Trail Run. Top 3 schools with the most registered runners WINS and sees their PE Coach or Principal KISS THE PIG at the Run! (Hint: McClure Knocks it out of the park every year and we want to kiss that pig)
FUN, FREE Things to do before, during, and after the Run! Enjoy the free Inflatable Obstacle Course, Petting Zoo, Bounce House, Face Painting, Photo Booth, Social Media Contest, Best Pig Costume and MORE surprise entertainment in the NEW Myrtle Village!
Sign-up NOW at www.CrapeMyrtleTrails.org and pay with credit card.
** Or make check payable to Crape Myrtle Trails of McKinney and return this completed registration form to your school office! (flyer linked below)
Early Registration
$15 student runner
$25 1 Mile, 5K adult runner
$30 for 10K
After Sept. 17, 2017
$15 student runner
$30 1 Mile, 5K adult runner.
$40 for 10K
MISD Holiday Bazaar
9th Annual MISD Holiday Bazaar will be held on October 21 at McKinney High School
· Over 100 vendors
· Campus attendance drawing- new this year
· Proceeds benefits all MISD
· Free entrance and Free parking
· Doors open at 9am
· Family event with Roadhouse serving BBQ sliders 2 for $5.00- these proceeds benefit MISD CTE Criminal Justice Students
Thanks for your continued support of our campus!
Parent Feedback . . .
Bennett 2017-2018: One Team, One Dream
Bennett Elementary
Email: aholderman@mckinneyisd.net
Website: www.mckinneyisd.net/bennett
Location: 7760 Coronado Drive, McKinney, TX, United States
Phone: 4693025400
Facebook: facebook.com/MISDBennett
Twitter: @bennettbears