December Newsletter
We Are Byron, Stronger Together! 12/2022
Message From The Superintendent
It has been a busy few weeks filled with activities, learning, celebrations and holiday fun between the Fall break and our Winter Recess. Thank you to all our families that contributed toys and food donations to the Brentwood Regional Community Chest barrels to help our families in need this holiday season!
I want to give a huge shout out to our school community for participating in our #WEareBYRON wear purple on Wednesdays! Please continue to join us in unity by wearing purple on Wednesdays in the new year.
This time of year it is important to take time to cherish the important people in your life as you make special memories together. I want to thank all of our staff, students and families that make Byron USD a special place to work, learn and grow! I hope you enjoy a warm and cozy holiday break filled with family traditions, laughter and love! WE look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday, January 9, 2023!
In gratitude,
Crystal Castaneda
Discovery Bay Parade of Lights
It was a cold and rainy night on Dec. 3rd for the Discovery Bay Parade of Lights but that didn't stop us from having a blast representing BYRON USD and waving to all our community friends that came to support! Special thanks to Mrs. Parlog and her DB Leadership students for helping decorate the golf carts! We were lucky to have some special VIPs walking along the parade route and carrying our banner including some VIP students, one of our CSEA Site Honorees from Discovery Bay Elementary- Amber Rennert, our Byron USD Teacher of the Year from Timber Point-Bernadette Geer, Erika Parlog-Discovery Bay Principal, Jamie Keith-Excelsior Middle school Principal and two of our Board of Trustees, Melissa Ortiz-Gray and Joe Le Bel. It was a great evening for all!
Welcome our New Board of Trustees
Last Thursday, December 15th, at the Regular Board Meeting, we honored President Melissa Ortiz-Gray and Trustee Tamara Weber for their years of service on the Board. We had a special surprise, District Representative Claire Alaura attended to provide certificates of honor on behalf of Senator Glazer. We invited the Contra Costa Superintendent of Schools, Lynn Mackey to help with the Oath of Office and swearing in ceremony for our three new Trustees. The new Board of Trustees voted on the following positions for the new Byron Union School District's Board: President Jamie Kane, Vice-President Joe Le Bel, Clerk Jessica Bane, Trustee Lucy Rodriguez, and Trustee Claudia Rodriguez-Cantwell. We are honored to have such dedicated community members willing to serve, thank you!
Trustee Claudia Rodriguez-Cantwell
Trustee Lucy Rodriguez
Clerk Jessica Bane
Claire Alaura, District Representative From Senator Glazer's Office Presents Special Service Honors for Melissa Ortiz-Gray and Tamara Weber
Village Community Resource Center-Byron Partnership
Did you know that the Village Community Resource Center(VCRC) is one of our special community partners? Their mission is to improve the quality of life for children and families in East Contra Costa County by promoting equity through education, wellness, leadership and organizing, and partnerships.They are housed in the Friends of Library space on Main Street in Historic downtown Bryon. We appreciate their support for our families and students. If you'd like to learn more about the VCRC please check out their website at Village Community Resource Center or call (925)626-7892.
Discovery Bay Highlights
Balloons Over Discovery Bay Elementary School
Students Singing Feliz Navidad
Golf Cart Karaoke
Excelsior Middle School Highlights
Timber Point Highlights
4th and 5th Grade Bazaar
Dance Party With Wolfie The Mascot
Pajama Day
Community Events
Brentwood Baseball & Softball
Streets of Brentwood- Photos With Santa
Youth Flag Football
Care Solace- Family Support
December is National Stress-Free Holidays Month! The holidays can be stressful, so take time to care for yourself. Here are some easy tips to make your holiday season bright and stress-free:
- Plan ahead.
- Talk about your feelings.
- Take time for self-care.
- If you need help finding a mental health provider, you can always call #CareSolace 24/7/365 at 888-515-0595. This is a free service for our community!
Important Dates to Remember
December 22nd-January 7th: Winter Recess- No school
January 9th: TK/K Registration Packet Distribution at Timber Point for the 23/24 School Year
January 16th- MLK Holiday- No school
January 17th: TK/K Registration Packet Distribution at Discovery Bay for the 23/24 School Year
January 19th- Regular School Board Meeting of the Trustees 6:30PM
Contact Or Follow Us At:
Location: 14301 Byron Highway, Byron, CA, USA
Phone: 925-809-7502
Twitter: @clcastaneda5