Board Recap January 23, 2025

Regular Meeting of Board of Trustees
Superintendent Announcements
Our team has been working hard these past few weeks to continue our efforts from last semester. We know bullying and mental health are key priorities in our community, and we are committed to them as well. I want to make everyone aware of the steps that are taking place:
Our school counselors met recently to discuss opportunities for social-emotional learning on their campuses to address bullying specifically.
We are in the process of hiring two mental health counselors to give us five total on staff. Interviews will take place this week.
Several schools are also participating in the Great Kindness Challenge next week to encourage kindness and compassion.
The high school will offer the first of four Leadership Academy sessions tomorrow morning, all open to students and staff before school.
SHS is now offering monthly mindfulness events, which started last week with “Take a Brain Break!” in which students and staff created origami fidget toys. The school is also adding Anchor Boxes, a suicide prevention toolkit, which will be available to students in the coming weeks.
Some of our student leaders also worked with our mental health counselor and Communities in Schools team to help organize and share mental health resources with their classmates.
Student Services, ACE, and Whole Child Initiatives are working on a new family event for this semester. More to come on that.
We also have the students leading the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Team here tonight to present their plans to get involved and lead the way for their younger counterparts. I am excited for you to hear from them.
Even with just a few weeks back in school, our students and teachers have juggled quite a bit with academics and extracurricular activities. The work continues to prepare our students for upcoming assessments and STAAR testing, which will be here before we know it.
As of today, we have 36 students at Mercer-Blumberg Learning Center who have completed all graduation requirements this school year. What a huge achievement for these students, Dr. Hastings, and the MBLC staff. Congratulations to all of you!
Thank you to all involved in Friday’s musical celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What a wonderful opportunity for our elementary and high school choir students and a special occasion for our community.
Friday, we also welcomed the family of Oralia R. Rodriguez to her namesake school, Rodriguez Elementary. I joined her daughter, granddaughter, grandson-in-law, and great-granddaughters for a campus tour by principal Ofelia Santiago. I enjoyed the stories they shared about Mrs. Rodriguez with the school’s fifth grade students.
I also attended our district Spanish Spelling Bee last week. Our students did a great job, and I am excited for those moving to the next level. Congratulations to our students who recently participated in the TMEA All-Region Band concert, the UIL State of Texas cheerleading competition, UIL Theater, and the Guadalupe County Youth Show. We are Matador Proud of you for representing Seguin ISD.
Basketball, powerlifting, and soccer are already underway, but several sports are about to start, including baseball, softball, and track and field. We hope everyone will join us for Meet the Mats early next month as we cheer on our Matadors in the Spring 2025 season.
There is much to be excited about and look forward to in Seguin ISD. I am very proud of our students and staff for continuing to work hard toward their goals and showing everyone what it means to be a Matador. We are one team, learning together, elevating excellence.
A vital part of that team is our board of trustees, who we honor tonight during School Board Recognition Month. We are grateful for their dedication, leadership, support, and time. Our trustees represent Seguin ISD, some as graduates, some as parents, and some as community members who truly have a heart for our district, students, and teachers.
Your work does not go unnoticed, and our campuses want to show their gratitude for everything that you do. Thank you for being here to represent our families and our community."
2.B. Student/Staff/Board/Community Recognition
Seguin ISD Superintendent Students of the Month
Anthony Macias Jr.
Anthony Macias Jr. is a kindergarten student in Ms. Garcia’s class at McQueeney Elementary. His teacher says he is an exceptional student, a beacon of kindness and support for his classmates with impeccable manners, and has a deep sense of pride in his school. Anthony’s parents are Raquel Sendejo and Anthony Macias Sr. Congratulations, Anthony!
Eduardo Martinez Munoz
Eduardo Martinez Munoz is a fifth grader at Rodriguez Elementary. This campus leader is the student council president, a GT and dual language student, and a Spanish Spelling Bee participant who plays organized soccer. His parents are Eduardo Martinez, Melissa Munoz, and Mario Armendariz. Congratulations, Eduardo!
Brinley Bryan
Brinley Bryan attends AJB Middle School. One teacher described this young lady as one of the hardest-working seventh graders at AJB. Brinley is also known for being a natural leader who embraces challenges. She is in athletics and band; she just started playing flute this year. Her parents are Ashley and Chad Bryan. Congratulations, Brinley!
Lillian Valdez
Lillian Valdez is a recent graduate of the Mercer-Blumberg Learning Center. Lillian is known as a positive influence on her classmates and an active participant on campus who worked hard to graduate. Her principal, Dr. Hastings, says she made strong efforts on her final tests and got positive results - what an achievement. Her parents are Amanda and Joseph Valdez. Congratulations, Lillian!
Superintendent’s Apple Award
Troy DePalermo, Recipient of the Superintendent Apple Award for January 2025
"Being a good teacher requires having a servant’s heart, and I know this month’s Superintendent Apple Award winner is a shining example.
This month, I’m proud to honor and recognize a longtime Matador who grew up here, raised their family here, and continues to help educate future generations.
This Seguin High School graduate served in the U.S. Air Force for over 30 years and has spent the last 17 years working in Seguin ISD. I want to take a moment to recognize this person’s military service, which included a deployment while working in Seguin. Thank you for your service.
Over nearly two decades, this month’s recipient has worked with students from kindergarten to 12th grade. Their teaching career started with substitute teaching at AJB, where they moved into teaching science full-time, then technology at Weinert, followed by Seguin High School, before moving to Barnes just a few years ago.
It is at Barnes where he has helped students truly soar to new heights. Earlier this school year, he helped 60 eighth-grade students become fully licensed recreational drone pilots. They even had a 100-percent passing rate! These students passed the same F-A-A exam required for all recreational drone pilots in the U-S. What a wonderful accomplishment!
As a robotics and technology teacher, he is helping open new doors for our students. These opportunities set our students up for success far beyond middle school, and we are grateful to this teacher for sharing their knowledge and talents with all of them.
It is my honor to introduce our January Superintendent Apple Award recipient, Troy DePalermo."
Superintendent's Student Advisory Team
The trustees heard from the officers of the Superintendent's Student Advisory Team (SSAT), a group of student representatives from each SISD campus who work in collaboration with Dr. Vijil.
The students presented new initiatives they plan to implement, including a mentorship program that will pair high school SSAT members with younger counterparts and a program to encourage students to eat with peers who may be sitting alone.
2.B. Campus Highlight
Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning at Rodriguez Elementary
Trustees heard from the staff at Rodriguez Elementary on fostering a culture of continuous learning.
Principal Ofelia Santiago was joined by Cecilia Reyes, assistant principal; Amy Crockett, second grade teacher; and Angel Montes, ACE coordinator.
3. Audience with the Board
Seven people signed up and addressed the board on the following topics:
- Violet Pullin on district and community concerns
- Megan Strickland on request to add agenda items
- Levi Robertson on positive change and request to add agenda items
- Caitlin Aguirre on board action
- Jennifer Miller on discipline
- Diana Farris on reflection
- Caria Allen
4. Reports/Information Items:
4.A. Introduction of Newly Appointed Administrators
Dr. Ruben Carrillo, chief of technology and security, and Max Flores, executive director of Human Resources were formally introduced to the board.
4.B. Personnel Information - Professional Employees
4.C. Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) Cycle 3 Update
4.D. 2024-2025 Istation Indicators of Progress (ISIP) Data
4.E. New Format of Monthly Financials
4.F. New Vendors
4.G. Purchases made over $50,000
5. Closed Session
Board adjourned into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act
5.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section §§§ 551.071, 551.074, 551.129 - Consultation with legal counsel including possible telephone consultation with legal counsel, as necessary, to address legal concerns, implications, and answer any legal questions regarding posted agenda items.
5.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section § 551.074 - Discuss personnel matters, including appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a employee(s).
5.C. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section § 551.072 - Discuss the sale, purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property.
5.D. Pursuant to Texas Government code Sections § 551.0821 - Deliberation regarding public school student.
6. Reconvene to Open Meeting
6.A. Possible action on professional personnel, including appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public employee(s).
No action was taken.
7. Consent Agenda Items - Consider and Possible Approval as Applicable
7.A. Approval of Board Minutes of Special Meeting - December 11, 2024; Public Meeting - December 17, 2024; Regular Meeting - December 17, 2024; and Amended Minutes - Regular Meeting - January 23, 2024.
7.B. Approval of Tax Collection Reports for December 2024
7.C. Approval of Proposed Budget Amendments for November 2024
7.D. Approval of Proposed Financial Statements for November 2024
7.E. Approval of Donations Received December 2024
7.F. Approval of Investment Report for the Second Quarter Ended December 31, 2024
7.G. Seguin ISD Resolution Regarding the Office of the Governor’s Truancy Prevention Grant
7.H. Acknowledge Public Information Act Requests December 2024-January 2025
Trustee Josh Bright requested to remove 7.E. Approval of Donations Received December 2024 from the consent agenda for further discussion. The trustees heard information on how the community can make donations to the school district from Chief Financial Officer Liz Oaks.
The trustees approved the donations received in December 2024, 7-0.
All consent agenda items except 7.E. (which was approved in the previous vote) were approved by the Board of Trustees.
Motion passed, 7 in favor, 0 opposed.
8. Action Items
8.A. Discussion and Possible Action on Baseball and Softball Field Complex Signage
The Board of Trustees approved option 3 for the Matador Legends Ballpark signage.
Motion passed, 6 in favor, 1 opposed.
8.B. Approval of School Calendar for 2025-2026 School Year
- Agenda - 2025-2026 School Calendar
- Exhibit - 2025-2026 School Calendar
- Exhibit - 2025-26 School Calendar Presentation
The Board of Trustees accepted the proposed 2025-2026 school calendar with the addition of the Seguin High School 2026 graduation date.
Motion passed, 4 in favor, 3 opposed.
8.C. Personnel Action - Professional Employees
The Board approved the personnel action for hired professional employees.
Motion passed, 7 in favor, 0 opposed.
8.D. Personnel Action - Professional Employees
The Board of Trustees approved personnel action for professional employees.
Motion passed, 7 in favor, 0 opposed.
8.E. Possible Action to Approve Superintendent’s Evaluation Instrument
The Board of Trustees approved the Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument.
Motion passed, 6 in favor, 1 opposed.
9. Board Comments and Request
The trustees shared comments on:
- Mr. Bright read a statement on student privacy and the process for reporting concerns.
- Mrs. Crettenden thanked the campuses and departments for their gifts in recognition of School Board Appreciation Month.