Mitchell Minute
April/May 2022 Mitchell Newsletter
Dr. Sainz Says
The end of the school year is upon us and as is always the case, things just go faster and faster! We are excited to finish this year strong! We have approximately 27 school days left and we want our scholars to keep pushing and challenging themselves. We have also entered into "Testing Season." Please ensure that your scholars are getting a good night's rest and are here on time each day. The testing days are below.
We are in need of updated residency verification paperwork. (Please see the letter below for more information. There will be a table set up at the Harvest Dinner for you to bring your paperwork. In addition, the office will be open until 5:00 p.m. on May 25 to receive the paperwork. (See the link below for required paperwork).
We also wanted to let you know that the second round of renovation at our school will be happening over the summer. We will be temporarily located at Burke High School. Our phone number will remain the same at 843-724-7261. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Our scholars have made amazing progress this school year! We are excited to celebrate their greatness!
Thanks for your continued partnership,
Dr. Amber Sainz
Mitchell Elementary Principal
Dr. Amber Sainz
Mitchell Elementary Principal
Notes from the Front Office
We have COVID-19 test kits for ALL students at Mitchell. As a safety precaution, we cannot send testing kits home with your students. Parents, please come to Mitchell between 9am and 1pm Monday-Friday to pick up your children’s kits. We will have kits available in the front office until April 29, 2022.
For Parents/Guardians of Magnet students, it’s time to submit your residency verification information, again. Visit this link for a list of the required documentation. Call or email Ms. Cierra Hennix at Cierra_Hennix@charleston.k12.sc.us to set up a time to submit your information. Please note, our front office staff will not be in the building after June 3rd. You must submit your residency verification before that date.
Testing Dates and Reminders
April 25-April 28
Third and Fourth Grade MAP testing
May 2-5
First and Fifth Grade MAP testing
May 10-May 11
3rd-5th Grade SC Ready ELA testing
May 17-18
Second Grade MAP testing
May 24-
SC PASS Science
May 19-
3rd-5th Grade SC Ready Math
Staff Appreciation Week
Monday-Students can make a card for their teacher and other staff members.
Tuesday-Students can dress in their teacher's favorite color.
Wednesday-Students can bring their teacher and/or staff members a special treat.
Thursday-Students dress in their "fancy" clothes to celebrate teachers and staff.
Friday-Students can draw special pictures for their teacher and staff.
Green Heart Harvest Dinner
Here is the link to sign-up for the Harvest Dinner.
School Drop Off and Pick-up Times
We do not have staff available to monitor students before or after these times. Kaleidoscope is available for after-school care. Please call the school for more information.
Parent Portal Access
Parents, if you do not have your student’s login information for PowerSchool Parent Portal, please contact Ms. Cierra Hennix at cierra_hennix@charleston.k12.sc.us or at 843-724-7262.
Parent Portal will provide you access to your student’s grades and attendance. The system also allows you to provide information to the district through surveys. We are asking families to log into the Parent Portal and update your communication language preferences. The brief two question survey is located under the “Forms” tab within the Parent Portal.
Additionally, in the near future, you will receive an email from Parent Portal (ccsdschools@charleston.k12.sc.us) with information about completing the school climate survey so that your school will be able to receive vital information about serving the needs of you and your child.
For Parent Portal Resource Document: Parent Portal Resource Document
Dates to Remember
May 13-Spring Pictures (prepaid only) Kindergarten (cap/gown)
May 19-Residency verification (Bring your residency paperwork to the Harvest Dinner)
May 25-Residency verification (Bring your paperwork up until 5:00 p.m.)
May 30-No School; Memorial Day
June 1-Half Day release @10:40 a.m.
June 1-Fifth Grade Celebration @9:00 a.m. (More information will be sent home soon!)
June 2-Last Day of School; Half Day release @10:40 a.m.
Classroom Connections
ELA: We are starting our new study focusing on water! Throughout this unit the scholars will explore the importance of water and its many uses at school and at home, investigate how water changes, and learn about how water helps people and the environment. Be sure to point out and discuss the variety of ways you use water at home with your child! We are on our last “letter of the week” this week. For the remainder of the year, we will have a big “letter countdown” where we focus on one letter each day until the end of the school year!
Math: We are continuing to expand our number recognition and counting skills every day through our daily number corner and bridges unit. This month, our theme is ladybugs! We are working on our patterning skills, putting numbers in order from 1-10, ten-frames, and even addition! The scholars are doing an amazing job with this!
ELA: We are continuing our study of trees by looking at how trees are important to us and to our community. We are keeping journals and writing sentences everyday! Ask your child to tell you about the tree that they studied and how people can enjoy trees!
Math: We are adding and subtracting like crazy in kindergarten! We have been adding all the way up to 20 using all sorts of strategies and models including our fingers, counting on from the bigger number, and our tens frames. We are excited to continue practicing these strategies to get faster and faster with our facts!
First Grade
ELA: We have been busy working hard in first grade. In EL Reading we have been closely studying about birds and their body parts. We wrote informative paragraphs to show that we are experts on beaks and feathers. We will continue to focus on birds until the end of the year. In Math, we worked with 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. We then used shapes to sort and graph. We learned about fractions, one half, one third and one fourth. Our next focus is adding and subtracting up to 20.
Second Grade
Math: In Number Corner we have been focusing on fractions of a whole or a set. This has been challenging for the students but many are catching on to it. In Bridges, we’ve been learning about shapes and finding the area of shapes. We’ve had fun doing a lot of hands-on activities with tiles and pattern blocks. Each class made their own Churn Dash Quilt. The students had to make squares, rectangles, and triangles in the correct colors to match a pattern. For review we continue to work on addition and subtraction with regrouping, money, and word problems.
Third Grade
ELA: 3rd grade has read two versions of Peter Pan. We focused on the progression of the chapters, character traits, and recounting the stories. We are currently working on a four paragraph book review of Peter Pan. Students will also have a chance to rewrite part of the story. Please look for a reading log to be coming home each month. Students should read for at least 15 minutes a night.
Math: 3rd graders are working hard on learning attributes of polygons and quadrilaterals. Students are able to recognize similarities and differences between each specific shape. Students now have knowledge of parallel lines, right angles, acute angles, obtuse angles, and open and closed shapes. In Number Corner our students are learning about telling time and area and perimeter.
Science: 3rd graders are finishing up their water unit. For our water unit we focused on the states of matter and the water cycle. Students enjoyed learning about the water cycle and even learned a song and dance to help them remember the cycle.
Fourth Grade
ELA: We are working on writing narratives and we will be performing our Divided Loyalties play at the end of the month! Stay tuned for upcoming announcements regarding the performance!
Math: We are learning about strategies for multiplications and division. We will also dive deeper into area and perimeter in order for the students to be more prepared for the fifth grade.
Science: We are continuing our studies in Plants and Animals. Students will take a field trip to experience this phenomenon hands-on.
Fifth Grade
ELA: Studying athletes of social change, working on writing summaries and factors of success.
Math: Working in unit 6 on geography, coordinate grids, classifying shapes, and volume.
Number Corner- Students will work on finding dimensions of rectangular prisms and will determine the volume. They will multiply and divide fractions and will add and subtract fractions by recognizing the relationship between equivalencies.
Field Experience: 5th grade students will have an opportunity to visit the charleston air exposition on the united states air force base. We will explore STEM and force and motion.
Reading Intervention
Reading Intervention: We are happy to see our literacy students becoming stronger readers and applying strategies. We are now working to decode multisyllable words using the clap and tap strategy(for example: ath-lete, re-mind). We are also beginning to talk about how to break a suffix from a base word to read longer words (for example: look-ing, play-ed). Teaching strategies to figure out new words is helping our students become more independent readers.
Art: CD is working on a recycling project.
K is working on nature drawings.
1st is creating painted flowers by mixing paints.
2nd is learning about Claude Monet.
3rd is learning about sweet grass baskets. The students are weaving.
4th and 5th grade students are working with model magic.
PE: K-1st graders are working on developing their ball handling skills by learning and practicing how to dribble a basketball in many different ways through various activities. Grades 2-5th just started their basketball unit and are learning and practicing the different skills in basketball such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. The goal is to get them comfortable with these basketball skills so that they can get themselves on a court and be able to play with one another and reap the cardiovascular benefits of participating in the sport.
Music: 1st-2nd graders are working on basic musicianship and fundamentals. We are learning about solfege and preparing songs for our upcoming May performance. 3rd-4th grade students are working on basic musicianship with the recorder and are preparing for an upcoming performance in May. 5th grade is wrapping up creating songs for the culminating Salt Marsh Project. They are also preparing for an upcoming performance in May.
About Us
Dr. Amber Sainz-Principal
Mr. Brian Keough-Assistant Principal
Email: amber_sainz@charleston.k12.sc.us
Website: https://www.ccsdschools.com/Domain/63
Location: 2 Perry Street, Charleston, SC, USA
Phone: 843-724-7261
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MitchellElementarySchool
Twitter: @MitchellSharks