GVS Family Newsletter
November 17th, 2023
Grantham Village School
75 Learning Drive
Grantham, NH 03753
Principal: Kristen Reed
GVS Family Newsletter
February 9, 2024
Please visit our website!
Kindergarten - Forces - Pushes and Pulls
As the M&Ms wrap up their unit Forces- Pushes and Pulls, the students were challenged: Can I build a ramp that will get a marble from the start to the finish?
They have the following materials to work with: a long and short ramp, at least 4 block steps, a marble and a start finish sign.
They first watched a video about ramps and how ramps work. They drew their design and labeled their drawing. They will test their plans in small groups today!
Want the picture bigger? Click the picture.
Kindergarten - Stop-Motion Movies
Skittles used our Ipads to make stop-motion movies during our Play to Learn time! We first learned how to use this app during a technology class. Then, we practiced making movies about our favorite play materials. Some of the class' favorites were "Rhino vs. Hippos", "Lego Guy Builds a Boat" and "Baby dolls". Thanks Mr. Pollard for helping us learn!
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
The Grantham School District Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, beginning at 6:30 pm in the GVS Gymnasium. The tentative snow date is Thursday, March 7th.
March 12, 2024 - Election of Officers
The election for School District Officers will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at the Grantham Town Hall, 300 Route 10 South, Grantham, NH. Polls open from 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM. Absentee ballots are available at the SAU office. The Absentee ballot application for the school district elections can be found below or can be obtained by visiting the SAU office. Please note: completed absentee ballots must be returned according to the instructions provided with the blank ballot. This includes delivering the completed ballot in one of two ways: in-person to the SAU office between the hours of 8:30 am - 4:30 pm or via USPS mail. The absentee ballot must be received by 5:00 pm on election day, March 12, 2024. By state statute, completed absentee ballots CANNOT be dropped off in person on election day by the voter; immediate family members may do so on behalf of the voter but will need to complete a form identifying their relationship with the voter at the time of delivery. In either case, 5:00 pm on election day remains the deadline.
Update from our School Counselor, Mrs. Widmann
Helping Your Child Manage Anxiety
Learn how to help your child manage anxiety. At Grantham Village School, we have adopted Lynn Lyons' philosophy on managing anxiety. Lynn has written the books Anxious Kids Anxious Parents and The Anxiety Audit. We have both books available to check out. Email me if you would like to borrow a copy. kwidmann@gvshawks.org Listen to all of Lynn Lyons' podcasts on the 7 Anxiety Disruptors for Families:
If you would like to teach your child these same strategies, watch my video series with your child(ren)
Passport to Winter Fun Program
Passports to Winter Fun have arrived at Grantham Village School. These booklets are a great way to stay active during the winter months. The goal is to track your physical activity by recording it in the booklet. There are 30 days of tracking included. Each day you complete 60 minutes of physical activity, fill in a box (write your activities in the box).
Here are some important deadlines
February 23rd - Front Flap Deadline
March 29th - Back Flap Deadline
March 31st - Last Day to Cash in Incentive Prizes
April 5th - Grand Prize Raffle, Program Conclusion
There are 3 ways to turn in your front/back flaps.
Mail to: Passport to Winter Fun, P.O. Box 1215, Norwich, VT
Scan the QR code within the booklet to fill it out digitally (front and back flaps have different QR codes)
Turn them into Mr. Pollard and he will mail them in!
Passport Participants earn an incentive prize when they reach day(s) 10, 20 & 30 which are listed on the green sheet insert. To redeem the prizes, they present their Passport with the completed days to the business to verify they have completed those days! Learn more about cashing in prizes here.
Thanks to the generosity of Local Businesses, we have a great selection of Incentive Prizes for the 2023 season! We will be highlighting a business here and including information on their prize offering.
Want to be included in the Upper Valley Trails Alliance Newsletter. Send your photos of winter fun to passport@uvtrails.org or caption photos on social media with #uvtapassport to get featured!
Thank you to the Upper Valley Trails Alliance for sponsoring these awesome program!
Fisher Cats Reading Challenge
The Fisher Cats Reading Challenge has begun!
Looking for 100 readers to read 5 books each
The Challenge ends March 18th
Turn Your form into your teacher or Ms. Buckley
GVS Events
Hobby Horse Basketball
Grantham Recreation News
A lot is going on with Grantham Recreation this Spring! Mark your calendars for athletic registrations
and event dates so you don’t miss any of the FUN!!
Athletic Registrations:
Baseball Registration for Spring 2024 is NOW OPEN!
Challenger Soccer Camp Summer 2024 is NOW OPEN!
Taekwondo Spring Session Registration Opens on February 13 th .
Girls on the Run is coming to Grantham this Spring!!
Girls on the Run, a nationally based organization aimed to inspire girls of all abilities to embrace their
inner strength and make meaningful connections with those around them, is coming to Grantham!
This program is open to all girls in Grades 3-5.
Additional information on the season, practice schedule, and registration information can be
found HERE
Upcoming Events – Save the Date
Hearts in the Park – February 9 th -16 th
Bounce House Party – March 9 th
Easter Egg Hunt – March 30 th
Additional Information about all of the events can be found on the Grantham Activities website -
Policy Reminder
Policy JICJ - Communication Devices: Cell Phones, Internet-Capable Watches, Tablets, Etc.
Excerpt -
Student use of cell phones, internet-capable watches, tablets, and other similar electronic communication devices is strictly prohibited during the school day on-campus. This includes lunch periods and recess periods, as well as on school sponsored trips off-campus that may extend beyond normal school hours. Such devices are to be kept in a student’s bag or cubby with the power turned off. The Board recommends that these devices not be brought to school.
If students use any of the prohibited devices during the school day, they will be taken by a staff member and delivered to the office for the remainder of the school day. Repeated use of these devices in school will require a special plan arranged by the principal.