The Wednesday MESSAGE!
Edition #24 February 5, 2025
One Last Eagles Day This Friday!
Let's cheer on our Eagles for their Super Bowl Game! There will be one last Eagles Spirit Day this Friday! Wear your Eagles gear or Eagles colors if you would like to participate.
STEM Night for grades K-5th is February 21st!
Click the flyer to register!
Please click below if you would like to volunteer at STEM Night!
Salford Hills Lip Sync 2025!
Home and Schoool is very excited to host Salford Hills 37th Lip Sync event!
Please register by February 21st. If you have any questions or concerns, please email lipsync@salfordhillshsa.org.
If you are interested in volunteering at Lip Sync, please click the Sign Up Genius below!
We appreciate your willingness to help!
5th Grade Memory Book
If you have a fifth grader at Salford Hills we would love some photos of your fifth grader (with his/her classmates) over the years at Salford Hills. If you have photos from socials, Race for Education, field trips, or any other school events, we would appreciate your sharing them with us for the 5th Grade Memory Book. Please do not send any individual photos or photos of events outside of school. We exclusively need photos (of two or more children together) from events at Salford Hills.
You may email photos to memorybook@salfordhillshsa.org. Please make sure you label the picture with the grade and teacher name.
We need photos from:
kindergarten (2019-2020)
first grade (2020-2021)
second grade (2021-2022)
third grade (2022-2023)
fourth grade (2023-2024)
fifth grade (2024-2025)
If you have any questions, please feel free to email memorybook@salfordhillshsa.org. Thank you!
Submit Your Photos for the SH Yearbook!
Football Fitness From Mrs. Lystad
Valentine Social
Salford Hills classroom Valentine Socials are coming on February 13th from 2:00-3:00. Parent volunteers will sign-in at the front entrance at 1:45. Thank you to all the parents who come to help out with the socials throughout the year!
Next Home & School Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 11th at 6pm in the Cafeteria!
Please join the Home & School Association at our next meeting!
Meetings are a great opportunity to meet other parents, learn about HSA events and discover different ways to get involved and volunteer. Bring your ideas, concerns, or questions to the Board and allow the kids to play since childcare is always provided. We hope you'll join us!
Upcoming date change: **The March meeting has been moved to March 18th at 6pm
to avoid a conflict with Reading Olympics.**
Elections for Vice President and Treasurer will be held at the March meeting. If you are interested in running for either position, please submit your nomination no later than March 11th so that candidates can be listed in the March 12th Wed Message. Email a brief explanation of why you would like to run to nominations@salfordhillshsa.org. You must attend this meeting in order to vote.
Volunteer at Salford Hills!
Salford Hills Home & School Association (HSA) Volunteer Registration Form 2024-25
The HSA invites you to volunteer at Salford Hills this year! The HSA helps coordinate volunteers for classroom activities, social events, school events, etc. As a volunteer, you are welcome to serve as much or as little as you wish. For example, you can volunteer to help during a specific event, lead a committee, help out in your child's classroom and more. There are so many ways to serve Salford Hills and we would love to connect you with opportunities that would be a good fit for you and your family. In order to be contacted regarding these opportunities, you must join our volunteer list by filling out the form below (you must fill this out each year). There is no commitment by joining the volunteer list. By signing up, you will simply join our list to be notified of events needing volunteers and other opportunities to get involved. Thank you for helping serve our students, families, teachers, and staff at Salford Hills!
Clearances should be submitted to Mrs. Landis in the main office or at jlandis@soudertonsd.org.
Questions for Home and School?
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can reach out via board@salfordhillshsa.org to contact all four board members: president (Heather Zeigler), vice-president (Desiree Bonkoski), secretary (Cassandra Clemens), treasurer (Adria Zane).
First In Math Player of The Week
New Grand Champions
Reading Olympics
The Salford Hills Reading Olympics Team is busy preparing for their competition at Souderton High School on March 11th!
Third Grade Social Studies
Third grade read about public meetings, candidates, and voting. They had to find the main idea and supporting details. Then they had to teach a group about their topic.
First Grade Number Scrolls
First grade is hard at work making their number scrolls. Let's see how high they can go!
Paying for Your Child's Lunch
2024-2025 School Calendar
Elementary CYCLE DAY Calendar
Salford Hills Elementary School
Fundamentally committed to each other, we at Salford Hills are a caring community of learners who value each individual’s intrinsic worth and potential.
In our supportive environment, learners are encouraged to achieve high standards by developing responsibility for their learning through authentic experiences that require hard work, critical thinking and reflection.
Learning is a process that positively impacts the future.
Website: http://salfordhills.soudertonsd.org/
Location: 2721 Barndt Road, Harleysville, PA, United States
Phone: 610-287-9197
Twitter: @SASD_SalfordHil