NOVEMBER Huskie Howl
Nov 1, 2023

Note from the Principal
I hope this message finds you well and filled with the same warmth and inspiration that I experienced when I had the privilege of working with Grandma Jean when I was a classroom teacher. Grandma Jean was an incredible volunteer, and her dedication to my students left a lasting impact on me. Her story is a testament to the extraordinary power of one person who was willing to share her time with our students.
Grandma Jean had a presence that could light up a room. She graced our school with her gentle smile and a heart full of kindness. It was as if she brought a little extra sunshine into my classroom every day. Her unwavering commitment to our students was nothing short of extraordinary. She took the time to listen, to nurture, and to be a loving and patient presence in my classroom.
I'll never forget the day she helped a struggling student who had been having a particularly tough day. Grandma Jean sat and talked with this student reading story after story, patiently helping him sound out words, and offering words of encouragement. This student's confidence began to grow and was able to turn his day around and it was all thanks to the love and guidance of Grandma Jean.
We are looking for local grandparents to help us start The Foster Grandparents Volunteer Program at Shadow Butte. This is a remarkable initiative that connects our seasoned generations with the bright young minds of today. It's a beautiful way for our seniors to share their wisdom, love, and experiences, and for our students to benefit from their invaluable insights. This program doesn't just bridge generational gaps; it creates connections that enrich lives on both ends.
Our school is proud to be launching this wonderful program, and we are seeking dedicated and passionate individuals like Grandma Jean to join us. Whether you're a grandparent, a retired teacher, or simply someone who has the desire to make a positive impact in a child's life, we welcome you with open arms.
In the spirit of Grandma Jean, I encourage you to talk with those you know and have them explore the possibility of joining our Foster Grandparents Volunteer Program. The love and inspiration you bring will not only enrich the lives of our students but also your own. Your involvement can be a beacon of hope, a source of strength, and an embodiment of the incredible impact a single person can have on our community. Please call our school for more information or see the flyers below.
Principal Jodie Farnsworth
November 1 - Afterschool Program
November 3 - STEAM Night 5:30 - 7:30
November 8 - Afterschool Program
November 10 - 5th Grade Patriotic Concert - Students- 9:00am & Parents- 1:00pm (Doors open @12:45)
November 11 Girl's on the Run 5k at Kleiner Park
November 13-17 - Anti-Bullying Week
November 14 - Texas Roadhouse Rolls pick up 3:30 - 8:00 pm
November 14 - PTO Meeting, 5:30pm in Library
November 15 - Afterschool Program - Last Day Session #2
November 17 - Class Birthday Celebrations @ 1:30
November 20 - 25 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
November 29 - Afterschool Program - First Day Session #3
Looking Ahead...
December 9 - Winter Dance 6:00 - 7:30 Gym
December 14 - 1st, 2nd Grade Concert, 2:15 Gym
23 - 24 Calendar
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat was so much fun! Thank you to the Parents, PTO, Community Members and everyone that came out and/or donated candy for our Students here at Shadow Butte.
READY! for Kindergarten Parent Workshop
Toys For Tots Application
Gem County Thanksgiving & Christmas Food Aplication
Eco World Donation Bin
Donate your gently used clothes and shoes to the Collection Bin that is located in the Southeast Corner of the Visitor Parking Lot. ECO World will be donating the items to local nonprofits. Our school will receive .04 cents per pound of the items that are donated.
Happy, Healthy Kids TIP:
One of the best things a parent can do for their child is to read to them for 20 minutes each day. Reading together grows your bond, sparks their imagination, expands their vocabulary, improves their emotional intelligence, and more!
Girls Who Code
Come learn to code and change the world. Join a Girls Who Code club!
Ms. Collinsworth (the keyboarding teacher) is starting a Girls Who Code Club for girls in 3rd-5th grade. Meetings will be Mondays at lunch. Girls are welcome to bring their lunch to the keyboarding room.
Parent forms are available in the keyboarding room.
A big thank you to all of you for your wonderful help in making our book fair a success! Please remember to send back your October reading calendars by no later than Monday, November 6th, and keep your eyes peeled for the November calendars, which will be coming home in the Monday folder on November 6. If you ever have any questions or just want to chat, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at mokimball@isd221.net.
Should you keep your sick child at home??
Please consider these guidelines:
* Fever greater than 100.0° F: The child can return to school after he/she has been fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin).
* Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and /or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours.
* Persistent Cough &/or sore throat: Please consider keeping them home especially if they are unable to participate in class.
Keeping a sick child home prevents the spread of illness in school and allows the child an opportunity to rest and recover. Please call the school nurse if you have questions.
Student Handbook
Student Handbook
*if you prefer a hard copy, we have copies in the office.
*Si prefiere una copia impresa, venga a la oficina para obtener una.
Transportation Changes
- If there are changes on how your children will be going home at the end of the day, those changes must be called into the office at 208-365-0877 by 2:50 pm / Fridays 1:45 pm.
- If you need to check out your child during recess, we kindly request that you wait until the recess concludes or arrive before recess. This supports the safety of all students, as our duty staff can then focus on their designated supervision areas without any distractions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Parent Portal
Sign up Today for the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. A Parent Portal Account will give you access to pay for Lunches Online, view Student Attendance, view Student Grades (4th and 5th Grades), and receive School Correspondence. Call the School Office to be signed up and your will receive your User Name and Password to get started then you can download and use the mobile app.
Parent Pick Up Procedure
When pulling up in the pick up line DO NOT exit the car, if your student needs extra help, park in the lot closest to the school. This is safest method for all students and keeps the traffic flowing and from gathering on Idaho Blvd.
We ask that parents not park in the staff parking that is located on the corner of Idaho and Mesa so students and parents are not crossing traffic and in between moving cars.
Thanks again for helping us keep our students safe!
PTO Information
- Email the PTO at ptoshadowbutte@gmail.com with any curiosities or suggestions you have.
- Stay up to date with PTO volunteer opportunities and event reminders on our social platforms.
- Sign up to receive text messages from the PTO for events, activities, reminders, and more!
- Check our webpage on the Shadow Butte website as a resource for getting involved.
Join our PTO texting platform through Remind to receive texts for updates & more!
Stay in the loop with all things PTO! Get instant updates, event reminders, and exciting news delivered straight to your phone.
November PTO Meeting
Tuesday, Nov 14, 2023, 05:30 PM
Shadow Butte Library
Dough Night
Thursday, Nov 2, 2023, 10:30 AM
Domino's Pizza, South Washington Avenue, Emmett, ID, USA
Calling all Shadow Butte pizza-loving parents!
Mark your calendars to order Domino's on November 2nd!
By indulging in your favorite pizza, you're not only treating your taste buds but also supporting the PTO. Yep, you read that right – 5% of the proceeds of the sales go directly back to our fantastic PTO, helping to fund exciting initiatives and activities for our awesome Huskies!
REMINDER! All Texas Roadhouse rolls will need to be picked up Tuesday, November 14th from
3:30-8:00 PM at Shadow Butte. Please reach out to the PTO if you have any questions: ptoshadowbutte@gmail.com
In total, this fundraiser raised $3,322.50 for the PTO! Thank you to everyone who personally purchased and encouraged others to buy rolls and butter. Without your help, our fundraisers wouldn't be successful!
Use this form to volunteer for STEAM Night: Sign Me Up (signupgenius.com)
Join us for an incredible evening of exploration and fun!
How You Can Help:
To make this night possible, we need volunteers!
- We need enthusiastic individuals to help serve food (shifts available).
- We need additional electric (plug in) cooking devices to help cook the ground beef.
- We need assistance to man the photo booth.
Please reach out to the PTO if you have any questions: shadowbuttepto@gmail.com
Did you know Box Tops are still a thing?!
Take your Box Tops game to the next level and say goodbye to snipping and clipping and say hello to the improved way to fundraise with virtual Box Tops!
Step 1: Hop onto your smartphone or tablet and download the Box Top app on the App Store or through Google Play.
Step 2: Choose Shadow Butte as your school.
Step 3: Scan your store receipt (the app will automatically identify participating products and instantly add cash to Shadow Butte's earnings online).
Each participating product you purchase means more Box Tops earned for the Shadow Butte PTO. It's like turning your groceries into gold for our school.
Together, we can turn everyday receipts into extraordinary opportunities for our kids with the funds we raise collectively. For more assistance, check out these resources:
- Box Tops website: https://www.boxtops4education.com/s/how-to-earn
- About Box Tops video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh94b2BvFK4
- How to scan video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-bNcykyK5Y
The PTO is selling Huskie shirts and hats. Just drop into the office and let them know you're interested in purchasing items.