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Sept. 28-Oct. 13 - FALL BREAK
Principal's Message
Fall Break To-Do!
While the Fall break allows some opportunity for rejuvenation, it also allows time for a whole bunch more for our Cubs!
1. A chore or two that students can do to help the family
2. 30 minutes of reading each day ( Ms. Phan's Reading Challenge! )
3. Fresh air time with family and friends at a park or day trip
4. Work on a new skill; riding a bike, juggling, painting, dancing, catching a ball!
5. Write and mail a letter to a family member who lives far away
One homework assignment for parents! Did you complete the Data Confirmation in Aeries Parent Portal?
Don't forget to come back! Quarter 2 begins Monday, Oct. 14
Parent Information
Leaving the Country During School Days ( repeat )
It is highly discouraged to leave for large portions of the school year, but instead attempt to schedule trips during our many vacation periods. If it is unavoidable for emergencies or health reasons, here are your options:
1. Try to keep the absent period between 3-14 school days. You may request an independent study packet two full weeks in advance. This is not an option during the first 10 days of the year or the last 15 days of the year. This request must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to leaving. Work must be returned by 8am the next school day upon your specified return date.
2. If you are away longer than 14 days or you wish to not have an independent study packet you have two options:
- You may withdraw from school and re-enroll when you return, in hopes the school still has space.
- Or, you will become truant and liable to truancy penalties as per Education Code and Penal Code of California law.
If you have questions call our school office.
Regular and on-time attendance is critical to a child's academic development! Thank you!
Halloween Fun Run - Oct. 31 INFO ( repeat )
1. Appropriate costumes do NOT include scary masks, blood, or weapons
2. Fundraising event, hoping to raise $3,000 for student activities.
3. Parents are encouraged to attend.
4. This year students will watch each other as they take turn parading through the decorated course.
5. We are in NEED of candy donations. Candy will be dispersed from decorated Trunk o' Treats! We're hoping for 10 creative parents to decorate their cars. Contact the front office! Thank you!
Annual Spelling Bee ( Gr. 4-6 )
We are excited to announce that your child’s/children’s school is having a spelling bee for students grades 4th through 6th. The Spelling Bee is a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their spelling skills and compete in a friendly and encouraging environment. Participants will be tested on their ability to spell a variety of words; the event will include several rounds. The competition aims to foster a love of language and promote academic excellence. Our site spelling bee will take place Oct. 25. The winner of each school site will go on to the district wide spelling bee. The Stockton area bee is here at Ansel Adams on Nov. 6. We encourage you to click on the link below for rules and practice lists.
Student Recognition
PBIS Gold Award for 23-24!
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports ( PBIS ) is a foundational approach to providing students the supports for all students and intervention for some students that allows all students to be successful. Ansel Adams was recently recognized for earning the GOLD Award for last school year. We are dedicated to providing for students so they may be successful! Way to go Cubs! CUBS stands for Courageous, Understanding, Best Effort and Safe!
Digital Citizenship Week ( Oct. 14-18 )
From car seats and seat belts, to parks and schools, from stranger danger to knowing their friends, parents make daily decisions on behalf of their children's safety. But if we don't monitor our children's use of the internet and social media, we are opening the door for anybody to have access to them! Please engage in Digital Citizenship Week, by using this link to optional resources and lessons designed to promote meaningful conversations about online behavior and digital citizenship.
Fall Break
Saturday Sept. 28- Sunday, Oct. 13. First day of Q2 is Oct. 14
Picture Re-Take ( Did you miss the first one!? )
Oct. 16
Minimum Days
Oct. 23, Nov. 6
Halloween Fun Run
Oct. 31 Parade/ Fun Run is from 10-10:45