The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
November 24, 2020
School Goals
Ensure safety of self and students
Provide engaging, standards-based digitized curriculum both F2F and Virtually
Remain prepared to adapt
F2F Parents: Remember to scroll down to see F2F content
This Section Applies to Virtual Classroom Learners
November 25-27: Thanksgiving Break - No School
Mark your calendar
- November 30: Learning Model Change Deadline
- December 21-January 1: Winter Break - No School
Learning model changes
Free meals during remote learning week
Virtual Families will sign up and pick up at their normal time and location on Wednesday December 2nd. All information on VIRTUAL student meals can be found here.
Kelsey Warren RD, LD
Child Nutrition & Wellness Director
Sycamore Community Schools
(513) 686-1796
twitter: @SycamoreCNS
Cameras On/Off in Virtual Learning
In our November 13th newsletter, we shared that the junior high was exploring the option of a “Cameras On” expectation for virtual learning. This issue originated from parent feedback on the community survey, teacher feedback, and input from the virtual engagement committee which includes parents, staff and students.
Since then, the following has occurred:
4 teachers piloted a “Cameras On” expectation during Google Meet. Teachers and students reported increased active student engagement when the majority of students had their camera on. Connectivity did not appear to be affected in Google Meet, especially when students utilized “Spotlight View.”
Student academic data was reviewed which indicated that in the first quarter of 2020, 15% of face-to-face students obtained a D or F grade; whereas, 23% of virtual students obtained a D or F grade. We believe that student disengagement when cameras are off may have contributed to the discrepancy between grades between the learning models.
After much consideration, stakeholder input, and review of our D’s and F’s, the administration believes that when the majority of students have their camera on, active student engagement increases. Student engagement promotes student achievement. Therefore, effective Monday, January 4th, all teachers will be using Google Meet for virtual instruction, and students in Google Meet virtual classrooms will be expected to turn their cameras on during class in order to promote student engagement and achievement.
For students who experience extreme anxiety or if there are significant concerns with boundaries and video conferencing, you may opt your student out of this expectation. Please complete this Cameras On Opt-Out Form by Monday, December 7th.
SJH Virtual Play
Hello Sycamore JH Community!
We are so excited to share with you our Sycamore Jr. High production titled “Left to our Own Devices.” This performance is 100% virtual and the students have done an amazing job of bringing this script to life by collaborating with each other, exploring their own costumes and props, and telling the story! In this movie presentation, you will find 11 different scenes that could make you laugh, cry, and appreciate theatre!
Below is a step by step guide to helping you watch the video and support our theatre department!
Ben Schneider, JH Theater Director
Order your Yearbook now
Order your 2021 Yearbook now . . . price goes UP on Nov. 29th!
2020-21 will be a year like no other, the SJHS Yearbook Club is committed to documenting it for YOU! Order your yearbook today for your best price! The cost is $30/copy. This price will increase to $35 on November 29th.
Click HERE to order your 2021 Yearbook
Are you a F2F or virtual student who has photos of JH students you would like to submit for publication? Click HERE! We want to represent ALL students in this year's historic yearbook.
Questions? Contact Melissa Speelman
Tech Help
Coming Up
November 25-27: Thanksgiving Break - No School
Mark your calendar:
- November 30: Learning Model Change Deadline
- November 30-Dec 4: REMOTE LEARNING for all F2F Students - please see below
- December 21-January 1: Winter Break - No School
PLEAE READ: Remote learning Nov 30- Dec 4
To assist you in understanding how this affects your child, we have prepared an FAQ to answer some of your questions. This document may be amended to include additional questions and answers that we could not anticipate. Virtual learning classrooms will not be affected by the change to remote for F2F students. If you have further questions, please reach out to your child's teacher or to our administration.
Please note: Sports will continue in person during remote learning. Clubs will continue, but meetings may be held virtually instead of in person. Club sponsors will communicate with your child about the status this week.
Remote Learning FAQ for Parents
What does a typical day of remote learning look like?
Please review this “Day in the Life of a Remote Student” graphic.
The pace of the day will be identical to a typical day in the classroom except that students will log into a video conferencing tool to engage virtually with their teachers.
What materials will my child need for remote learning?
Your child should have his or her district-issued Chromebook, a set of earbuds or headphones with a microphone, an internet connection, a quiet place to work, and any school supplies that they normally use.
Will attendance be taken?
Yes, every teacher will take attendance and monitor student engagement. If your child will be absent, please call the absence line 513-686-1707. Students are expected to be to class on time for all seven bells and engaged in learning activities.
What is the bell schedule?
The SCHEDULE remains the same as it has been all year for F2F students. Class begins for the day at 8:02 am. Each class is 45 minutes in length with an 8-minute transition and a 30-minute lunch.
What about electives and study halls? Does my child need to log in for those subjects?
Yes. Our expectation remains the same as if your child were sitting in the classroom at SJH. All students are expected to be engaged in every bell.
How will my student log in to class? Will they know what to do on November 30?
Teachers will conduct a review with each class to discuss and walk through how to log into the video conferencing tool to their class. Parents can review this GUIDE in case a student has questions. Teachers will also review remote classroom expectations (microphone and camera use, chat features, etc) with students.
What are the behavioral expectations for remote learning?
Please review this PBIS chart created for our students and watch Mr. Aviator for guidance as he learns remotely!
When will my student eat lunch?
Lunch will be at the same time as before and will be 30 minutes in length. Your student should know if they have A, B, or C lunch. Some fifth bell teachers may adjust lunchtime while remote to avoid splitting up the class time. Students to whom this applies will be notified by that teacher. Otherwise, lunchtimes are as follows:
Lunch A: 11:35 – 12:06
Lunch B: 12:06 – 12:37
Lunch C: 12:37 – 1:08
My child is on an IEP. How will that be managed?
The pace of the day will be identical to a typical day in the classroom except that students will log into a video conferencing tool to engage virtually with their teachers. This includes Flex classes and Academic Study. IEP services, including related services, will be delivered as described in the COVID-19 IEP Implementation Plan.
What if we have tech issues?
Our helpdesk will be available. Please call 513-686-1793 or email helpdesk@sycamoreschools.org
Free Meals for F2F Learners During Remote Learning
Sycamore Face-to-Face Families,
For face-to-face learning families who still would like to have access to free meals during the week of November 30-December 4 while the district is operating a remote model, Sycamore Child Nutrition will be offering 5 days worth of breakfast and lunch for curbside pickup on Tuesday, December 1.
These meals need to be PRE-ORDERED. If you have other children in the household that are between the ages of 1-18 you can request meals for them as well even if they are not Sycamore students.
Pre- Order your meals HERE.
Pick up will be at whatever school is requested, but we prefer the oldest student’s home school when possible.
Tuesday, December 1st Pick Up Time for the Junior High are 8:00 am - 9:00 am OR 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
If you still need access to meals, but these times will not work for your schedule, please contact Kelsey Warren at warrenk@sycamoreschools.org or call the Child Nutrition Office at (513) 686-1796.
This information is for face-to-face learning families only. Virtual classroom learners will receive a separate communication and will continue to follow the same pickup date/times as during normal weeks.
Learning model change
SJH Virtual Play
Hello Sycamore JH Community!
We are so excited to share with you our Sycamore Jr. High production titled “Left to our Own Devices.” This performance is 100% virtual and the students have done an amazing job of bringing this script to life by collaborating with each other, exploring their own costumes and props, and telling the story! In this movie presentation, you will find 11 different scenes that could make you laugh, cry, and appreciate theatre!
Below is a step by step guide to helping you watch the video and support our theatre department!
Ben Schneider, JH Theater Director
Order your Yearbook
Order your 2021 Yearbook now . . . price goes UP on Nov. 29th!
2020-21 will be a year like no other, the SJHS Yearbook Club is committed to documenting it for YOU! Order your yearbook today for your best price! The cost is $30/copy. This price will increase to $35 on November 29th.
Click HERE to order your 2021 Yearbook
Are you a F2F or virtual student who has photos of JH students you would like to submit for publication? Click HERE! We want to represent ALL students in this year's historic yearbook.
Questions? Contact Melissa Speelman
Sycamore Junior High School
Email: jhadmin@sycamoreschools.org
Website: www.sycamoreschools.org/sycamorejh
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SycamoreJuniorHighPTO/
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh