Colton Hills School Bulletin
11 September 2024
Introduction by Headteacher, Ms J Hunter
At the end of last term we celebrated Colton Hills Community School serving our community for 50 years with former staff and students sharing stories about the school. It has been a pleasure to welcome staff and students back to the start of our 51st year and start to create the second half or our first century as a school.
Please do take a look at our summer exam results with many successes across the school curriculum in both GCSE, BTEC, AS and A levels. It was a pleasure to see so many students hitting our entrance requirements and returning to stay at our sixth form.
Over the summer the site team have been improving facilities with a new English classroom, a new Maths classroom, a new Science laboratory a refurbished sixth form study area and social space - all being completed in time for the new academic year. These improvements have been completed just as Colton Hills welcomes back just under 1200 students. We continue to increase in popularity as a secondary school and sixth form provider and these new spaces help us to improve our learning environment.
2024/25 is a new school year and we look forward to sharing successes in our parent bulletin and social media on a regular basis.
Welcome to our new Year 7 students
We hope our new Year 7 students are enjoying their second week in school. Their first week was busy getting acquainted with new friends, navigating their way around the school and getting to know their teachers. If there are any questions or if families need any clarification, please contact the form teachers or your child's respective year leaders.
Year 12 Success Evening, Thursday 12 September
Visitors from Elevate Education
Elevate Education has revolutionised the way study skills are taught. On Tuesday, 10 September, all our Year 10 students were involved with dynamic workshops hosted by the lovely folks from Elevate , to help get their GCSE studies off to the best possible start. We hope they found the workshops useful.
GCSE Summer 2024 Results Day
Congratulations to all our GCSE students who collected their results in the summer. They have all worked hard and should be celebrating what they achieved despite the disruption to their learning in the pandemic. We are pleased that some of them have returned to Colton Hills to begin their Sixth Form journey with us this term.
There were many individual success stories amongst the excited groups of pupils who received their results including Devi Khanal, who achieved 9 grade 9s placing her in the top performing group of students nationally. Devi was delighted with her results and is now well placed to continue her A Level studies with us on her path to her dream career in medicine.
Rajvir Singh was equally delighted with his 9 GCSEs attaining 5 grade 9s. Gurpreet Kaur achieved 9 GCSE passes with most being Grade 8 or 9. She is intending to study Biology, English Literature and Psychology or History with as at A level.
Headteacher, Ms Julie Hunter congratulated the pupils on their hard work: “We are proud of their academic achievements and celebrate the young adults they have become. This remarkable success is undeniably a testament to the exceptional efforts of our students, but equally a result of the outstanding support, guidance and dedication of our incredible staff."
A Level 2024 Results Day
We also celebrated the hard work and dedication of our A Level students this summer! many of our students will continue their studies at Warwick, Birmingham, Leicester, Aston and several other universities studying subjects such as Law, Aeronautical Engineering, Economics and Law.
Headteacher, Ms Hunter commented: “We are pleased to see so many following exciting paths which will allow them to progress to their chosen employment, apprenticeships and higher education destinations.” We wish them all the best for their next chapter!
2024 Celebrations Evening
On Wednesday, 16 July, we held our school's annual Celebrations Evening, celebrating all the outstanding pupils with their families and friends. It was a fantastic occasion to acknowledge our students' hard work and their excellent achievements. Thank you to all the families who attended and congratulations to all the award winners!
Spring Attendance Award
Colton Hills Celebrates 50th Milestone!
On Thursday, 18 July, we marked our school's 50th year with our alumni and ex-staff in the school theatre and sports hall. We celebrated this milestone with pride and hope to continue to grow and serve the community for another 50 years! Thank you to everyone who attended, we hope everyone enjoyed the event and food, including the Mayor of Wolverhampton, Councillor Linda Leach, who graced us with her presence. Many stories were shared, photos taken and friendships renewed. Here's to another 50 years!
Wolverhampton Children’s Safeguarding Contact Details
If you suspect or believe a child is suffering or is likely to suffer Significant Harm, including any form of mistreatment or abuse, you should report your concerns on the following numbers:
Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm,
Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm on 01902 555392
Outside of the above hours for emergencies on 01902 552999
If the child or young person is at immediate risk of serious harm dial 999