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Spotswood College
February 2023 Newsletter
Principals Piece
Students at the Centre of Learning
Community at the heart of who we are
Ka nui te mihi mahana ki a koutou,
A warm greeting to our parents, whānau and community,
It was great to start the year with a pōwhiri to formally welcome our year 9 students and their Whānau to Spotswood College. It was great to see so much support for our new students and we are excited to be a part of their secondary school journey. A welcome also to new students at other year levels including our 16 international students.
During the first week our new year 9s were supported with an orientation and peer support program to help them connect with their teachers, peers and our prefects, so that they gain a strong sense of belonging and feeling safe in their new kura.
I would especially like to acknowledge our staff, Prefects and Peer Support leaders for their commitment to ensuring the year started off so well. Ngā mihi nui.
By now your child’s Learning Advisory teacher would have made contact to introduce themselves to you. Your child's Learning Advisory teacher is their advocate at school and your first point of connection at the school. Our aim is that Learning Advisors will mentor your child academically and offer pastoral support including working with you through any issues.
The Learning Advisor will work alongside your child to set and review learning goals during the year, and be a part of tracking how they are achieving and progressing with their learning at school as well as guiding them through the course selection process.
Can you please add LA names and email addresses
Should you require the email with your child's Learning Advisor teacher, or your portal login details please email admin@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
In addition, all Learning Advisors are supported by Pou Tiaki (Deans). The Pou Tiakai for this year are as follows
Year 9 Airana Ngarewa ang@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Year 10 Cameron Hopkinson cho@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Year 11 Tulah Katene tka@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Year 12/ 13 Wayne Cribb wcr@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
They will support Learning Advisory teachers and your child to develop programs that support well-being, goal setting, career guidance, cybersafety and any other specific need for that year level. They will also be advocates for their year level and the young people in that year.
For more specific classroom needs classroom teachers will make direct contact with you if required.
Nicola Ngarewa
Instagram: Spotswood College
Whaea Nicola email: nng@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Deputy Principal
Mr Daryn Shaw email: dsh@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Senior Leadership
Mrs Hilary Takarangi email: hta@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Senior Leadership
Mr Darren Scott email: dsc@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Year 12 and 13 Dean
Mr Wayne Cribb email: wcr@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Year 11 Dean
Mrs Tulah Katene email: tka@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Year 10 Dean
Mr Cameron Hopkinson email: cho@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Year 9 Dean
Mr Airana Ngarewa email: aro@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
International Director
Mrs Nicola Healy email: nhe@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
We look forward to introducing you to our new staff who have joined us this year.
Welcome to Felix Harman (Food Technology), Claire Wigley (Art), Rachel Smith (English), Abbey Buckley (English), Yvonne Cribb (Property), Tania Ormond (Teacher Aide), Aniwaniwa Waiwiri-Hetet (Teacher Aide).
Prefect Roles 2023
Student Leadership is a key aspect to driving the vision, direction and culture of our school.
Our student prefects attended leadership training at TOPEC where they worked collaboratively to grow and challenge their leadership skills in anticipation for their work in 2023. Below are our student leaders for 2023
Head Students
Ethan Clough
Olive Denton Wooley
Deputy Head Students
Alistair Abdulin
Maaia Waiwiri
Zara Erol-Watt
Regan James Brown
Hau Ora Leaders
Cleopatra Burwell
Ella Green
Political and Social Leaders
Melissa Berridge
Hannah Carpenter
Cultural Arts Leaders
Thomas McCabe
Isis Kennard
Academic Leaders
Bella Hopkinson
Jacinta Pattison
Kyran Fawkner
Ellie Dinnis
Sports/ Communications Leaders
Lucas Heggie
Anna Clough
Jack Skinner
Joe Cocker
Environmental Leaders
Catherine Reilly Ledbetter
Megan Botha
Komiti Māori Leaders
Phoenix Shaw
Leo Lea’ana
Tēnā koutou … It has been a busy but very happy return to school for all the students and staff in Te Waka Manaaki.
We welcomed seven Year 9 students … Luciano Ngaia, Kaleb Craig, Reese Paul, Cash Askew-Davis, Connor Davies, Maddy Hinton and Bella Ross and Te Ahupō Fortune - Year 13 who are all doing such a great job in their new school environment.
Also new to our staff whanau is Aiwanawa Waiwiri-Hetet …welcome Ani!
Our Jacky Molloy has launched a new recycling initiative for our kura which will be monitored by Te Waka Manaaki students.
We now have 4 Green lidded 240L bins which are to capture all compostable waste. They are for any rubbish that can be composted, particularly the cardboard containers from our wonderful school lunches. The goal being to reduce our general waste volume that goes to landfill.
Kapai everyone!
Our ongoing connection to support your childs journey at Spotswood College is very important and we invite our parents and whānau to join us for our Parent Meet Teacher Picnic
As we work towards creating modern spaces that support the needs of students and staff, we will continue to share milestone updates for the property projects. The Ministry, Board and school want to thank you for your continued support and understanding during this time.
Here’s an update on property projects across the college:
Weathertightness – L Block
Work on the weathertightness and roof recladding of L Block has begun, with necessary drainage works also taking place. The L Block works are scheduled for completion in September 2023.
Once the weathertightness work is completed, we will be reconfiguring and refurbishing this area to create a new staff room.
Performing arts - O Block works
O Block is currenlty undergoing minor refurbishments and in future will become the new performing arts space music rooms.
Technology block
The redevelopment project for the new technology block is continuing to progress. Our senior leadership team are continuing to collaborate with the school Board of Trustees and Ministry of Education during the design phase. We anticipated the first stage of site works starting at the end of this year.
Traffic on site
The safety of our ākonga is our highest priority. We are working with the contractors to ensure delivery of building materials is undertaken outside of the school start and finish times. However, please ensure you are checking for traffic, and are aware of your surroundings when arriving and leaving the school.
Kia ora ano,
We have had an amazing response to Hāpara over the last few weeks. We do encourage you to ask questions and take a look at the Hāpara website for more information. As a College we have decided that this tool, alongside our cybersecurity system N4L is the key to helping students become better digital citizens when online, in the age of device addiction it is imperative that we guide our students during school time to help become resilient life long learners.
Hāpara will allow us to guide students in the right direction and ensure we are providing a safe environment to browse online. In saying this Spotswood college reserves the right to enable hāpara on students' domain named google accounts. This means any students using the Spotswood College domain (spotswoodcollege.school.nz) for education purposes at school will have Hāpara enabled. Spotswood College provides these google accounts to students for educational purposes and we want to ensure that these are being used for such purposes.
We understand that you may have questions about this so we have listed a few of the frequently asked questions below. We thank you for supporting us on this journey and hope to see success and better outcomes for all students in the Digital Space.
Does hāpara filter websites that are non educational?
No N4L filters out all inappropriate content on the schools network. This does not affect the students ability to access online educational resources unless the site is deemed unsafe or malicious. Even with the use of Hāpara, Spotswood College will be using N4L guidelines and filtering as per usual. You should not notice any changes to your browsing capabilities.
Can you see my device outside of school hours?
Hāpara has a built in system that only allows access to the application during school hours and only when on the schools network.This is a part of the system secure privacy settings. The system will then disable teachers from using it outside of these hours and/or once you have left the school ground. - This is covered in Hāpara statement of Ethical monitoring practice.
How do we know you won't be able to access my whole computer?
Hāpara is not a downloaded software but an extension to google chrome - this application will only be pushed out as a chrome extension which only allows it to see what is shown when signed into your school account on chrome itself. Hāpara does NOT see anything outside of google chrome. For personal use or searching personal things, we recommend students to use their personal google accounts. Hāpara is active only on the domain name spotswoodcollege.school.nz (school account)
What Information is collected?
Hāpara does NOT collect browsing history at all. This means parents, teachers or students are not able to request any information on what you have looked at over the week or even an hour ago. Hāpara will only display to the teachers what you are browsing in chrome at the time you are browsing (e.g. If you are using your device at lunchtime and browsing, we will not be able to go back and see what you were searching).
Again we do recommend students using your own personal google account for personal reasons that are not school related. Your school's google account is owned by the school and given to each student for the sole use of teaching and learning.
Hāpara has a privacy policy on what information is collected and not collected . Also check out the Privacy toolkit if you have any questions.
We do encourage you to contact Hāpara if you have any more questions as well.
A reminder to please fill in the form below for your child. This form needs to include any dietary restrictions so we are able to cater for them in our School Lunch Program. Please note that this does not include special diets such as Keto or Paleo. This is only for food safety, intolerances and allergies to food products ONLY.
THIS IS FOR ALL STUDENTS ATTENDING SPOTSWOOD IN 2023 - If you have filled this out in previous years you will still need to complete this form so we can update our records.
MoneyHub has 10+ NCEA resources to help everyone attain merits and excellences - check it out and prepare for upcoming internals and externals with confidence.
Please make sure your teens are checking, opening and reading their emails. Opportunities are being missed.
School Counselling Services are available to discuss academic, career, or personal/social support.
To make an appointment
Careers Officer Chell Lusk - clu@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Guidance Counsellors - manaakitanga@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Drop in Public Health Nurse hours - Monday 9.00 am - 2.00 pm.
Keeping Yourself And Your Whanau Safe In Our Digital World: Bullying And Harassment
Digital platforms can be useful tools, but in this time and age, there is a significant risk that social media platforms can be used by students to bully each other or spread rumours about others. We are asking for the support of this community to come together in addressing this.
The Spotswood College’s Responsible Use of Technology Policy is below.
As part of the enrollment process, an agreement is signed by both the student and the caregiver regarding the appropriate use of the school's ICT systems. The school offers a monitored internet connection and a safe environment for the students.
Unfortunately, students’ personal cell phones are not covered by the protections that the system offers. These devices can easily be used to cause harm including the form of unconsented recording or photography.
To prevent this, it is important that as a community we understand the Harmful Digital Communication Act and the impact that this form of bullying and harassment can have on the victims. In this digital age rumours and jokes can have lingering consequences.
The Netsafe organization is the best place to get help either by starting a conversation with your child, seeking advice to help create a safer home internet connection or getting support if you are already suffering from online abuse.
Spotswood College will be using Skool Loop to send out notices and information to our whānau. This is a free app available on Apple and Android devices. You can also access newsletters, contact the school about absences and find helpful links as well as quick access to Kamar.
Kamar Portal
We have a school attendance target of above 90% for every student. To ensure that together we reach this, it is important that if you know your child is going to be absent from school, that you please contact the school by using one of the following options.
Option 1: Telephone the school on 06 751 2416 and speak to the receptionist (Kara) or Attendance Officer (Jenine).
Option 2: Send a text to the Attendance Officer (Jenine) on 021 023 93060
Option 3: send an email to the Attendance Officer (Jenine) - jpr@spotswoodcollege.school.nz
Option 4: Use the school app to log attendance.
Option 5: Leave a message on the Attendance hotline by calling the school on 06 751 2416 and press (1) to report a student's absence. Record your child’s name, parents' name, contact details and reason for absence.
Based on our attendance data system we will send an automated text to parents of any students that are absent, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
If for any reason you are concerned about your child’s attendance, you can speak with the Attendance Officer (see contact details above) or she will pass you on to the DEAN or your child’s Learning Advisor.
Student Wellbeing Services
Sick or injured at school
The sickbay is closed for any sick-related issues. If your child is sick, we will contact home and ask for them to be picked up immediately. Students should not arrange this themselves as we need to know where they are at all times.
The sick bay is open to help with injuries.
A public health nurse is available for you and your caregivers if you have any concerns. This could be a rash, not sleeping well, regular headaches, ongoing health issues etc.
Please ask to talk to her privately. Consultations are confidential, offering information and advice. Health resources are available, with a choice of providers for referrals to agencies.
30/01/2023 - 06/04/2023
students start on Wednesday 1st February
Monday 6th February = Waitangi Day
Monday 13th March = Taranaki Anniversary Day
Friday 7th April = Good Friday
26/04/2023 - 30/06/2023
Monday 24th April = Learn from home Day
Tuesday 25th April = ANZAC Day
Monday 5th June = King’s Birthday
17/07/2023 - 22/09/2023
NCEA Accord Day = Friday 8th September
School exam week Wednesday 13th September - Tuesday 19th September
09/10/2023 - 8/12/2023
Monday 23rd October = Labour Day
Senior Prizegiving Wednesday 1st November
NCEA Exams start Monday 6 November - Thursday 30 November
NCEA Accord Day = Wednesday 22nd November
13th - Lockdown Practice
WITT Te Pukengā Trades Academy Pōwhiri
14th - Ball Committee Fundraiser
- Build A House Construction Begins
15th - Kapa Haka to welcome Touring Ship
- TSSSA Tennis Competition
- Whānau Meet the Teacher Picnic (Weather Permitting)
17th - Swim Carnival (Weather Permitting)
24th - TSSSA Sailing
27th - TSSSA MB XC
1st - NCEA Information evening
TSSSA Rogaine
Year 9 Health checks begin
6th - TSSSA Surfing
7th - School ID Photos
9th - School Athletics
13th - Taranaki Anniversary
16th - TSSSA Athletics
20th - TSSSA Orienteering
21st - Photolife Catch up date
23rd - TSSSA Senior league
26th - TSSSA Triathlon
27th to 31st - Secondary School Waka Ama Nationals
28th - TSSSA Para-Swimming