Worthingway Weekly
September 6, 2024
Principal's Message
One of the most common questions I get from 6th graders is, can we have sports? I wish I could wave a magic wand and institute sixth grade sports (or do I?) but OHSAA only supports 7th and 8th grade competitions.
We understand the importance of having students connected to school outside of the classroom. Therefore, our sixth grade team has instituted Clubs in Cardinal Country! Each teacher volunteers to lead a club and students are able to sign up for a club of their interest. We run these clubs every other Friday during our assist time. Last Friday (August 30) was the first day of clubs. It was energizing and satisfying to see the excitement on the students faces when they convened in a room with other students and staff members who had the same interest.
Some of the clubs that we have this year are: basketball, cooking/baking, kindness, empowerment, yoga, trivia, silent reading, lizard, board games, chess, school spirit, science, arts and crafts, rubik cube, and experiments.
We also offer clubs outside of the school day open to all of our students. Some of these clubs are: Math Club (Mrs. Adesso), Drama Club (Mrs. Wendt), Robotics Club (Mrs. Cockerham), Science Club (Ms. Cressman), Ski Club (Mr. Tisdale), Jazz Band (Mr. Black), and Books and Bagels (Mrs. Cready). If interested, your student should reach out to the teacher to learn more about meeting dates/times.
Fall Canteen
We will host the Fall Canteen on Friday, September 13 from 4-6pm. All students who want to participate must register by completing this google form and pay $5 for a virtual ticket.
Students will be able to participate in different activities organized by our PTA and Student Leaders. Our staff will be hanging out with students and enjoying the time together.
If your student participates, please arrange for pickup between 5:45-6pm.
Sixth Grade Camp
If you missed the Sixth Grade Camp informational meeting (was held on August 26 from 7:30-8pm), here is the information you need:
Parent/Guardian Handout (google doc)
Parent/Guardian Handout (pdf version)
You need to complete this link (click on RSVP) by September 6.
Bus Riders
If your student rides the bus home, please read this quick note. Some of our buses arrive before student dismissal but some arrive between 3:50-4:00. The buses also typically park in the same spots. Students are expected to look for and find their bus. There are many staff members at bus pickup to ensure student safety but the adults are not finding and pointing out the buses for the students. The students need to be responsible for looking for and finding their bus. Sometimes there is a "sub" bus. When this happens - the original bus number is displayed on the side of the bus by the door. We have taught students to look for this each day.
If a student misses their bus, we ask that they come into the office where they can call and wait for a family member to pick them up.
Cell Phone Policy
School safety is of utmost importance and a top priority for us in Worthington. We strive to create the safest school environment most conducive to student learning. There has been recent research and reports about the negative impact of cell phones on the school environment and on student learning. Many states, including Ohio, have recent legislation requiring public school districts to develop cell phone policies.
Therefore, we are a cell phone free school during the school day. Students are allowed to bring their cell phone to school but they are not to be used or visible from 9:10-3:50. If you need to get in touch with your student during the school day, please call our front office at 614-450-4300 and we will assist you. We appreciate your partnership in ensuring that our students’ cell phones are not in use and not visible during our school hours.
- All student-athletes must be registered in Final Forms in order to receive athletic communications and participate in any athletic tryouts, open gyms/fields, and practices.
- Worthington students in grades 6-12 who provide their student ID will be admitted free into any home Worthington athletic contest.
- You may use this link to purchase tickets for athletic events through Hometown Ticketing.
- Check out our athletic website for more information
- Team schedules can be found here
School Lunch and Free/Reduced Application
Worthington Schools offers breakfast and lunch to students. Pricing for meals will be based on family eligibility. New Meal Applications are required for families every school year. Families may find the online Free/Reduced Lunch Eligibility Form HERE. All students use their Lunch ID for meals. The student's number can be found in the Parent Portal by selecting the Student ID tab and then look for their student's Lunch PIN.
Families may add money to their lunch account through My Payments Plus. They may also use My Payments Plus to track their student's account and see much money remains on it. My Payments Plus is also used to pay other fees, like high school parking permits and AP testing fees.
Pick Up and Drop Off
Students that are dropped off or picked up by car will enter via our main office entrance (Rieber Street). Buses will drop off and and pick up at our 6th grade entrance (Guyer Street side). Important notes:
- Student Safety is our top priority. Please be mindful of our walkers and bike riders (we have bike racks on our bus drop off side). If you exit on the Guyer Street side, please yield to crossing students AND incoming buses.
- Doors open at 8:50 for student drop off. Students will be instructed to remain in the cafeteria or gym until 9:02. Classes begin at 9:10 and end at 3:50.
- We ask families to pull all the way forward to the end of our main lot at pick up time. Cars that stop at the front doors can create backups that extend onto Rieber St.
- There should be no cars in the bus drop off lanes during both drop off and pick up.
The Learning Link
PTA Update
*Our next PTA meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 8 at 7 pm on zoom.
Worthingway 2024 Fall Canteen
- Worthingway 2024 FALL CANTEEN is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, from 4-6 pm.
- There will be games and activities, bounce houses, inflatable T-Rex races, and snacks for purchase, and all students are invited to attend! This is a casual event so wear your comfortable clothes and join in on the fun!
- Virtual tickets are on sale for $5. Snacks (chips, candy and Gatorade) will be for sale at the concession stand. Prices range from $1 to $3, so please send cash with your students if they would like to purchase items. Kona Ice will also be on site for students to purchase.
- Students will need to be picked up from Worthingway between 5:45 and 6PM.
Worthingway Fall Sports Concessions
- Worthingway PTA is looking for Worthingway families to work a shift in the concession stand. It’s fun and easy, high school students can earn volunteer hours for helping out, and volunteers are admitted to the game free of charge! Please click the link below for more information and to sign up to help out!
- Fall Concessions Sign Up
More ways to support the WWay PTA:
- Make a donation or become a PTA member
- Purchase Worthington Spirit Wear
- 30% off sale through Sept 10th
- Worthington Spirit Wear
- Sign up to volunteer when needed
- Support Restaurant Nights and our Annual Butter Braids Fundraising
- Please watch for additional information about our September Restaurant Night at JERSEY MIKE’S
- Designate your Kroger rewards
- Visit bit.ly/WwayKroger , log in to your Kroger account, and select the organization “RF924“ (which is Worthingway Middle School PTA)
2024-2025 Worthingway PTA Meetings
- September 3 at 7 pm in the WWay library
- October 8 at 7 pm via Zoom
- January 7 at 7 pm via Zoom
- March 11 at 7 pm via Zoom
- May 6 at 7 pm in the WWay library
Zoom links will be shared before meetings.
Please look for more information at our website (https://worthingwaypta.my.canva.site/) or the "Worthingway PTA" Facebook page!
Upcoming Dates
District Calendar for the 2024-25 school year
Friday, September 13
- Fall Canteen (4-6:00pm; please pick up between 5:45-6pm)
Thursday, October 10
- Parent/Teacher Conference night (4:45-8:45pm)
Wednesday, October 16
- Full Scale Safety Drill
- Parent/Teacher Conference night (4:45-8:45pm)
October 28-30
Worthingway Middle School
Mr. Todd Keenan, principal (tkeenan@wscloud.org)
Mrs. Abby Jinks, assistant principal (ajinks@wscloud.org)
Mrs. Cerita Todd, counselor (ctodd@wscloud.org)
Mr. Nick Wiedenhoft, athletic director (nwiedenhoft@wscloud.org)
Mrs. Paula Lee, administrative assistant (plee@wscloud.org)
Ms. Amanda DeBernardi, administrative assistant (adebernardi@wscloud.org)
Mrs. Jodi Hill, attendance and testing (wayattend@wscloud.org or click here)
Mrs. Joyce Casey, school nurse (jcasey@wscloud.org)
Location: 6625 Guyer Street, Worthington, OH
Phone: 614-450-4300