Panther Post
December 5, 2024
Upcoming Dates to Know
12/5/24 Career morning - 7:30 - Fire Marshall
12/7/24 Running Club - Cookie Dash
12/9/24 Annual Fund - Silly String Party (AM)
12/9/24 Candy gram sales 7:30-8:00
12/10/24 Candy gram sales 7:30-8:00
12/11/24 PTO Board Meeting - off campus
12/11/24 Candy gram sales 7:30-8:00
12/12/24 3rd Grade Program - 6:00pm
12/16/24 ASE Spelling Bee (3rd - 5th - gym)
12/17/24 PTO Spirit Night - Chick-fil-a
12/18/24 Holiday Movie Day (wear pajamas)
12/19/24 PTO Spirit Night - Papa John's
12/19/24 Jingle Jog
12/20/24 Winter Parties (10:30-11:30)
12/20/24 Early Release
12/21 - 1/6 Winter Break
1/7/25 Back to school
1/8/25 PTO Board Meeting 10:00
1/10/25 Counselor's Cup (virtual) 8:30
Friday, December 20
We dismiss at noon.
Dismissal Times
11:45 Walker A & C
11:50 Walker B & D
11:54 Bus riders
11:57 Daycare/YMCA
12:00 Car Riders
Arrival and Dismissal Reminder
Please be patient when dropping off and picking up. For everyone's safety, follow our procedures. Make sure when waiting in the car rider line, you are not blocking streets, houses, ect. When waiting on Valley Lodge in your cars, stay close to the curb so others can pass if needed. Our community needs to be able to get into their homes during our arrival and dismissal. Thanks!
Candy Grams on Sale next week
Click on the picture to order online only on Dec 9, 10, 11
Print out the order form and send student with cash on Dec 9, 10, 11
Jingle Jog - Thursday, December 19
Bring your driver's license for check-in. For information for the care closet, see the link below:
Jingle Jog volunteers are needed, sign-up below to help out.
Winter Parties - Friday, December 20
Please complete this form to preregister. Preregistering allows for faster check-in.
Bring driver's license for check-in.
5th Grade AVID - Accepting Applications for TMS or WLMS
ASE Counselor's - What's Happening
Counselor Newsletter
Counselor's Cup Presentation
If you missed our Counselor's Cup presentation on November 8, you can access it here:
Attendance Matters
Did you know?
When your child checks-out early or arrives late, they miss important instruction!
Papa John's
Thursday, December 19!
Go here to purchase spirit wear, PTO membership, Party Fees, carnival tickets, ect..
Annual Fund Benefits
Benefits for students being scheduled.....
Donate and receive the following benefits. All benefits are per family.
9/23 Popsicles w/ Percy
10/16 Sonic drink deliveries
11/14 Pizza w/ the Principal 2:00pm
12/9 Silly String Party (in the morning)
1/21 and 1/22 Lunch on the Stage
5/14 Trail Ride (bike ride)
TBD Petting Zoo
Paw Print posting out front is completed - look for your PAW!
Absences: Please complete if your student is going to be absent
Complete the following to make a donations
Text or go to our website: