Welcome to FVA!
Community Schools of Frankfort, Indiana

Welcome to FVA!
The Frankfort Virtual Academy is an extension of Frankfort High School offering students the flexibility to learn online. The academy is open to high school students grades 9 through 12, including non-resident transfers, and offers both fully virtual and hybrid learning options. We encourage students to participate in the hybrid version of the academy to maintain connections with faculty and fellow students, but we also recognize the need for some students to attend a completely virtual school due to extenuating circumstances.
Watch this video for more information about FVA.
Meet our Admin Team
Jennifer Miller
FHS Principal
It is with great pride and honor that I step into the role of principal at a school that holds such a special place in my heart. Returning to Frankfort High School is both a personal and a professional milestone. I have vivid memories of my own experiences here– moments of growth, learning, and camaraderie that I cherish deeply. I am eager to build on the strong traditions and continue to increase the educational opportunities for all students. It is an honor to contribute to the community that helped shape my own educational journey. My vision for FHS includes not only maintaining the traditions and strengths that have defined us but also exploring new avenues for growth and innovation.
Our dedicated FHS staff have been working diligently to prepare for the new school year. We have focused on making it possible to offer our students the Indiana Common Core (ICC), which is the equivalent of the core requirements of the first year of college, and are now focusing our goals on offering our students the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and up to two years of college credits at the same time. Our partnerships with Ivy Tech and Indiana University will allow our student body to take many dual credit courses while in high school and save thousands of dollars in potential tuition expenses. Frankfort High School is proud to provide many opportunities to help our students be successful no matter what path they choose to pursue – a post secondary education, enter the workforce, or join the military.
Kristin Horrell
Virtual Academy Director
Questions about Virtual Academy enrollment or eligibility?
Need more information or have other questions?
No problem! Reach out to Kristen Horrell at:
765-654-8545, ext. 2204
Enrollment Information
Enrollment periods are open for a limited time between school years, and the length of the window is dependent on the volume of applications we receive. Spots at FVA are limited, so interested families are encouraged to apply early in the open enrollment period to ensure consideration.
Click the button below to check the FHS website for current information on enrollment!
1 S Maish Road, Frankfort, IN 46041
Phone: (765) 654-8545 | Fax: (765) 654-9224