The Cougar News
June 12, 2012
Summer Send-off from Principal Bame
Dear AMS Families,
Congratulations to our 8th grade class of 2024 on their last day of middle school! We had a wonderful celebration this morning and are grateful to the families who joined us in supporting our students. Despite the warmth of the gymnasium and the large crowd, the energy and love for our students were palpable and deeply moving. We strive to provide end-of-year events that reflect our school's traditions, honor our campus, and respect the time and commitment of our community.
Thank you to our PTA parents and volunteers for making this school year a success. We are incredibly fortunate to have the unwavering support of our community and deeply appreciate the individual contributions of each parent and family member who dedicates their time to our school. Thank you for donating your time and resources, especially during the end of the school year. đź’—
Please review these final notes as you head into your well-deserved summer:
Summer Remediation & Retesting Days
Today is the last day of school for all students. As a reminder, we are welcoming students whose families opted them in to our Summer Program on Thursday (Reading) and Friday (Math) at 8:15am at the main office of AMS. If you have not spoken with Lynn Flood, our Test Coordinator, via telephone this week, then you did not opt into the Summer Program by the deadline and your child should not come to school on those days.
4th Quarter Report Card Distribution
- Report cards will be sent home today with students. This decision was made primarily to avoid the substantial cost of postage, which individual schools are now required to fund.
- Honor Roll certificates will also come home today with students who made all As or all As/ Bs this quarter. Be on the lookout!
2024 Spring EOC/ EOG Score Reports
Students will bring home school curated data sheets this afternoon. In addition, parents of students who took EOG or EOC tests this spring will be able to view their child’s Individual Student Report (ISR) in PowerSchool on the dates listed below. To view your child’s ISR, log in to PowerSchool (https://wcpss.powerschool.com/public) and click on State Test Reports in the left side of the menu. (The ISRs will only be viewable in the web-based version of PowerSchool.
They are currently not viewable in the PowerSchool mobile app.)
Results will be available on the following schedule:
Week of June 24 for all students who tested through June 21*
Week of July 8 for all remaining assessments.
- For additional information about how to interpret these results, please view this short video or go to the NCDPI ISR webpage or the WCPSS Understanding EOG/EOC Test Results page.
Wishing all of you a very happy summer break!
Mrs. Raleigh Bame
Front Office Summer Hours (June 17th - August 16th)
While we operate with a limited staff during the summer months, we are only open to the public for appointments and registrations during the following hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. For registration information, please reach out to Lori Nugent at lnugent@wcpss.net
Athletics Announcements:
Any rising 7th & 8th grader interested in trying out for Fall Sports should read the 24/25 Fall Sports Information Sheet. All necessary information is included in this document. Fall Sports Tryouts will begin on 9/3.
Any rising 7th & 8th Grade Boy interested in attending optional summer Basketball workouts should complete the linked form. Please read the directions in the google form for dates and times of workouts. Any interested participant must complete the Dragonfly Registration process prior to attending workouts.
Any rising 7th & 8th grader interested in attending optional summer Football workouts should complete the linked form. Please read the directions in the google form for dates and times of workouts. Any interested participant must complete the Dragonfly Registration process prior to attending workouts. Students should also join the Football Team CANVAS page to stay up to date on any information this summer.
Community News
Summer Opportunities for AMS Students
I am the proud principal of Apex Middle School, home of the Cougars!