CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
November 22, 2024
Information from Principal Santa
National Gratitude Month: Student Council Events
This was American Education Week! The CDW Student Council planned two spirit days for the week. Thank you to all students and staff who participated. On Wednesday, the students dressed up as teachers, and the teachers dressed up as students! On Thursday, the students and staff wore college gear to show their support for American Education Week.
Day of Gold
Today we celebrated "A Day of Gold," and donations, equaling $242, were collected to support children receiving cancer treatment at Sanzari Children's Hospital. Thank you to the Old Tappan Education Association for continuing such an important tradition!
Knightly Chronicles
The CDW Knightly Chronicles writers have been very busy! New stories have been posted about American Education Week, World Kindness Day, and a recap of Fall Frenzy Week. Check out the Knightly Chronicles website!
Thank you to Mr. Johnson for keeping the CDW writers busy researching and writing stories!
Grade 8 Language Arts
Mrs. DeSciora’s 8th grade language arts students worked with primary sources as part of their reading of Unbroken to deepen their understanding of point of view and perspective as it relates to the plot of the book. Additionally, the letters, written in 1945-46, remind students of the importance of “trivial” news from home to soldiers during wartime, and offer a wonderful glimpse into a simpler time.
Grade 5 L.E.A.D.
Thank you to the Old Tappan Police Department for partnering with us to offer the Grade 5 students the L.E.A.D. (Law Enforcement Against Drugs and Violence) program. The students are really enjoying the lessons about good decision making!
The CDW Debate Team
NVOT Varsity debaters, Neha Anoo and Madeline Iacono, have been returning to CDW to volunteer their time to help the CDW Debate Team prepare for future debates. On Thursday, they held a lesson for the Novice team members on how to effectively present their arguments in the Negative round.
NV Eagles are Heading to the Super Bowl!
The NV Eagles Senior Football and Cheer Group (7th and 8th graders) had an amazing year with a 9-1 record and will be playing in the Super Bowl this Saturday, November 23rd at 3:30 PM versus the Rivervale Raiders. Please go out and support the team!
Location: Pascack Valley High School Football Turf
Date: Saturday, November 23rd
Time: Kickoff @ 3:30pm
Chromebook Use Reminders
We have recently had an uptick in Chromebook repairs, please review the following with your child(ren):
- Please remind your child(ren) to keep his/her cover on the Chromebook at all times.
- Please remind your child(ren) to put his/her Chromebook in a safe location in school and at home. We tend to find Chromebooks on the floor in the hallways.
- Please remind your child(ren) to charge his/her Chromebook each night/morning before school.
- If your child(ren) forgets his/her Chromebook, each classroom has loaner Chromebooks that the students can borrow. Chromebooks do not need to be dropped off.
Delayed Opening Reminders
The forecast is calling for a possibility of snow soon. Since that means that there is a possibility of a delayed opening within the next month or so, here are some important reminders to prepare for a possible delayed opening in the future.
Staff will be available for drop off beginning at 9:40 AM.
Homeroom begins at 10:00 AM.
After 10:00 AM, students need to enter through the front door. Please drive around to the front to drop them off since the other doors will be closed.
Students will attend each class but for a shorter period of time.
Students will still have their lunch period. The 5th and 6th grade lunch will start at 11:47 AM, and the 7th and 8th grade lunch will start at 12:18 PM.
5th Grade
On Thursday, November 21st, Ms. Adamo taught another character education lesson to the fifth grade. This month’s lesson was on Friendship: In order to have good friends, we need to BE a good friend. Students learned the difference between the following: Peer, School Friend, and True/Best Friend. Learning the difference between the types of friendships helps students to not feel left out if a School Friend or Peer is having a party, and they aren’t invited.
Peers (classmates) are people they go to school with and are in class with. Their conversations typically are about classwork only.
A School Friend is someone you are friends with only in school. This is someone you talk to regularly and partner up with in class; however, you do not hang out with this friend outside of school, and he/she isn’t someone you share your secrets with.
A True/Best Friend is someone you hang out with regularly outside of school. He/she is the person you talk to all the time, share secrets with, and trust the most.
The majority of the lesson was spent on a True/Best friendship. Students made “friendship soup” where they wrote ingredients (qualities) they want in a friendship, which they put into their pot. The ingredients (qualities) they don’t want, they “tossed” to the floor (written on the bottom of the page). Be sure to ask your child(ren) to see their friendship soup!
8th Grade Information
Students who submitted a transcript release form to Ms. Adamo for Catholic high schools, your records were sent on Wednesday, November 13th. All other transcript requests will be sent over the next few weeks. Once Ms. Adamo sends them, she will send an email to your child.
Ms. Adamo will continue to post information regarding NVOT on her Google Classroom. This way, students and families can locate the information easily.
Reminders: High School Scheduling conferences typically take place at the end of January and occur at CDW, during the hours of 8:30 AM- 3:00 PM. Ms. Adamo, along with a representative from NVOT, meets with each eighth grader and his/her parent/guardian to answer any questions about NVOT and to choose his/her ninth-grade electives and his/her world language. All other courses are based on recommendations from the students' eighth grade teachers. At the beginning of January, an email will be sent to all Grade 8 families to sign up for a conference. All students are encouraged to create a schedule at NVOT, even if they are planning on attending a different school in the fall.
All Grades
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s academic, social or emotional needs, please contact me at adamoj@nvnet.org or 201-664-1475 ext. 2203.
Schedules and Game Locations
Click HERE for the Northern Valley Schedules and Game Locations on the CDW Website.
All games begin at 3:45 PM.
Home Boys and Girls Basketball games are played in the Rossi Gym at CDW.
PTO Updates and Reminders
Movie Fundraisers
The PTO will be hosting upcoming movie premieres at Westwood Cinemas on the following dates:
November 27th at 1:30 PM for Moana 2 (Rated PG)
December 20th at 1:30 PM for Mufasa (Rated PG)
The Old Tappan PTO has reserved a private theater on the day of each release. The $20 per person includes a ticket to one movie, popcorn, and a beverage. It is a drop off event for Grades 5-8, but supervision is required for Grades 4 and below.
Save the Date
Save the Date for the OT PTO Fundraiser. Please see the information below!
CDW Class of 2025 Discount Card and Dicks Sporting Goods Coupon Book
If you would like to purchase a 2024-2025 Discount Card and Dicks Sporting Goods Coupon Book, visit the OT PTO website.
The discount card is $20.
The Dicks Sporting Goods Coupon Book is $15.
PTO Meetings and Membership
The schools truly value the partnership we have with the Old Tappan PTO! Please join the PTO and support their organization. Visit OTPTO.org, click "For Sale," and then "Membership."
The PTO Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year are listed below. Babysitting is offered at the night meetings.
Thursday, January 23, 2024 at 9:00 AM in the BOE Conference Room
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 7:30 PM in the CDW Media Center
Thursday, April 24, 2024 at 9:00 AM in the BOE Conference Room
Tuesday, May 27, 2025 at 7:30 PM in the CDW Media Center
Dressing for the Weather
As the cold weather starts to take over, it is important to send your child(ren) to school with the appropriate attire to attend outside Recess. Students have been reminded during OTBN's morning announcements to bring their coats, gloves, scarves, and hats to lunch with them so that they are prepared for Recess.
Google Classroom
If you or your child(ren) needs a refresher on how to use Google Classroom, he/she can access a variety of videos on Dr. Sullivan's Google Classroom under, "Tools for Organizing Assignments."
Here is a video on How to Use Google Classroom for you to review.
Chromebook Insurance
Have you purchased Chromebook Insurance for your child(ren)'s school-issued device yet?
We highly suggest that you purchase insurance! We have already had to submit many claims! Please refer to the information below, or you may purchase directly from smartechins.com/oldtappan.
HW Club
Homework Club began on Wednesday, October 2nd. Please see the flyer below to sign up!
If your child is not going to attend school, please contact Mrs. McCarthy at 201-664-1475 ext. 2103 or McCarthy@nvnet.org.
In an effort to minimize the potential spread of illness at school, please keep your child home if he/she:
- has a fever. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school.
- is nauseous or is vomiting.
- has diarrhea.
Lunch at CDW
Students should either bring their lunch from home each day, or parents may order through one of the approved vendors for delivery to CDW. If you order lunch from an approved vendor for delivery, please make sure the vendor knows your child's first and last name and grade level. This will help to ensure your child receives his/her lunch on time. At times, we understand that a parent/guardian may need to drop off lunch at school. All lunches need to be placed on the table with the green tablecloth in the vestibule.
5th/6th Grade Lunch ~ 11:27 AM-12:01 PM
7th/8th Grade Lunch ~ 12:10 PM-12:44 PM
You can find the Lunch Vendors on the Old Tappan School District Website.
Wednesday, November 27th~ 12:30 PM Dismissal for Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th~ School is closed.
Monday, December 9th~ The BOE Meeting is at 8:00 PM in the CDW Lynch Gym.
Wednesday, December 11th~ The 5th and 6th Grade Bands Winter Concert at 7:30 PM
Thursday, December 12th~ The 7th and 8th Grade Bands and CDW Choir Winter Concert at 7:30 PM
Friday, December 13th~ Midpoint of Marking Period 2
Tuesday, December 17th~ The PTO Holiday Shop at CDW for Grades 5-8
Wednesday, December 18th~ Marking Period 2 Interims released on the Genesis Parent Portal at 12:00 PM.
Friday, December 20th~ Holiday Pizza Party; 12:30 PM Dismissal
Monday, December 23rd to Wednesday, January 1st~ Holiday Recess; school is closed.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Email: santaj@nvnet.org
Website: https://cdw.oldtappanschools.org/
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OldTappanSchoolDistrict