Explorer Briefing
October 16, 2024
Principal's Message
As we prepare for conference week, we want to remind you to check out this week's Wednesday briefing on ParentSquare. It contains important updates on school activities, key dates, and district information.
To make things easier, we only send these updates once a week to avoid overwhelming you with too many messages. Everything you need to know is right there!
Thank you for your continued support, and welcome to Fall in the Northwest - wind, leaves falling, rain, and bursts of sunshine!
Principal Duncan
Important Reminders
- Parent Teacher Conference sign ups are open. Make sure to check your Parent Square messages from your teacher. Students will be released every day next week at 12:35 pm, with buses arriving 3 hours earlier than normal.
- The Book Fair will be open to families on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and on Thursday from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
- During conference week, sack lunches will be available to take home for those students who wish to purchase them before dismissal at 12:35 pm.
- Save the date - Veterans Day Assembly, Friday November 8th at 2:50 pm.
Counselor's Corner
Happy Wednesday Chloe Clark Families,
November is fast approaching and that means it's time to start preparing to celebrate our Veterans. I will be putting together our slide show again this year so please send me 1 -2 photos of "your" Veterans.
Please email your photos to vchontofalsky@steilacoom.k12.wa.us by October 23rd. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
More details to come on our Veterans Day activities!
Mrs. C
A note from our Highly Capable teacher, Hannah Engstrom
Each year we screen all second grade students for eligibility in the district’s Highly Capable Program. This year’s screening occurred with the iReady Fall diagnostic tests. Students whose scores meet at least one qualifying point for the program will be invited for further testing via a Parent Square message to their family which includes a “Request for Permission to Test.” Further testing will occur during conference week, October 21-25. If you are the parent/guardian of a second grade student and do not receive this Parent Square message, you are welcome to apply for the Highly Capable Program in the Spring. If you have any questions about the program feel free to contact me via Parent Square or email at hengstrom@steilacoom.k12.wa.us.
Annual Autumn Parade
Steilacoom School District is Hiring!
We are actively seeking dedicated individuals to join our team in various roles, including teachers, paraeducators, and substitutes. If you're passionate about fostering a supportive learning environment and making a positive impact, we want you on our team!
Click Here to learn more about our open positions and apply today!
Book Fair
Fair Dates
Oct 21 - Oct 25
eWallet setup period: September 30 - October 25, 2024
Volunteer Opportunity
Scholastic Book Fair
Help the library out by volunteering at the Scholastic Book Fair. This is a great opportunity to see what students are reading! You must be a district approved volunteer. Questions - Parent Square Suzanne Schenck, Library Technician.
Thank you!
Please join us for October's PTA RECESS TAKEOVER this Friday!
Volunteers are needed to help with games and activities during recess for Kindergarten - 3rd Grades. Come for your child's recess or stay for recess for all grades! Sign-up for your time slot(s) here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094DAFA722ABFCC34-51924445-ptarecess
All school volunteers must SIGN IN THROUGH THE SCHOOL OFFICE. If you're not already a volunteer for the Steilacoom Historical School District, complete your volunteer application: https://www.steilacoom.k12.wa.us/who-we-are/departments/volunteers/volunteer-application-process
We can't wait to see you, Explorer Families!
Community Flyers
Looking Ahead
- 10/17 The Great Shakeout
- 10/18 PTA Recess Takeover
- 10/21-10/25 Conference Week, students will be released at 12:35 pm
- 10/21-10/25 Scholastic Book Fair
- 10/31 Fall Parade
- 11/1 Transitional Kindergarten begins
- 11/5 & 11/7 Vision & Hearing Screening
- 11/11 Veterans Day - No School
- 11/12 Picture Make-up Day