Algonquin Lakes Elementary
September 15, 2024
Important Information
1401 Compton Dr.
Algonquin, IL 60102
(847) 532-7500
Marilynn Smith
Rachel Buczkowske
Assistant Principal
Jennifer Ellett
Student Service Specialist
Other Phone Numbers
Attendance: (847) 532-7520
Fax: (847) 532-7515
Nurse: (847) 532-7511
Transportation: (847) 658-3262
Outdoor Supervision Begins = 7:45am
First Bell Rings = 7:55am
School Begins = 8:00am
Students are Dismissed = 2:15pm
Office Hours = 7:00am – 3:30pm
Message from the Principal
Dear ALES Families,
We had another busy week of learning at ALES. Our teachers had the opportunity to participate in meaningful professional development to support our school improvement goals during our late start, students participated in a variety of lessons to remember 9/11, and students did a great job protecting their Pride at ALES by demonstrating our 3 R's - Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect Your Environment.
This week at Algonquin Lakes, students in grades 3-5 will participate in an assessment to allow school leaders to gauge students’ sense of belonging at school. This is part of D300’s continuing effort to improve our understanding of our students' needs. Although our school values the voices and perspectives of our K through 2nd-grade students, we do not feel that the reading level of the assessment suits the average literacy of our youngest students. Our teachers in grades K-2 provide different activities to help gauge their students' sense of belonging at school during their SEL Instructional time.
I wanted to remind you that Erin’s Law Presentations will begin on September 25. Erin’s Law requires schools to provide an age-appropriate sexual abuse awareness and prevention curriculum for pre-K-12th grade. These presentations will happen in their classrooms with their teacher and school support staff as well as the guest presenter. If you have any questions, please see additional information that was found in my September 8th newsletter or you may reach out to your child's teacher, or myself.
We have a variety of safety procedures in place to support our students and staff at ALES. You should have received communication on Friday, September 13th that ALES entered a Shelter-In-Place. During a Shelter-In-Place, we stop movement in the building but teachers continue teaching their lessons because there is no threat or danger. This allows us to best support what ever situation may need movement in the building to be stopped. Thank you so much for your support and cooperation during this procedure.
Between now and November, we have 3 more safety procedures we will be practicing, a Fire Drill with the fire department present, a Code Red Lock Down Drill with the Police Department Present, and a Bus Evacuation Drill. The more we practice, the more prepared we are in an emergency situation.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Our students count on us working together to achieve their full potential.
Kindest Regards,
Marilynn Jankovich (Smith)
Principal, Algonquin Lakes Elementary
Important Dates
September 17th - ALES Dine and Share at Amuzgo's!
September 17th - Young Rembrandt's Art Club
September 18th - Circle of Friend's Open House (For those already enrolled)
September 23rd - Last day to Sign Up for Boys Running Club using Push Coin
September 24th - Board of Education Meeting
September 24th - Boys Running Club Begins (Tuesdays and Thursdays after school)
October 1st - Monthly PTO Meeting
October 2nd - Late Start - School is in session from 10:00 AM - 2:15 PM
October 3rd - ALES Book Fair and Ice Cream Social
A Week In Review at ALES!
ALES Remembers 9/11
All students and staff gather around the flag to say the Pledge of Allegiance as one.
Mrs. Tregler's Class Was Caught With Their Den Full!
Meet Mrs. Dean
Hello, my name is Mrs. Dean, and I am the Instructional Coach at ALES. In addition to being a mother of two, I also have more than 25 years of experience in education. As an instructional coach, I'm excited to partner with the teachers to impact student learning and growth. I’m grateful to be part of the ALES community.
The Algonquin Lakes Elementary PTO is volunteer-based non-profit organization committed to supporting the school community.
The PTO organizes events throughout the year, like classroom parties, family events, and fundraisers, to bring together families, faculty, and staff in a fun and engaging way.
If you have questions or are interested in joining or volunteering, please contact the PTO at alesptoweb@gmail.com
Lion Pride Corner
Focus for September: Integrity
I am excited to visit each classroom next week to engage students in an important lesson about integrity - one of the Keys of Excellence! During these visits, I will be discussing the significance of integrity, exploring what it means to be honest and responsible, and encouraging students to practice these values in their daily lives. At Algonquin Lakes, we believe that, by reinforcing these core values, we are helping to build a foundation for our students' future success and well-being. We encourage you to talk with your child about how they can apply these principles at home.
Dinner Chat Question
Share a time when you faced a difficult decision where being honest or doing the right thing was challenging. How did you handle it? What did you learn from the experience?
Mrs. Buczkowske
Assistant Principal
Community News
1401 Compton Drive
Algonquin, IL 60102