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No School On Monday
There is no school on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
We will be back on campus on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
iReady Math testing begins this week!
On Tuesday, January 21, 2025, students will begin the iReady diagnostic assessment for Math. ELA iReady testing has concluded. Math iReady testing will take place this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
In order for students to carefully complete the iReady diagnostic, we have created a testing block during the school day. All testing will take place during a special testing block in the morning. Most students will return to their 1st Period for the testing block (with the exception of some students who have PE). Please see the bell schedule below and avoid scheduling appointments or picking students up from school during the testing block. Notice also that the school day still ends at 2:38 P.M.
The iReady diagnostic is a very useful tool for teachers and students. First, the diagnostic provides critical information to teachers about what skills students have learned or have yet to learn this school year. Teachers then determine what skills need to be addressed in the second part of this year to ensure that students are best prepared for next year. iReady also takes students' current skill levels and then provides targeted lessons to students, so if students take the diagnostic seriously, they will have a bank of lessons available to them in iReady to help them progress further.
Here are some ways that you can help your student do their best on this assessment:
1. talk to them about giving their best effort
2. encourage them to get a good night's sleep before the test (especially limiting electronic use before bed)
3. help them get to school in time to eat breakfast (the MP Room opens at 7:30 A.M. each day for breakfast)
4. minimizing absences and early releases/late drop-offs on these testing days
Thank you for supporting your student and our teachers during iReady testing!
Everything from T-shirts and sweaters to backpacks or crossbody bags can be customized with Arcade's logo and are available for purchase.
Visit the website below.
Please Complete By February 7 To Have Your Voice Heard!
San Juan Unified would like to invite parents to take the annual district climate survey. Your feedback is vital, as it is used to inform school and district leaders of the changes needed in our communities. The deadline for completing the survey is Feb. 7.
Surveys are available online in several languages, including Spanish, Farsi/Dari, Pasto, and Ukrainian.
Click the link below (the red button) to access the survey.
We greatly value your feedback and thank you in advance for your participation.
Notification of Comprehensive Sexual Health Instruction for 7th Grade Students
Please read this letter, which was also sent home with students, for information on the Comprehensive Sexual Health Unit which will be taught in students' P.E. classes this year.
California state law, specifically the California Healthy Youth Act, requires that comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education be provided to students at least once in middle school and once in high school, starting in Grade 7. You can view more information about the California Healthy Youth Act at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/he/se/
Instruction must encourage students to communicate with parents, guardians or other trusted adults about human sexuality. Instruction must be medically accurate, age appropriate, and inclusive of all students. It must include the following:
- Information about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including transmission, FDA approved methods to prevent HIV and STIs, and treatment
- Information that abstinence is the only certain way to prevent unintended pregnancy and HIV and other STIs, and information about the value of delaying sexual activity
- Discussion about the social views of HIV and AIDS
- Information about accessing resources for sexual and reproductive health care
- Information about pregnancy, including FDA approved prevention methods, pregnancy outcomes, prenatal care, and newborn safe surrender laws
- Information about sexual orientation and gender, including the harm of negative gender stereotypes
- Information about healthy relationships and avoiding unhealthy behaviors and situations
You may view a digital copy of the California Healthy Youth Act (California Education Code Sections 51930-51939) by using this link: https://tinyurl.com/SJ-CHYA.
This instruction will be provided by your child’s teacher beginning on Monday, January 27, 2025. Instruction will take place over 3 weeks from January 27th to February 14th.
Instructional materials are available for review by parents/guardians. San Juan Unified uses our board adopted curriculum, Health Connected Teen Talk Middle School and Health Connected Teen Talk High School. If you are interested in reviewing the curriculum, please complete this form at www.sanjuan.edu/csh.
State law allows you to opt your student out of this instruction.
- If you do not want your student to participate in comprehensive sexual health instruction, please send a written note or email to your child’s P.E. teacher.
- If you opt your child out of the unit, an alternative health assignment in an alternative location will be provided. You may opt your child out at any time, even after the unit has started.
- If you do not notify your child’s P.E. teacher, your child will receive the instruction on the dates listed in this letter. If you are opting out your student, email your student's P.E. teacher or you can drop off a note at the Arcade front office.
If you have any questions, you may reach out to Meagan Spencer, our P.E. teacher who will be teaching the Comprehensive Sexual Health unit directly at meagan.spencer@sanjuan.edu.
Thank you
8th Grade Hearing Screening
This is for 8th-grade students only. The hearing screening will take place on February 6, 2025 on campus, during the school day.
Minimum Day!
Wednesday, January 29th and Wednesday, February 5th are minimum days. Students will be released at 11:10 A.M. both days.
Optional lunch service is offered on minimum days from 11:10 A.M. to 11:25 A.M.
Visit A Community Care Hub!
Our San Juan Unified Community Care Hub offers free events to support families across our school communities in a convenient and welcoming environment. The Hub also provides an excellent opportunity to engage with local programs and receive tangible supplies, such as learning tools, food boxes, diapers, and more.
- Emergency Food Assistance
- Diaper Distribution
- Learning Materials
- District & Community Resources
- Enrollment & Parent Portal Help
The next Community Care Hub events will take place on:
1. Thursday, January 23, 2025, from 2:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
- San Juan Central- 3700 Garfield Ave, Carmichael
2. Thursday, January 30, 2025, from 2:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
- Northridge Elementary School- 5150 Cocoa Palm Way, Fair Oaks
Please visit the FACE department website for more information.
Free walk-in clinics, no appointments needed! A valid ID is required.
Wednesday, February 19th, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
District Office Board, 3738 Walnut Ave. Carmichael
Please visit the SJUSD Volunteer website for more information here.
San Juan Unified is offering FREE preschool for income-eligible families. This program is currently enrolling infants & toddlers, preschool-aged children, and pregnant mothers. San Juan is offering home-based and center-based program options!
You must complete an online eligibility form here.
You may also visit the Registration Office at Marvin Marshall Children's Center at 5309 Kenneth Avenue in Carmichael.
Open Enrollment For The 2025-2026 School Year Information Below
The Open Enrollment Lottery is an annual process that allows families who live within the boundaries of San Juan Unified School District an opportunity to request a school of their choice, provided there is space available at the requested school and families are willing to provide transportation.
Available space is determined by the school's defined physical and program capacity after enrolled resident students are placed.
The Open Enrollment Lottery application is available starting on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 8:00 A.M. through January 24, 2025, at 5:00 P.M.
Open Enrollment results will be emailed to families by February 3rd, 2025.
***Because Open Enrollment is a computer-generated lottery and not approved on a first-come, first-served basis; you can submit your application at any time during the Open Enrollment period.***
San Juan Central Food Closet
The San Juan Central Food Closet is open to the public!
District Office at 3700 Garfield Ave, Carmichael, Room 14.
Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
If you have any questions, please contact Veronica Allen at 916-979-8878.
CALENDAR ITEMS - Looking Ahead
- January 20: No School
- January 21-24: Math iReady Testing (special bell schedule)
- January 29: Minimum Day, Release at 11:10 A.M.
- February 3: Open Enrollment Placements Sent to Families by Central Enrollment
- February 5: Minimum Day, Release at 11:10 A.M.
- February 6: 8th Grade Hearing Screening, during school day
- February 10: School Site Council, 3:00 - 4:00 P.M. in the library
- February 10: Beginning Band Concert, 6:00 - 7:30 P.M. in the MP Room
- February 12: 6th Grade Field Trip: MoSAC
- February 14: Progress 3 Ends
- February 17-21: No School
- February 27: Skate Night, 3:30 - 5:30 P.M. at Foothill Skate Inn
- Monday - Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
- Attendance Phone Number: 916-971-7300, ext. 1
Email: arcadems@sanjuan.edu
Website: sanjuan.edu/arcade
Location: 3500 Edison Avenue, Sacramento, CA, USA
Phone: 916-971-7300