The Patriot Update (1.2)
A Revere High School Community Newsletter

Sunday October 16th, 2022
Volume 1, Issue 2
Happy Sunday, Patriots!
Progress reports were sent home last weekend. Students have three full weeks between now and the end of Quarter 1 on Friday 11/4. As a community, we need to all motivate and encourage our students to take advantage of the next three weeks to bring up their grades. All adults - parents/guardians, teachers, counselors, advisory teachers and administrators - should be talking to students about their grades and how they can improve.
- Students: Review your grades in PowerSchool and set a goal for each class. Talk to your teachers about what upcoming work will have the biggest impact on helping you meet that goal. We don't want any surprises on the Quarter 1 report card, and now is the time to act! Especially you seniors - Colleges look at Quarter 1 Grades! Here are some tips to think about.
- If you're feeling behind in a class, talk to your teachers about how to prioritize your work so you feel less overwhelmed. Avoiding the class when you are already behind just creates more anxiety! Get an action plan for the next three weeks.
- Teachers are available for extra help after-school, but ask yourself: "are you making the best use of class-time during the day? " Eighty-minute periods provide lots of time to get help and focus on your work, so be sure you're using every minute wisely!
- Talk to your teachers about how you can study to re-learn material, before doing a revision or asking for a re-take. Working on a revision or a re-take doesn't help if you haven't put in the work on your end to prepare for it.
- Attendance matters so much! Students who attend class regularly have higher grades than those who miss class. Make every effort to be in school on-time each day between now and the end of the quarter. Teachers can't teach you if you aren't in class!
- Guardians: Make sure you are signed into PowerSchool and are closely monitoring students' grades and daily attendance. We don't want any surprises on the Quarter 1 report card!
- Students who miss class regularly, even for short periods of time, have difficulty keeping up with assignments. Do you know if your student is late to class or taking too many breaks from class? PowerSchool attendance helps you keep track of this! You can even set alerts! If you need help with the ParentPortal you can visit this link or connect with our family liaisons.
- If you have questions about a student's work and/or attendance in a specific class, please reach out to that teacher directly to ask them how you can help your students. Teachers want to hear from you! If you have trouble connecting with a teacher, please reach out to your student's Assistant Principal.
- Educators: Please make time to connect with students who are struggling to thrive in your class to motivate them and help them prioritize work over the next three weeks. We all (teachers, counselors, administrators) should be communicating with families regularly -- especially as we get close to the end of the quarter. We don't want any surprises on the Quarter 1 report card!
Let's all make an effort over the next three weeks to work together, so that our students grades are the best they can be at the end of Quarter 1!
Have a great week!
Christopher T. Bowen, Principal
Looking Ahead the Next Two Weeks: 10/17-10/28
- Early Release Day: Wednesday 10/19 will be an Early Release Day for students, with dismissal at 12:00pm. Students will receive a grab-and-go lunch. All Faculty will participate in the first "Director's Meeting" of the year for Professional Development.
- Financial Aid Sessions: Seniors interested in getting help with the College Financial Aid Process should sign up for a 30 minute appointment from 8-12 on Wednesday 10/19. The link to sign up is right here! At the sessions, students can get help learning about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the College Scholarship Service (CSS). Check out this quick guide to the difference between the two!
- Upcoming College Trip: UMASS Lowell – October 26, 2022. Students who have already registered should submit your permission slip to Ms. Currie in the Learning Commons. We had a great College Visit trip to Salem State University on Friday 10/14.
- Upcoming College Fair: This past week the Guidance Department organized a college fair during advisory. Our next College Fair will be on Thursday 10/27. We will update everyone with the list of schools attending ! Students should join the RHS Opportunities Google Classroom to get updates on these events.
- End of Quarter 1: Quarter one ends on Friday 11/4. Teachers grades will be due Wednesday 11/9 by 8pm. Report Cards will be sent home on Thursday 11/10 via e-mail. Families without emails will receive copies in the mail.
Revere Athletics Round Up
- Come support fellow RHS Patriots this week at Upcoming Athletic Events
- Follow RHS Athletic Director Frank Shea on Twitter @ADReverePats to stay up-to-date on wins from the week
- Athletic Eligibility for Winter Sports is based on students' Quarter 1 Grades on the Report Card. Quarter 1 Grades close on Friday 11/4, but Academic Eligibility for Athletics take effect the day report cards are sent home. This date will be Thursday 11/10. Students must pass (D- or higher) at least three classes to remain eligible to compete. Students who fail exactly two classes may be eligible if they participate in an academic intervention program for student athletes. Students who fail 3 or 4 classes are completely ineligible to play effective Thursday 11/10. Please reach out to your coach or assistant principal with questions.
Take a look at some of the spotlights written in the RHS Patriot Voice this year!
- Getting to Know Our RHS Guidance Counselors: Ms. Chamberlin
- Do You Want to Get a Headstart on Your Career? Try an Internship. Juniors and Seniors interested in taking an internship in their schedule should check with our Extended Learning Opportunity Counselor, Ms. Walsh
- Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Acosta
- Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Hester
RHS Student Job Fair: Friday 10/28
Please see the attached flyer for a job fair taking place at RHS on October 28th from 1-3pm. Email Ms. Walsh with questions (
Spotlight on the Senior Class of 2023 (BLUE HOUSE)
Our Senior Class Assistant Principal
Ms. Afton Dean is the Assistant Principal for the Class of 2023 (Blue House, 12th Grade). She joins Revere High School after spending the past ten years in the Lynn Public Schools, serving as an Instructional Technology Teacher. Ms. Dean holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Marketing from Bentley University. In 2017, she earned a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Southern New Hampshire University. In 2021, she earned an Education Specialist degree in Educational Leadership from Gordon College. Ms. Dean has a passion for education and preparing students with college and career ready skills to thrive in the competitive global economy. Her mission is to promote learning for all students in a safe and supportive environment. Ms. Dean is excited to join the Revere High School Team and looks forward to partnering with all members of the school community.
Phone: (781) 286-8220
Our Senior Class Student Officers
Congratulations to the newly elected Senior Class Officers! Thanks to Ms. Hurley-Felt for being the Class Advisor of this great group of students.
- Treasurer - Arianna Keohane-Greenman
- Secretary - Ayra Vranic
- Vice President - Sabrina Indorato
- President - Hana Aklog
Haunted Hallways
Want to get spooked in the RHS Hallways? Come join us for Haunted Hallways: The Nightmare Estate on Wednesday - October 26th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Doors open at 5:45 PM. Tickets are available for purchase for $5 at ALL lunches leading up to the event. You can also purchase a ticket at the door for $7. Concession stands will be located at the entrance and exit. All proceeds will support the senior class!
Senior Portraits
Jenn Cimino will be at Revere High School October 25th – October 27th to take Senior Yearbook Pictures. ALL Senior Yearbook Pictures are due on November 1st. If you do not take a photo with Jenn, your photo will not appear in the yearbook. Please note, ID pictures are not used in the yearbook. Sign-up sheets are located on the 2nd Floor, across from the elevators! Cost is $30. Direct all questions to
Financial Aid Help
FAFSA season has arrived! We are partnering with the EOC (Educational Opportunity Center at North Shore Community College). This Federal program is designed to support low-income students with the FAFSA and CSS process. They have trained bilingual counselors.Students can sign up for a 30-minute session. Students must be First Generation (parents did not graduate from a 4-year college in the U.S.) or low income to participate in this program. If interested, complete the steps below.
- Complete the EOC Intake Form by October 18th.
- Create a FSA ID (Students & Parents/Guardians).
- Bring the appropriate documents to complete the FAFSA. See checklist in both English and Spanish.
- If you do not meet the eligibility requirements above and need help filling out the FAFSA, register for this virtual event on October 25th hosted by MEFA!
Vision of an RHS Graduate: Ideas from Our Students
Since last spring, we have been talking with students to learn about the skills, knowledge and dispositions they want to have after their time at RHS. A working group of students, guardians and educators are now digging into the results of this work to help us plan for the future of RHS. Here is an update on some of the "themes" that have emerged from this work. If you are interested in joining this group, please email me. We meet on Monday 10/24 for our next meeting!
College & Career Readiness: Including knowledge of different Trades and Unions
Adult Independence: Including Life/Adult Skills
Financial Literacy and Independence: Budgeting, Loans, Taxes and Bills
Health: Mental Health & Wellness Awareness
Skills & Knowledge to Have an Impact on the Community/World, Social Skills and Communication Skills
Emotional Intelligence to Handle Uncertainty
Understanding of Immigration Process and Citizenship
Preparation for Excellence in Art, Music and Theater
Opportunities for Self-Directed Learning
Leadership Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Confidence, Self Advocacy Skills, Perseverance & Resilience, Multilingualism and Skills to Engage Across Difference
Develop Appropriate Work-Life Balance: discipline, time-management, hobbies & passions
Important Links
- Bullying, Harassment and Bias Reporting: You can use this link to make a report of bullying, harassment or bias.
- RHS Student Activities 2022-2023: You can use this link to explore student activities and when they meet.
Congratulations Ms. Tiffany Currie
Last Spring, our Extended Learning Opportunities Guidance Counselor (Tiffany Currie) was awarded the Collin Powell Award by Our Community Salutes of Massachusetts. This is a public service award that is presented to high school counselors in recognition of providing guidance, counseling and mentoring for students as they assess their accomplishments, talents and interests as they move forward in their lives. The award ceremony was held at Gillette last spring, and Ms. Currie was presented this award on Friday 10/14 at Revere High School. Congratulations Tiffany!
RHS by the Numbers
Being in class is one of the most impactful ways students can "show up" for their learning. Everyone (students, educators, and families) need to work to ensure each student is in each class each period each day. This year we are using new attendance codes to help teachers, administrators and family track student attendance. Some of the codes you will see are the following:
- EB - Extended Break: Student took a break from class longer than what the teacher felt was appropriate
- NRL - Did Not Return From Lunch: Student was in class third period, but chose to not return to class after lunch
- LS - Late Start: Student was more than 5 minutes late to class
- DNA - Did Not Arrive: Student was in school but chose to not attend class
We have also started and after-school program called Opportunity to Improve (OTI). This is a space where students who have missed class are asked to make up their assignments from 2:30 until 3:30. Our hope is that this increased accountability and support can motivate more students to be in school, in class, on time each and every day. Guardians and teachers should be regularly talking about attendance concerns they have about students.
Here is some data that explains the number of students this week who missed class in different ways, and the number of times this happened. Guardians: Do you know you students' attendance? Reach out to your teachers with questions!