Oak Heights February Newsletter
Home of the Mustangs
Oak Heights Mission
ESPY Winners
Every month two students are selected from each school and presented with an ESPY Award at the Board Meeting. The award is presented to students who are doing well academically and have an exceptionally positive attitude about school. They demonstrate respect and responsibility towards staff and their peers. They show courage by not conforming to peer pressure and refusing to accept anyone who bullies.
Sawyer S & Autumn H
Addy D & Noelle L
Christopher M & Florence A
Sofia R. & Gage S.
Upcoming Important Dates
School Counselor Appreciation Week February 3rd - 7th
- 2/7 Earthquake Drill
- 2/7 Valentines Dance 5:30- 7:30
- 2/10 Oak Heights Community Open House 5 pm - 6:15 pm
- 2/17 No School Presidents Day
School Counselor Appreciation Week - Helping Students Thrive
National School Counseling Week 2025, “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive,” sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), will be celebrated from Feb. 3–7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems and how students are different as a result of what school counselors do. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
“School counselors work with all students to remove barriers to learning by addressing students’ academic concerns, career options and social/emotional skills,” said Jill Cook, ASCA executive director. “School counseling programs help to increase student achievement and provide a much-needed resource for students, parents, teachers and administrators. School counselors are integral to student success.”
Thank You to our Oak Heights Counselors Mrs. Brett and Mrs. Brown
Character Trait - February is Kindness
Each month we will focus on a character trait. Students from each class will be awarded a character certificate for demonstrating excellent behavior and commitment to the monthly character trait.
- Kindness is a way of treating others with respect and care, and doing things to help them. It can also mean being forgiving and understanding.
Oak Heights PTC News
The Oak Heights PTC Facebook page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/Oakheightsptc
Walking School Bus
A Walking School Bus is a fun way to get to school as a group! Students who exercise before school arrive focused and ready to learn. Children walk under adult supervision along a recommended route, giving them an opportunity to learn important pedestrian safety skills. This program is also a great way to increase driver awareness when community members see kids on their way to school. And, as a bonus, Walking School Buses gives you a break from school drop-off traffic congestion!Who?
Any Oak Heights student can be dropped off at either the starting point
or dropped off along the route. Students who already walk to school can
join the WSB as it passes by or go to the starting point. Parents are always
welcome to walk too and more adult volunteers make it even better!
Meeting Points
Leaves at 7:20 from Elm Street Baptist, 1150 Elm St.
Leaves at 7:25 from Fir Lawn Church, 1st Ave and Hwy 228.
The dates for the 2024-25 school year are as follows: (usually the 2nd Wednesday of
the month).
March 12
April 9
May 7 (May is Walk and Roll Month)
May 14
May 21
May 28
June 11
School Day Procedures
All students being picked up early must be signed out at the front office.
Please reach out with any questions on where to meet students.
Tips for Getting Out the Door!
Did you know? Morning routines and school attendance patterns are set in September. That means that you can set your family up for success by getting off to a smooth and drama-free September. Here’s a “Nighttime Checklist” that you might find useful.
The Night Before Every School Day:
- Choose and lay out clothing and shoes.
- Gather any items that need to go to school (permission slips, library books, homework) and put it in your backpack.
- Grown-ups – find your keys, wallet and phone!
- Prepare lunches, if you take one to school.
- Set your alarm!
Other Helpful tips:
- Many households find that taking baths and showers at night helps reduce the morning rush.
- Kids who get tired of an adult “nagging” each step of the way might succeed with a series of alarms for their routine. (Or it might stress them out. You know your child best.)
- If your vehicle is unreliable, have a backup plan to get kids to school. Make an arrangement with another parent so you can help each other out in a pinch.
- Set an “on time” goal with each child and adult. Decide on a shared reward if everyone makes it out the door on time all week. (It can be as simple as pizza for dinner on Friday.)
Orange Frog Wednesday
Orange Frog Tip of the Month
Mindset Matters - A positive mindset shapes your reality, helping you see opportunities and potential in every situation.
Principals Message
Lost and Found
Every year we donate lots of great clothes. Please write your student's name on the tag and we will do our best to match up the lost items with the owner.
Oak Heights Elementary School
Email: todd.barrett@sweethome.k12.or.us
Website: http://sweethome.k12.or.us/oak-heights/
Location: 605 Elm Street, Sweet Home, OR, USA
Phone: 541-367-7165
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OakHeightsElementary