Stratford High Times
February 2023
From the Principal's Desk
Kia ora koutou, ngā mihi o te tau hou,
Welcome back to 2023. As we began week three, it felt like things had started as we finished last year. Disruption due to circumstances out of our control feels all too familiar. Let's hope this is the last of this type of thing for a while.
Already this term we have had Tabloid Sports, Pōwhiri, Students Leaders Assembly and students are preparing themselves for the swimming sports this Thursday. School is buzzing at the moment, as we set up new routines, engage in new things and manage the busyness of the start of the year.
Our roll continues to grow, we have 90 students more at this time of the year than we did two years ago. We currently have 580 students on our roll and we are truly grateful for the support of our community. Choosing the local school grows a seed of connectedness and allows students to thrive with the support within our community. The Build a House programme, Work Experience and Gateway all only occur because of our community. As our roll grows, we continue to manage class sizes and timetable restrictions. At this stage we do not have any space for new year 10 students and our year 9 numbers are getting very close to this reality also. We also don’t have a lot of wriggle room when it comes to option changes at all year levels. If this is essential, please speak with the year level Dean.
Over the past 18 months, we have been through a period of significant change. A number of these changes will continue over the coming years, not least our Junior Curriculum and NCEA. To support community understanding, we invite you to a PARENTS INFORMATION EVENING on Thursday the 23rd February from 5.00pm to 6.00pm. Over the hour, there will be presentations on NCEA, Junior Curriculum, Information for New Parents and the opportunity to meet your child’s form teacher. We look forward to seeing you there.
Supporting a number of the changes already spoken about is our BYOD programme. Students who bring a device to school have broader access to the curriculum and it allows for greater engagement within our learning environment. We strongly encourage all students to bring a device to school to enhance the quality of their learning.
This year we have several new staff. There is more information regarding our new staff members later in the newsletter. However, it is important to point out two new members of our Senior Leadership Team. Kelly Jennings, Deputy Principal Pastoral and School Organisation, and Allana George, Assistant Principal Academic Achievement, come to us with vast experience in their years of teaching. Kelly joins us from McAuley High School where she was acting Deputy Principal last year and Allana moves to us from Inglewood High School. Both women are committed to being the best they can be and bring with them a willingness and desire to make a difference to those around them.
We are excited about our student leadership team for 2023. Last week we acknowledged them with their badges during Assembly and if the start of the year is anything to go by, this group of students will make a significant contribution to our school this year.
We are looking forward to a smooth 2023 and working closely with our community.
Ngā mihi,
Cameron Stone
New Staff
A very warm welcome to the new staff joining us in 2023.
Glenis Weyden - Learning Support, Kelly Rawcliffe - Technology/Fabric, Allana George - Assistant Principal, Mathematics, Kelly Jennings - Deputy Principal, Te Reo, Andrew Hunger - Mathematics, Lorraine Kelson - Grounds person, Debbie Stone - Science Technician, Robyn Fairbrother - Hospitality, Reece Savill - Junior Technology, Mallory Williamson - Junior Technology, Anne-Marie Savill - Office Administrator
Many thanks to our school and community who came to support our new students and staff. The pōwhiri was an impactful welcoming event for the start of our new year.
Tabloid Sports
After being postponed a day, our tabloid sports were a great success for our year 9 and thirteen students. Flurries of house colours and shouts of enthusiasm and support were seen and heard around the school. A great display of school culture to kick-start our year.
Our 2023 Student Leaders
Last week we celebrated the appointment of our Student Leaders for 2023. We look forward to seeing the positive impacts these leaders will have within our school this year.
Left to right - Arts Captain - Jack Linton, Student Council Chairperson - Hollie Eagar, Student Council Chairperson - Anina Loveridge, Head Girl - Te Otiana Gerrard, Head Boy - Matthew Jones, Kaitataki (Cultural Leader) - Kauby Ngatai-Northcott, Sport Captain - Arabella Barber, Sports Captain - Heidi Sextus, Community Leader - Zoe Pitcher, Mr. Cameron Stone - Principal
Bus Bus-iness
It’s already been a bit of a challenging start to the year with the buses, with the council and NZTA overhaul of the section of Swansea Road alongside the school. It’s meant that all of the usual routines around buses, particularly getting the students safely onto them in the afternoon, have had to substantially change for the next little while. As the roading is not something we initiated, not our project and outside of our control, we’re not sure how long it will be before a return to the status quo – but we do hope it’s soon.
The silver-lining here has been the approach of the students of all year levels, during this period of time. The teamwork between the bus drivers, supervising staff and students has been superb, in ensuring that everyone gets home safely at the end of the school day.
We’ve had our bus meetings to start the year and get all of the students signed onto the correct rolls for the buses. Having this information accurate and up-to-date is essential both for the day-to-day of travel on the bus, and to help manage any unforeseen situations. If a bus student’s address changes, please let us know to maintain the currency of these rolls. A code of conduct agreement should have come home for signing, and this should be return to the front office, so that we’re all (literally) on the same page as to what we reasonably expect of all parties concerned, with the school bus service.
If students travel more than 2.4 kilometres to reach their nearest bus-stop to get to school, you might well be entitled to a conveyance allowance – essentially a little petrol-money from the Ministry of Education to help out with this. An application form for this allowance can be picked up from the front office at school, filled out and returned to the front office for me to process through to the School Transport group at the Ministry.
If there are any queries about late buses or changes to schedule for specific routes, we’ll usually communicate this as soon as we have the information via the SHS Facebook page. Alternatively, you could call Tranzit directly with the query, as they’ll have all the details first-hand.
You can reach me at for any bus questions – always happy to help as much as I can.
Dan Woodd
SHS Bus Co-ordinator
School Notices
Parents Information Evening
Thursday 23 February 5pm - 6pm
The timetable below outlines the programme for our Parent Information Evening. Please be seated in the first presentation of your choice by 5.05pm. Students will be on hand in the office to direct you to the various locations.
Regular Timetable
Subject Changes
Students are no longer able to change subjects unless there is a valid reason. This is to prevent students from getting behind in their studies. If they wish to discuss a change, then they should contact their Dean.
- Dr. Michael Taylor, Deputy Principal (Curriculum)
Swimming Sports this Thursday
We encourage all students to get involved in this fun school event! Dress up in house colours and sign up for the events. There is something for everyone! See the proposed line-up for the day and have a think about which events you would like to take part in.
PPTA One-Day National Strike - 16 March
As a part of the ongoing industrial action, PPTA members across the nation have voted for a one-day national strike in term one. The date has been set by the national executive for March 16th. The nature of this action sees continual withdrawal of all work related to school for a 24-hour period on March 16. As a result of this, school will not be open on this day and students are to remain home. If circumstances change we will inform you as and when we become aware.
Expectations of Junior Physical Education classes
These are the expectations for all students during PE lessons.
- To take an active part in all lessons and therefore become physically educated.
- Use and respect our school HEART (Honesty/Pono, Excellence/Rawe, Aroha, Respect/Manaakitanga, Tolerance/Manawanui) values at all times.
- When someone is talking to the class, everyone is listening.
- On the sound of the whistle – stop, look and listen.
- Students are required to wear correct PE gear. This includes black shorts and a Stratford High School PE shirt (appropriate shoes are optional). If for some reason this gear is not available students are required to bring a note (from a parent or guardian) explaining the reason for the incorrect gear. In this case it is important that students bring alternative gear, so they can still take part.
- It is our philosophy that if a student is too sick to do physical education, then they are too sick to be at school. If students are unable to participate due to injury a note is required from a parent or a guardian. After a student is unable to participate in three consecutive lessons a medical certificate is required from a medical professional e.g., a doctor or physiotherapist.
- It is expected that on swimming day’s students bring both swimming togs and PE gear, as the weather dictates what we do.
- Denise Kay, HOD Physical Education
NCEA Student Handbook
The 2023 NCEA Student Handbook will be emailed out to all senior students and caregivers before the end of this week.
- Dirk Vermeulen, Principal's nominee
School Lunches 2023
School lunches continue this term. If students have dietary requirements that have not already been advised to the school, please email Please note, Compass Group (provider) only cater for students with a dietary requirement, not for those who dislike certain foods. Lunches are distributed during form time each day.
University Liaison Visits 2023
University Liaison Visits are information sessions for Year 12 & 13 students who are interested in finding out about diploma & degree level programmes.
Parents/caregivers are always welcome to attend these info sessions.
You must sign up on the list on the Careers Notice Board in the Library & get permission from your teacher before attending.
First Round
Venue - Library
Canterbury Uni - 08 March 11am-11.45am
Victoria Uni - 09 March 9.45am-10.45am
AUT - 16 March 8.45am-9.45am
Otago Uni - 24 March 9.45am-10.45am
Lincoln Uni - 05 April 11am-11.45am
- Viv Milner, Careers Advisor
School Production Auditions
The Arts team are excited to announce the school production this year will be 'Madhouse' - A Madcap One-Act, by Todd Wallinger.
There are over 20 roles in this play, so there are plenty of opportunities to get involved - either onstage, or behind the scenes!
There will be more information about the roles, auditions, and dates available soon.
We always appreciate help from the school community, so if you would like to help out in any way please contact Kate Hansen
- Kate Hansen, Arts Coordinator
Stomach bugs
Stomach bugs are doing the rounds within our school this week. Ministry of Health guidelines advise that anyone with diarrhoea or vomiting should not go to school until they have had no symptoms for 2 days. Let us all continue to be vigilant and support our tamariki. Remember if they are unwell, keep them home and notify the office staff of their absence for each day that they will be away. You can do this via the school app, absence phone line (option 1 when you call the main line), or KAMAR Parent Portal.
Health and Wellbeing Assessments
All year 9 students at Stratford High School are offered a free health and wellbeing check, with the Public Health Nurse or Youth Worker.
This is intended to identify any health needs that your child may have that may affect learning and behavior in the school environment. It is also an opportunity for your child to start the process of understanding and contributing to getting their own health needs met.
The assessment will include measurements of height, weight, and blood pressure as well as a basic assessment of your child’s hearing and vision.
Other topics will be discussed, such as:
· Enrolment with GP
· Health factors related to home, school and friends
· Nutrition and exercise
· Interests outside of school
· Drugs, alcohol and sexual health
The health assessments will be completed over the course of the year, commencing at the start of term one.
Consent will be presumed unless parent or caregiver chooses to opt out. If you wish to opt out of the health assessment, please contact the school office
- Public Health Nursing Team
Te Whatu Ora - Public Health Nurse
The Public Health Nurse will be at school every Wednesday for any health needs. Clinic is confidential and free.
- Health and hauora (wellbeing checks)
- General health concerns
- Contraception
- Condoms and pregnancy tests
- STI checks and the morning after pill
- Vision and hearing
To book an appointment, see the school office reception or contact the Public Health Nurse, Bridget Powell on 027 263 4996 or 06 753 7790 or email
Upcoming Key Dates
Dates to add to your diary
We continue to encourage students to bring along their own devices to school this year to support our BYOD programme. If there are any students who are unable to bring their own device, you can speak to classroom teachers to support you in acquiring a borrowed device from school.
KAMAR Portal
Lost your printed timetable? Download KAMAR and have it at your fingertips any time you need it! You can also get access to academic results, attendance details, school notices, student details, and finance information through the portal.
School App
Have you downloaded our school app yet? Moving forward, our app will be the one-stop-shop for communication between school and home. Download it and check out the features that are available!
Community Notices
Vocal Lessons
I am an experienced singing teacher formally from New Plymouth, now residing in Stratford. I am now available to teach contemporary and musical theatre vocal private lessons at the address below.
All enquiries please phone 0211905054
Mrs Mary WIlliams
38a Flint Road West
Stratford 4332
E-Town Youth and Health Development Programme
This course is available to youth aged 15 - 18 years. The focus of the programme is to prepare youth for their future, such as gaining confidence in the job application process, setting goals and learning how to budget and prepare various meals. Further information and enrolment forms can be picked up from the school office.
Cellphone recycling
Give your mobile phone another life, keep it out of landfill and donate to Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust at the same time through the Re:Mobile phone recycling scheme!
Drop your old cellphones into the drop box in the school office reception area.
Coding New Zealand Lessons
Advanced after-school coding lessons available for ages 9 - 18. To give your child the opportunity to learn how to programme technology apply now at
U18 Hockey Rep Trials
To register for U18 Hockey Rep trials, see the registration links below:
U18 Men registration link:
U18 Women registration link:
Please note that to be eligible to play in the National Under 18 Tournaments, the players must be under the age of 18 years old as at 1st January of the year in which the tournament is played and must be 15 years or older as at 1st January of the year in which the tournament is played.
Key Contacts
Please find below key contacts for staff at school.
Senior Leadership Team
Principal: Mr Cameron Stone
Deputy Principal Curriculum: Dr Michael Taylor
Deputy Principal Pastoral and School Organisation: Ms Kelly Jennings
Assistant Principal/Academic achievement: Ms Allana George
Principal's PA: Diane Lithgow
School Board Secretary: Amanda Hill
Principal's Nominee
For all enquiries regarding NZQA or Te Kura
Mr Dirk Vermeulen: extension 707 or email
Deans for 2023
Year 9: Mr Jeff Walker
Year 10: Miss Jodie Sullivan
Year 11: Miss Peta Apperley
Year 12: Mr Colin Franklyn
Year 13: Mr Bill McGeoch
Guidance Counsellor: Liza Albers
Learning Support Coordinator: Lisa Dent
For all other enquires please contact the school office 06 765 6039
Have you moved recently? Have you changed your phone number or email address recently? Please contact the school office and update your details.
It is very important we have the correct information for your child in case there is an emergency and we need to contact you immediately. If any contact details change throughout the year please let the school office know.
Stratford High School
Location: Stratford High School Swansea Road, Stratford, New Zealand
Phone: 06-7656039
Instagram: @shstaranaki @heart_SHS @shs_SADD_team
Fern Energy - FUEL for SCHOOLS
The Fuel for Schools sponsorship programme has helped put over $1.6 million dollars of resources into more than 600 rural schools in the last fifteen years. Just a reminder of how SHS has received this donation...
SHS has been nominated by a local business/farm that receives bulk fuel deliveries from Fern, meaning that for every 100 litres of bulk fuel they purchase, 50 cents is donated to SHS. We would like to take the time to mention who those members of the community are that have contributed to SHS. They are listed as follows:
- Makino Deer Ltd
- Palmerdell Trust
- G & M Collins Family Trust
- Cornwall Park Farms Limited
- Amberhay Limited
Rural communities and schools everywhere can enjoy the benefits of the Fuel for Schools programme. For more information about the programme, call 0800 99 99 89 or visit their website
Sponsorship for our school. A huge thank you.
We would like to thank New Zealand Community Trust for the funding we received to cover the cost of transport and accommodation for our teams taking part in NZSS tournament week. Without this funding the cost to our students and their families would have been astronomical and a lot of precious time would be required for fundraising. We were extremely fortunate to receive the amount we did so we, as a school, are very grateful.