Falcon Flier
November 2024 Update
Franklin Middle School
Email: mgalante@ktufsd.org
Website: https://www.ktufsd.org/domain/853
Location: 540 Parkhurst Blvd, Buffalo, NY 14223, USA
Phone: (716) 874-8404
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Franklin-Middle-School/100083695913137/
October Highlights & November Excitement: Safety, Fun, and Community Engagement
In October, our school had a successful month packed with engaging and meaningful activities! We partnered with the Kenilworth fire department for Fire Prevention Day, where students learned important safety skills and got to explore a real fire truck. Our Halloween costume contest during lunches was a fantastic display of creativity from both students and staff. We also completed all required emergency drills, ensuring our school is well-prepared.
Looking ahead to November, we’re excited for picture retakes on November 8th, our first 5th-grade school dance hosted by the PTA, and an unannounced Opengate drill to keep our focus on safety. Parent-teacher conferences are also happening this month, but please note that not all students in middle school will receive a conference. Teachers will reach out to families if a conference is requested.
Gru and his minions
Catching animals on the loose
Grade 6 cosutmes
Franklin Students Learn About Fire Prevention Thanks to Kenilworth Fire Department
Harry Potter
Coach McDermott made an appearance at FMS
Upcoming Events
5 - Superintendent Conference Day - No School
8 - Picture Re-takes
11 - Veterans Day - No School
13 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-6 PM
15 - 5th Grade Dance 6-8 PM
19 - Early Release Day 12PM Parent Teacher Conferences 1-3 & 4-6 PM
20 - PTA meeting 6PM
27-29 - Thanksgiving Recess
PTA News
November 15th, 6-8PM 5th grade dance
November 20-22 Scholastic Book Fair
Information for both of these events will be sent home with your child. Volunteers will be needed and the Signup Genius will be shared via email for PTA members and via the PTA Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/14ozx4jnFb/
Save the dates for additional future events:
December 4, 5-7:30 Rainbow Rink FMS Winter Wonderland event!
February 7, 6-8PM 6th grade dance
Weekly Themes
We encourage all students and staff to join in our school spirit days each week in order to build community spirit!
Mondays = Wear RED or Franklin Gear Day - show your Falcon spirit!
Thursdays = Kindness Day (wear kindness theme shirts, buttons, be extra kind to others)
Fridays = Buffalo/Sports Day! (favorite buffalo or team gear)
We are the Falcons, where we REACH new heights everyday!