Wildcat Chat
A monthly newsletter for Webster Elementary families
February 2025
Important Dates
February 1 - Science with a Twist (SWAT) 8 am - 12 pm Grand Mountain School
February 4 - Chick-Fil-a Night in Fountain *Remember to bring your flyers* 4:30-8pm
February 6 - Cartoon Character Spirit Day
February 7 - No school, Professional Development for staff
February 10 - Midterms go home
February 12 - PTO Meeting 5:30-6:30pm in library
February 13 - Valentine's Dance 5-6:30pm
February 14 - Spirit Day Wear Red or Pink , Valentine Grams delivered, Student store 2:40-3pm (Cafeteria), Webster Cheer with MRHS Ladies Basketball 7-8pm
February 17 - President's Day, District Closed No School
February 22 - Junior Lego League Explore at Janitell Junior High 8:15 am-12:15 pm
February 27 - 2nd Grade Performance 5:30-6:30pm
February 28 - Dr. Suess Day, Student Store 2:40-3pm (Cafeteria)
A Message from the Principal, Mrs. Finch
Valentines Day Celebrations
It is up to the classroom teachers as to how or if they will celebrate Valentine's Day. Please contact your child's teacher to learn what they will be doing. You may send Valentine's with your student, but with a variety of serious allergies we ask that you do not send candy with the Valentines.
Valentine's Dance
February 13 from 5-6:30 pm join us in the gym. $1 a person, $5 for a family, snacks will be for sale for $.50-$1.00. *Please bring small bills.
Valentine Grams
PTO will be selling Valentine Grams for students to purchase from their classroom teacher. Smencils will be sold for $1.00 and delivered on Valentine's Day. A flyer with more information is below.
Drop off/Pick up Lanes
Below is a map of how the parking lot is organized for drop off and pick up. Please be patient with others so we can keep everyone safe. It is important to pull forward so traffic does not get backed up into the street. Thank you!
Spirit Days in February
Feb. 6 - Cartoon Character Day
Feb. 14 - Wear Red or Pink for Valentine's Day
Feb. 28 - Dr. Suess Day
Widefield School District 3 (WSD3) has created a new webpage, Annual Notices, that contains important information we provide at the beginning of each school year. We value the roles of parents and guardians as partners in their students’ education and seek to have this information readily available and easily accessible for our community.
You can find the Annual Notices webpage on our school websites and the District website located under About Us.
Counselor's Corner
Guidance/Social-Emotional Lessons:
The social-emotional lesson topic for December was Perseverance! Grades K & 1 read and discussed a story “The Little Engine that Could”! Grades 2 & 3 read the book “The Giving Tree” and discussed examples of perseverance. Grades 4 & 5 learned what the phrase “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” means and how we can persevere. All grade levels reviewed how we can persevere in school.
My social-emotional lesson topic for all grade levels in February will be Respect.
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports):
The PBIS team is always working on ways to improve students’ behaviors at Webster. The team added a special-colored ticket (just like the green ticket) to each month to encourage students to focus on a specific ROARS expectation. The special color ticket for February is pink and will be awarded to students who AIM FOR EXCELLENCE.
AVID College & Career Week:
We are holding our annual College and Career Week from April 28-May 2nd this school year. We are looking for volunteers to share their careers with Webster students. We encourage volunteers to bring tools/visual aids and wear their job attire. We will provide questions that will help guide your discussion with the students. If you are interested or know someone who would like to volunteer, please email me at ciarlettam@wsd3.org! We would love to have you!- Marie Ciarletta, School Counselor
Speech Grand Champion, Pandora, Presenting at the Board Meeting
Webster Wildcats are College and Career Bound
Chess Club
Kindergarten Celebrating and learning about Dr. Martin Luther King
4th Grade Opinion Pieces: Should We Have Online School On A Snow Day?
3rd Grade Place Value People
Golden Tickets for January
Ms. Jones - Elijah M.
Mrs. Hovasse/Mrs. Villers - Louise H.
Ms. Ramsey - Zaiden
Ms. Mileto - Solomon D.
Mrs. Hensley - Weston K.
Mrs. R. Thompson - Tessa R.
Ms. S. Thompson - Ariella A.
Ms. Spengler - Mason S. and Jaeden A.
Mrs. Gonzalez - Jasmine A.
Mrs. Toombs - William H.
Mrs. Vidal - Sunny H.
Ms. Heinsman - William G.
Ms. Royall - Gwen G.
Mrs. Widic - Ryder F.
Ms. Williams - Jonathan N.
Mrs. Honeycutt - Gracen P.
Mrs. Conrad - Mikayla M.
Ms. Sorensen - Serenity W.
Ms. Pemberton - Roslynn M.
Mrs. Schommer - McKinley S.
Ms. Gatzke - Andrew D.
Dr. Lowman - Leila F.
Mr. Scott - Emberlee K.
Mrs. Silveous - Brian R.
Ms. Chappell - Blayklee P.
Mrs. Jackson - Gracen P.
School Information
Attendance Line - 719-391-3436 Please call if your student will be absent
More information about our school can also be found at https://webster.wsd3.org/
The Parent-Student Handbook for 2024-2025 can be found HERE.
Student Hours: 7:40 am breakfast, Student can be on campus at 7:45 if they are NOT eating breakfast, 8:00 School starts, 2:40 pm Dismissal
Student Calendar for the year can be found HERE.