Key Communicator
Kirtland Local Schools Update

September 18, 2024
Welcome to the Kirtland Schools’ Key Communicator e-newsletter. We hope to use this tool as a two-way form of communication to share the good news going on in our classrooms, and also provide you with facts in the event of negative situations. We hope you will act as informal communications liaisons with the community and let us know what you’re hearing so we can proactively provide you with the facts of what’s happening in your schools. Thank you for your support!
Our Vision: Provide a personalized education for all students.
Our Mission: We educate students to be empowered citizens.
Superintendent Report
Superintendent Report
Superintendent VanArnhem highlighted the following:
A District Safety meeting took place on 9/27/24 in which table top exercises were discussed with the KPD, KFD and school administration. SRO Bauckman and the principals also had Table Top discussions in meetings with their staff. The bus drivers had safety training led by the TSA.
He thanked Noah Reynolds, who was attending the meeting, for his leadership and organization as the marching band director. The band has sounded amazing!
I am very pleased to report that the state report cards came out on Friday, September 13th. The Kirtland Local Schools
Are a five star district,
Ranked the highest in Lake County
Ranked in the top 7% in the state!
All three buildings saw increases to their PI scores as well.
KHS and KES are both 5 Star Building Award winners.
KMS is a Momentum Award recipient meaning the building demonstrated outstanding improvement in achievement while also continuing to show growth. The momentum award is for districts and buildings that have improved their performance index by 3 or more points from 2021-2022 report card to the 2022-2023 report card AND received a value-added progress rating of 4 or more stars.
Gifted PI was ranked 15th in the state or the top 2% in the state
I will present the report card in more depth at the October SLA and Board meetings.
New cell phone policy at KHS has been going very well. Mr. Puskas has reported minimal infractions and the teachers have stated that it has helped with student focus in the classroom.
I gave a tour to the Class of 1974 for their 50 year reunion on Saturday, September 14th. It was a pleasure to hear the excitement, the stories and great memories these alumni carry with them over the past 50 years.
I received an email from one of them that said, “I wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to give us a tour of the schools on Saturday afternoon. All of us that were able to be there commented on how much we enjoyed it. It brought back many precious memories of some of the best times of my life...especially walking the high school halls. Every school looks pristine and so well taken care of! And to be the only Lake County School to receive a 5 star rating on the 2023-2024 state report card! Congratulations! You surely have so much to be proud of. It was a wonderful weekend with very special people. The class of 1974 was a great class then and now! Thank you again ever so much.
Tuesday, September 17th is National IT Professionals Appreciation Day
Thank you to Greg Cosimi and Colin Bowser for everything they do for our students, staff and community!
Treasurer Recommendations
Mr. Pendleton made the following recommendations and the Board approved:
- Setting up the Todd A Butkus Scholarship that will be for two $10,000 scholarships!
- Approve the annual 2024-2025 appropriations.
- More information can be found at https://go.boarddocs.com/oh/kirt/Board.nsf/Public.
Superintendent Recommendations
The Board voted to approve the following superintendent recommendations:
- A Crossroads Agreement, Twinkle Program Contract, LLA Therapy Contract, Teachable Moments Consulting Services, Mentor Cares Agreement, Approval of a Long Term Substitute Teacher, Class Overage Pay, Additional AP Pay, Pay rate for SRO, Separation Agreement, In Lieu of Transportation and a curriculum writing request.
*attachments to these items can be found on the district website: https://go.boarddocs.com/oh/kirt/Board.nsf/Public.
The Kirtland Local Schools are known for academic excellence and strong community support, and have been recognized nationally and statewide for educational achievement. The district also maintains a long tradition of distinction in a variety of extracurricular activities. The Board of Education provides open and thoughtful fiscal management of the community’s investment in the school district’s high quality educational program by ensuring every dollar spent benefits students and the community. The strategic plan for the Kirtland Local Schools can be found at: https://www.kirtlandschools.org/Downloads/Kirtland%20Strategic%20Plan%20with%20Chart.pdf