Springmill STEM Family Newsletter
October 6

Principal's Message
Hello STEM Families!
The leaves are changing and the weather is too! We had a great fall weekend! As it gets colder at night and in the morning, please make sure your kids are dressed for the weather. Many times they have come in shorts and t-shirts when it is still cold at recess. We do still go out so they can run around!
This is the first week of the 2nd nine weeks, that means we are already 25% through the year! We will be sending report cards home this week. Please see the description of the new report card format below. On Friday, there will be our PBIS incentive day! Students will be selecting from 4 different activities during their specials time (painting, movie, gym, etc).
Please encourage students to get to bed early enough - without a screen or device - that they can get at least 8 solid hours of sleep each night. Tired kids struggle to control their behavior and to pay attention!
Remember - attendance counts! Every minute, every day. Students need to be in school to make sure they learn. Elementary is one of the most important times that attendance is crucial, as they learn reading, writing and math skills every day. A few days out means they will be behind when they return, and will have to learn that information before being able to catch up with the class.
Cara Will
Building Principal
Springmill STEM Elementary
Report Card Changes
REMINDER: The report cards you will receive for the first quarter will look different than you may typically be used to. First, in grades K-5, there will be no letter grades. What you will see is your student's progress in the grade level standards that they need to master this year. This should give you a better picture of what your student is expected to learn and how they are doing. 6th Grades will still receive a letter grade, but you will also see their progress in the grade level material.
Scholastic Book Fair Coming Soon!
It's Scholastic Book Fair time! From 10/28 - 11/1, come experience the limitless possibilities with your kids. Every purchase benefits our school!
Did you know you can set up an eWallet for the bookfair now? Create an account for your student here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5660518
Looking Ahead
Tuesday Oct 22nd
3rd Grade Fall ELA Test
Wednesday Oct 23rd
3rd Grade Fall ELA Test
Friday Oct 25
PBIS 1st Quarter Incentive Day
Report Cards Sent Home
Tuesday October 29
Literacy Night - Family Night
Thursday Nov 14
Picture Retakes
Thursday Nov 21
Parent Teacher Conferences