Paw Prints
Westridge Elementary
From the Office
On Monday night, the EPS school board heard updates for the two new elementary buildings that will open for the 25-26 school year. At this meeting, it was announced that Laurinda Petersen, current Spring Ridge principal, and I will be opening the two new elementary schools. Mrs. Petersen is being assigned to the new north elementary. I will be assigned to the new south elementary.
Obviously, this announcement is very bittersweet. Opening up a new school is an exciting opportunity. However, leaving the Westridge community is a difficult thing to do. I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your support, encouragement, and trust. I have been privileged to work alongside such wonderful families and staff. We still have a lot of work to get done this year, so it is not time to say goodbye. However, I did want all of you to know about the change for the 25-26 school year.
Remember that tonight is our Fall into Books event. The book fair will be open from 4:30 to 7:00. There will be a free hot dog dinner from 5:00 to 6:30. Free will donations will be accepted. We hope to see all of you tonight!
Thank you,
Ryan Broshar
Principal- Westridge Elementary
402-289-2559, rbroshar@epsne.org
Important Events
September 19th & 20th- Outdoor Ed (5th Grade only)
September 24th & 25th- Parent/Teacher Conference 3 to 6 PM, 2:00 dismissal
September 25th- Walk-a-thon Kick-off
September 26th & 27th- No School
October 1st- PTO Meeting @ 6:30 PM- Westridge Library
October 11th- Westridge Walk-a-thon
Subscribe to our calendar at- WR Calendar
Attendance Matters!
As a school community, we know that instructional time is of great importance, and nearly impossible to replicate outside of the classroom. In general, we see a dip in achievement from students who miss class time. Research shows that attending school regularly has a direct correlation to higher achievement. All instances of chronic absenteeism will be communicated to families and we will work with you to improve attendance rates. A chronically absent student is defined as any student absent for 10% or more of the days they were enrolled. EPS has 180 student contact days; therefore, any student who misses more than 18 days in the school year is considered chronically absent unless there are chronic health problems or special circumstances. We want our students in attendance, but not if they have a fever or if they are sick with an illness.
In the best interest of students' educational achievement, please plan vacations and family trips around the school calendar whenever possible. Just a quick reminder that the District Calendar for the 2024- 2025 school year is already available for those who plan vacations in advance. You can find the updated version on the district website at elkhornweb.org and click on Calendar at the top right of your screen.
TeamMates of Elkhorn Information
TeamMates of Elkhorn is currently seeking additional mentors to fulfill our waitlist! Mentors spend 30 minutes a week building a lasting relationship and creating a positive impact that lasts a lifetime. Please consider volunteering your time to meet the growing need for mentors across our District. Apply now by clicking here!
Additionally, visit Runza on Tuesday, September 17, and support your local chapter of TeamMates! 10% of all Runza sales at the 204th and Maple location will be donated back to our Elkhorn chapter.
Westridge PTO Information
Hello Wildcats!
Thank you to everyone that attended the PTO meeting this week. Here is a link to the meeting minutes. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 1st. Mr. Broshar will be sharing some student achievement data at that meeting.
The Westridge Directory is available to use for the year! It is important to update your information if you are returning family and register for an account.
Again, everyone is considered outdated until they go into update their information and publish their directory preferences. We’ve attached some tip sheets to help you get started. Contact Andrea Bakenhus at bakenhusa@gmail.com if you need assistance or have any questions.
*Please see attached documents*
School Spirit Store is up and live until September 8th.
Be sure to grab your new Westridge apparel! Our spirit wear store is officially open! Many new designs including a Tie Dye Option that can be worn on many of Student Council’s Spirit Days!
How can you stay in the know? Follow us on Facebook at
For Reminders and updates that come straight to your phone, please TEXT @wewildcat to 81010
Megan Cain, PharmD
New Directory Users
Returning Parent Users
August Minutes
All About Westridge...
Email: rbroshar@epsne.org
Website: https://www.elkhornweb.org/westridge/
Location: 3100 North 206th Street, Elkhorn, NE, USA
Phone: 402-289-2559
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElkhornPSWR/
Twitter: @ElkhornPS_WR