Schofield Scoop

January 19, 2025
"Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." - MLK
These poignant words, spoken by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1947, still ring true to this day. As we take a moment to celebrate this influential American figure, I'm reflecting on how these words apply to what we do at Forestdale every day. We are teaching students to be inquiring, engaged learners, and confident, collaborative peers. This weeks photos show students putting this into practice throughout the school, in classrooms, at specials, during play and even snack. I hope you enjoy seeing our wonderful students in action.
Students on Bus #12 are getting some well deserved praise! They have been incredibly helpful and kind - especially when a guest bus driver took the route. Shout Out to Olivia Magalhaes for going above and beyond, showing kindness and caring to all on the bus! Nice job, Olivia, and thank you for being such a good example for peers on the bus.
- Kara Schofield
Attendance Update
As of the end of December, we have been in school for 75 school days. Students who have been absent more than 7 days are considered chronically absent. We do not want students here if ill (fever, etc.), but DO want students here when they are able to learn. So much learning takes place each day, and students miss out on a significant amount of instruction with just one day's absence. If you need support with your student's attendance at school, please reach out, and we will assist in any way we can. To note, even excused absences are tallied in our number of school days missed.
Our goal each month is to have 95% attendance as a school. Overall, we are at a 92% attendance rate - with K and 1 at 91% and 2nd grade at 93%. Each month we are going to highlight the grade with the highest attendance, and second grade has earned a special whole group activity for having the best attendance rate at the school. Stay tuned for highlights from 2nd grade's attendance award.
Here are some students busy at work. Students in K-2 daily participate in whole group UFLI instruction, a series of phonemic awareness activities which give students the decoding skills to become better readers. Independent and small group practice encourages students to practice learned skills - with teacher or peer support if needed. Teacher led small group work enables students to get "just right" instruction at their level, and can be found in all classrooms throughout the day. What is evident in all photos is the hands on manipulatives that enable students to fully and actively engage in their learning.
Below are some photos of students at work in their Special Classes. This week there are pics from PE, Health, Technology and Art. (Library, Science and Music will be showcased next newsletter!) During PE, students listen to the activity directions. Sometimes there are small group activities, working on specific skills (basketball - dribbling, shooting, passing) or whole group, doing the same things at the same time (drumming). In Technology, students rotate through centers and work with partners to create hands on models with building materials (Legos, Knex) or code a mini-bot with an IPad. Health class involves some whole group discussion about a topic (feelings, healthy bodies, exercise), a story or quick video, and some hands on independent practice with reading and or journal writing. Art class, students are currently looking very carefully at themselves and are creating amazing self portraits! Consistent through each activity is students fully engaged in learning with their peers.
Feedback time!
Share feedback here: kschofield@sandwich.k12.ma.us Thanks for all your great suggestions and ideas.