Yake Gator Bites
Week of May 13, 2024!
Upcoming Dates of Note:
- May 13th - 17th - Student Council Bottle Drive for Downriver for Veterans Tiny House Project!
- May 16th - Woodhaven Elementary Track & Field Championships staring at 5:00 p.m. at Woodhaven High School's track
- May 16th - Woodhaven High Schools' Awards Night! Many former Gators will receive awards and scholarships during the ceremony!
- May 21st - Class of 2024's Senior Walk starting at 10:25 a.m.!
- May 24th - Half-Day of School for Memorial Day weekend!
- May 27th - No School for Memorial Day!
- May 28th - Y5 & Kindergarten field trip to the Detroit Zoo!
- May 29th - Safety field trip to a Toledo Mud Hens game!
- May 30th - 3rd grade field trip to the Henry Ford Museum!
- June 4th - Yake Family Fun Night to the Sweet Treats Station from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Yake staff members will be scooping ice cream!
- July 11th - Rev'D Up Family Fun Night from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
- August 21st - Rev'D Up Family Fun Night from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Congratulations, Ms. Wirtz!
Yake's 1st Arts & Eats Night!
Thank you, Vinko!
Vinko Margiljic (pictured with his mom, Jackie) made their family recipe, Albanian Pite to share with all of our Gators last night. Their samples were delicious!
Big "Thank you!" to our Head Cook, Mrs. Gonzales, kitchen staff, Mrs. Gottchalk & Sodexo for providing the ingredients and assisting us with preparing the dish along with providing cookies, juice and water to make the event extra special.
Mrs. Kincer!
I want to take a moment and give a big "Shout out!" to Mrs. Kincer, who is in her first year teaching art at Yake Elementary School. She came in and spent the summer with her family to completely redesign the art room to create a warm, welcoming environment for our Gators. She has then worked tirelessly to put together Yake's first art exhibition. Our walls are covered with beautiful projects and she is even tackling the gym in preparation for Thursday evening. In the midst of this work, she managed to put up the display below. This rainbow includes handprints from every one of our kindergarten Gators. Way to go above and beyond for our Gators and Yake Elementary School!
Brownstown Rotary Club Fishing trip!
Mr. Prucknic's class had the chance to go fishing at Michigan Memorial with the Brownstown Rotary Club today. They had a beautiful day for fishing, a picnic and a chance to play in the park.
Yake's Fun Run!
Our Gator Fun Run was a huge hit! We will have updated totals on money raised shortly. Big "Thank you!" to Mr. Crane for organizing a run and activities that were enjoyed by all. Take a peek at a few pictures from our Fun Run!
Yake Gators FIRST LEGO Team!
I want to give a "Shout out!" to Ms. Dennison and our Yake Gators FIRST Lego league team. They presented their project at the First LEGO Festival at Airport High School on Saturday morning. They did a fantastic job and won the Core Values award for teamwork. Great job, Ms. Dennison & the Yake Gators!
Kindergarten Orientation Presentation!
(Click here) or below to view the presentation from Kindergarten Orientation. Please feel free to contact me at podlewt@wbsdweb.com if you have any questions moving forward.
Kinder Lit Lab!
Kinder Lit Lab, which will be taught by Yake kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Chlipala is designed to give a boost for soon-to-be kindergarten students with birthdays between December 1st and September 1st.
As of now, we have 11 out of 15 seats filled. See below for more information.
School of Choice!
Please see our School of Choice flyer for the 2024.25 school year! Please note that the SOC window will be open from now through May 9th.
Woodhaven Elementary Track & Field Championships!
GSRP Preschool!
GSRP in person enrollment meetings will begin after Spring Break! Be sure to fill out the interest form as spaces are filling up fast for this program.
Sergio Ramirez,
& his children, Gabriel & Ariana!
Jorge Campos,
& his daughters, Emelia, Elianna & Evelyn!
Calvin Marshall,
& his children, Calving, Brisa & Aiden!
Phil Bryant,
& his step-daughter, Peighton!
Blake Bannon,
& his children, Alba & Liam!
Yake Elementary School PTO!
Take a peek at the Agenda and minutes from our PTO meeting on May 8th. (click here) to view.
For Mr. Podlewski's agenda click here to view.
Our next PTO meeting will be on Wednesday, May 8 at 6:00 p.m. in our media center. We look forward to seeing you there.
Attendance Counts!
Watch D.O.G.S. T-Shirts!
Visitor's & Volunteers!
As a reminder, no outside visitors will be allowed in our school. Any parent or visitor wishing to drop off or pick up a child, drop off a backpack or a lunch, etc. will need to call our office at (734)692-2230 for assistance. Staff members will welcome student in, escort students out and/or pick up backpacks, lunches and/or similar items as needed.
Yes, volunteers are welcome. However, they must be i-chat approved and the application is due one week prior to volunteering. To assess an IChat form, (Click here) and then click on the IChat form.
If parents wish to pick students up prior to dismissal, our office must be called before 3:30 p.m. Children will not be walked out to parents after 3:30 p.m.
Breakfast procedures!
Children who are coming in for breakfast will be allowed to enter Yake through the maind doors at 8:50 a.m. and head to the cafeteria for breakfast. All other Gators will enter their classes through the exterior classroom doors at 9:10 a.m. (as we have done for the past few years).
Helping Families Understand i-Ready!
By understanding the purpose and structure of the i-Ready Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction, families can be empowered to support their student’s learning.
· Family Guides: English | Spanish | Additional Language Translations
· Video: Introduction to i-Ready for Families: English | Spanish
Additional information will be coming throughout the year. i-Ready is a great resource for tracking your Gator's academic growth in Reading and Math, particularly when reviewing initial (September), mid-year (January) and end of the year (May) data.
We will all work diligently to help our Gators demonstrate academic growth throughout the year.
ZONAR App Code!
Birthday Celebrations!
Birthday Celebrations!
Every child’s birthday is important. However, we must take more care when sending birthday treats to school. We must also consider student food allergies, student diabetes, and our national push for healthy eating. If you wish to send a prepackaged birthday treat, you will need to either send the treats in with your child in the morning or pull into one of the parent parking spots and call the office to have us come out and pick up the treats from you. Please make sure that the pre-packaged treats have the ingredients listed on the packages. Please label the treats with your child’s name and classroom teacher. Parents will not be allowed to deliver treats into their child’s classroom.
2023.24 Bus Routes!
Please click here for more information about our Transportation Department as listed on our District website.
Parking Lots!
Thank you for your cooperation!
Pick-Up & Drop Off!
When dropping off and picking up students, we ask you observe the following safety procedures:
Drop Off:
The drop-off lane is open.
This is our KISS & GO ZONE. Pull up next to the sidewalk to let your student out of your vehicle from the passenger side ONLY.
Please do not drop off your students in the parking lot or in the second lane of traffic.
If your student needs assistance exiting the car, you MUST park your car in the lot and walk your student to the front of the school to ensure a safe crossing from the parking lot.
Students should not be permitted to walk past parked or moving cars unescorted.
All students will line up outside at their classroom doors.
Pick Up:
Y5 & K car rider parents will pick up their child from their classroom’s exterior doors at 3:45pm. For Y5 -1 parents, masks are optional. However, we ask that families maintain social distancing when picking up their children from the classroom doors.
1st grade car rider parents will pick up their child from their classroom’s exterior doors at 3:50pm
2 - 5 grade walkers / car riders will be released from their classroom exterior doors at 3:55pm
You may meet your child at their classroom doors and escort them to your car.
Do not call your student to your car if you are parked in the main lot
Your one stop quick reference!
Yake Elementary School
Where our Gators "Give and Expect the Best!" everyday!
Email: podlewt@wbsdweb.com
Website: https://www.mywbsd.org/yes
Phone: (734)692-2230
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yakepto
Twitter: @YakeGators