Piedmont Pulse
Piedmont USD - Week 3 Update >>>

October 7, 2024
Dear PUSD Families & Staff:
It was great to see some of you at Oktoberfest on Saturday night, a perfect evening for a wonderful event. Thanks to Boosters for a fantastic night (where I got a chance to pour: Superintendent by day...Cicerone by night) that supports our athletics programs.
In partnership,
Jennifer Hawn, Ed.D.
Thank you to the MHS/PHS ASB classes for joining me for lunch to discuss our current cell phone use policies. It was invaluable to hear their insights on the potential benefits and drawbacks of any changes. Our students are incredibly wise, and incorporating their perspectives is crucial to ensuring we make informed decisions that truly benefit those most affected. A special thank you to Irma Munoz Daniels, Principal of MHS, and Haley Adams, ASB teacher, for coordinating this important event.
October Community Meetings
Budget Advisory Meeting - 10/10 at 4PM:
To build a common understanding of the District's operating budget and promote transparency with the community, the District's Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) meets monthly throughout the year. Our next meeting is this Thursday, October 10th from 4:00-5:30. The BAC is open to all community members and stakeholders of the school community. Meetings are held in hybrid mode: online, via Google Meet, and in person in the District Office Board Room. This is the link to the meeting, which is also on the agenda (attached). New this year: BAC meetings will now be recorded and available on the Business Services website after the meeting.
So we know how many to expect, please REGISTER HERE.
We encourage everyone to attend any (or all) BAC meetings to better understand the budget for Piedmont's outstanding public schools. The meetings provide an opportunity to take a "deep dive" into the District's finances and the budget process.
Cell Phone Use Board Workshop - 10/16 at 6PM:
Students, Staff, & Families: Our cell phone use survey is still open until 10/11. We will continue exploring our cell phone use policies by gathering feedback that will be shared according to group totals at the 10/16 Board Workshop, 6-8PM. We invite your input in a cell phone use survey linked HERE. At the 10/16 Board workshop, we will also have Dr. Allison Baker (bio linked HERE) join us to discuss teens, technology and mental health. We look forward to seeing you at the Board workshop. This Board workshop will be held at the District Office Board Room (760 Magnolia Ave.) at 6PM. A Zoom link will be sent out to families and posted on the District website on 10/14.
District Technology Advisory Committee - 10/21 at 4PM:
Director of Technology, Stephanie Griffin, will present information on emerging technology, including policies related to AI and instructional programs that employ AI. Information will be sent out 10/14.
Behavior & Support Matrix - 10/22 at 4PM:
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Ariel Dolowich will present progress to date on the development of a Behavior & Support Matrix. This matrix was drafted last year and reflects response protocols to disciplinary incidents. Protocols include disciplinary action, educational intervention, and communication protocols. We invite feedback from staff and families on this set of protocols. Information will be sent out to families on 10/17.
Facilities Steering Committee (FSC) Meeting = 10/30 at 8:30AM
Director of Facilities, Pete Palmer, is hosting another FSC meeting to refine a priority list for future facilities projects. RSVP and Zoom link to follow on 10/23.
District Interactive Music Assemblies
In another effort to create an environment to thrive, we are excited to share information about upcoming interactive assemblies that will positively impact PUSD students at all three levels, elementary, middle, and high school. This Wed., Oct. 9th, PUSD has partnered with Sammy Miller & the Congregation (co-founders of the Playbook music curriculum) who will provide students with tools and methods to express themselves through music. By teaching music like a language, Sammy Miller & the Congregation will provide students with an immersive experience in which students feel free to truly explore the world of joyful jazz.
On Oct. 9th, events in PUSD will include:
A district-wide history of jazz assembly with ALL 4th and 5th graders
Masterclasses with middle students on improvisation and careers in music
A lunch concert for all PHS & MHS high school students in the PHS quad
An interactive masterclass with all high school symphonic students
Throughout the day, students will get real-world experience with members of Sammy Miller and The Congregation, who have worked with artists including Taylor Swift, The Late Show Band with Stephen Colbert, Wynton Marsalis, and at venues including The White House, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, SFJazz, Juilliard, and more. Examples of student learning opportunities can be viewed in an Assembly Highlight Reel here.
Please find additional information here.
All-Call: Elementary Principal, Substitute Teachers & Paraprofessionals
We are currently seeking applicants for a number of positions, with an unexpected need for an elementary principal for Wildwood Elementary School.
We also have a need for short and long-term substitute teachers and paraprofessionals. The application link for substitute teaching positions is a standing item in the News & Notes section below; however, we currently have more positions open at this time of year than usual.
If you are interested or know someone who might be interested, the application is linked HERE.
PUSD News & Notes
The 2024 Giving Campaign launches on September 24. The theme, “Supporting Their Journey,” highlights the essential role that Piedmont parents and the broader community play in guiding students from transitional kindergarten through high school graduation. From daily activities to long-term planning, this support is essential to the success of each student. You can donate online HERE, by phone 510-653-1816, or by mail HERE.
National Hispanic/LatinE/X Heritage Month: The California Department of Education and PUSD recognize September/October as National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15–October 15. To our Hispanic/LatinE/X students, staff, and families: We celebrate you now and ALWAYS.
Filipino American History Month: The California Department of Education and PUSD recognize October as Filipino American History Month. To our Filipino students, staff, and families: We celebrate you now and ALWAYS.
Week of the School Administrator: The California Department of Education recognizes October 13-19 as the Week of the School Administrator. We have AMAZING school administrators. We celebrate you during this week and ALWAYS!
School Board Forum: Piedmonters for Inclusive Education (PIE) is hosting a School Board Forum on October 15th at 7PM. More information HERE, and RSVP for this event HERE.
Parenting Anxious Children - October 23rd @Havens: You’re invited to listen to licensed Clinical Social Worker, Mindy Szelap speak about ways parents can shift their own behaviors to encourage resilience and independence in kids and reduce anxiety. Question and Answer session to follow her talk. Adults only event. Wednesday October 23, 7:00-8:30 pm at Havens Elementary Library. More info on Mindy Szelap linked HERE. RSVP link HERE.
Piedmont Adult School: Piedmont Adult School is offering "Parenting with Positive Discipline," a six-week class for parents of children of all ages. Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., starting October 2 through November 6 (no class on October 16). Register now at piedmontadultschool.org or call 510-594-2655.
Piedmont Adult School Volunteers Needed: English as a Second Language (ESL) volunteers needed. More information linked HERE
Piedmont Portal - For all of the latest school and community events, please visit the Piedmont Portal linked HERE
Millennium High School is open for enrollment. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Principal Irma Muñoz Daniels directly at (510) 594-2703 or imunoz@piedmont.k12.ca.us, or see more information linked HERE
Piedmont Alumni Network: Last spring, we launched the Piedmont Alumni Network! Linked HERE is a page on our PUSD website to invite alumni of PHS and MHS to sign up. Whether you graduated many years ago, or recently, we would love to have you sign up HERE.
Community Pool Construction Update - Safety measures around the Community Pool Project construction site on Magnolia Avenue across from PHS/MHS are currently in effect. Magnolia Avenue is open to traffic during school hours; however, we recommend avoiding the area when possible due to heavy truck traffic due to construction. Visit the City of Piedmont's website for details.
Substitutes Needed - PUSD seeking substitute teachers for the 2024-25 school year. Visit the District's EdJoin page for more information and to apply.
Follow PUSD - Please read our school newsletters sent out weekly for update to date information. The District Facebook (@piedmontunified) and Instagram (@piedmontusd)
Piedmont Unified School District
Email: communication@piedmont.k12.ca.us
Website: www.piedmont.k12.ca.us
Location: 760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont, CA, USA
Phone: 510-594-2600