The Lister Weekly Update #10
January 24th 2024
Your Lister News from the Lister News Team
Parent Drop-In Sessions - Tomorrow!
Lister is a community school, and we are committed to working with families to ensure that we support all our pupils. We want them to be safe and happy learners.
Further to the message in last week’s parent mail out, the schedule for this academic year’s parent sessions are as follows:
1-Managing challenging behaviour at home including using G4S
Thursday 25th Jan
2-Safeguarding including E-safety and Mental Health
Thursday 7th March
3-Exam revision and home learning including reading
Thursday 2nd May
4-The Curriculum and options, Post 16 and Careers
Thursday 20th June
Sessions will run from 3.30-4.30pm, the first part of the session will be an opportunity for staff to share their expertise and the second half will be an opportunity for parents to speak with the Headteacher and other senior leaders. The exception to this timing is Thursday 25th January where two sessions will run, one at 2.15-3.00pm and one at 3.15-4.00pm.
We look forward to meeting with you on this date. If you are unable to attend but would like to speak to the Interim Headteacher, please do contact the school.
Oliver Jnr! Performance next week!
Show week is upon us - here's what you need to know:
Show Nights are Thurs 1st Feb and Fri 2nd Feb. Show starts at 4.30pm (Doors open from 4.15pm) and ends at 6:00pm. You are warmly invited to accompany your child as part of the audience! We anticipate that many students may come to support and it would be great to have parents or carers alongside them.
Other Items
Students with Chickenpox
Unfortunately, we have had a very small number of students who have chickenpox. In order to protect our students and staff, Children with chickenpox must remain at home until all of the spots have scabbed over. If you are concerned about your own child's safety, please note that we are very vigilant and apply all safety precautions. This is not a large outbreak. If your child has a weakened immune system, a vaccine for the virus is available and you should consult your doctor.
Chickenpox is an acute, generalised viral disease resulting from a primary infection with varicella-zoster virus. Once infected, people normally have a long-lasting immunity to the virus.
Symptoms include:
mild fever
characteristic itchy vesicular rash
Chickenpox is usually not a serious infection.
A small number of individuals may experience complications including pneumonia, secondary bacterial infection and encephalitis.
The risk of severe disease is highest in:
pregnant women
immunocompromised individuals
exposed newborns
After primary infection, the varicella-zoster virus will become dormant but can re-activate, usually in later life, as herpes zoster (shingles).
This often occurs when the immune system is weakened.
A Year of Reading at Lister
After eight weeks of this intervention, the students made progress of 2 years in their reading age on average!
The primary success of these students was based on the dual points of reading regularly and developing good reading habits. If you want to support your own child and add to their reading age, try to dedicate some time to them reading regularly at home and perhaps even try to listen to them reading a passage as if they were reading in an audio book!
Aiming for Excellence (with uniform)
Our high standards on uniform help everyone achieve high standards in the future. With this in mind, from next week, we will be confiscating coats that are worn inside the school building and insisting that acrylic nails and false eyelashes are removed.
Confiscated coats can be collected at the end of a school day. Pastoral Managers will be in touch with parents regarding acrylic nails and false eyelashes being removed.
House Stars
Thought of the week
Our Thought of the Week, this week, is related to the theme of being kind. Please discuss the thought with your child.