Greenwich Twp. School Board Brief
Regular Board of Education meeting October 8, 2024
Greenwich Township Board of Education
Email: cgarrison@gtsdk8.us
Website: http://www.greenwich.k12.nj.us/
Location: 415 Swedesboro Road, Gibbstown, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-224-4900 X2132
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/greenwichtwp/
Board Brief
Regular Board of Education meeting October 8, 2024
Mrs. Erin Herzberg - School Board President
Mr. Andrew Chapkowski - School Board Vice-President
Mr. John T. Goetaski
Mr. Michael Hasenpat
Mrs. Roseanne Lombardo
Ms. Meghann Myers
Mrs. Susan Vernacchio
Highlights from the Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting October 8, 2024
A presentation on the Student Safety Data System was given by Mr. John Tirico, for Period 2, from the 2023-2024 school year
A presentation was given by Superintendent, Mr. Hudson and Principal, Mrs. Whitcraft, on the preliminary results of NJSLA testing for 2023-2024 for ELA and Math.
Enrollment: 430
1. Superintendent Recommendations Approved
A. Accepted resignation from Carolyn Juliano, PT Cafeteria/Playground, with appreciation.
B. Correction to salary for Jackie Henderson, substitute custodian, from $15.25 to $17.00 per hour.
C. Crystal Fried, withdrew from Academic Club and went on the Bulldog After the Bell tutoring program at a stipend of $35.00 per hour, two days per week.
D. Anthony Camacho withdrew from Grade Chair for 5th grade, and Heather Crisostomo will Chair the 5th grade at a stipend of $300.00.
E. Michelle Neigut was appointed to Advisor of Theatre Club at a stipend of $900.00.
F. Approved Deborah Truhan as Substitute Accounts Payable Clerk, at a rate of $28.00 per hour, to cover a medical absence.
G. FMLA was approved for Donald Haney.
H. FMLA was approved for Gina Casella
I. School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drills for both NMS and BSS, held on September 26, 2024, were approved.
J. Submission of the 2023-2024 Anti-Bullying School Self-Assessment to the NJDOE.
District grade reports for the 2022-2023 school year posted on the District website.
K. Approval of the 2024-2025 School Nursing Services Plan
2. Curriculum and Instruction
1. Bus Transportation for Grades 6-8 Band for the Halloween performance on 10/31/24, $237.50
1. Heather Crisostomo and Jesse Golden to attend Fundamentals of Social-Emotional Learning, Camden County College, workshop. $149.00 each plus substitute plus mileage
2. Daniel Giorgianni, Diana Dresh, Colleen Moran, Stacy Podolski, attending the NJDOE Behavioral Threat Assessment training, virtual. $0
3. Colleen Moran to attend a series of NJDOE Data 306 sessions. $0
4. Colleen Moran to attend this year's Gloucester County Consortium of School Psychologists, five dates, $0.
5. John Tirico, Director of Special Services to attend NJPSA/FEA/NJASCD Fall Conference at the Ocean Casino Resort, two days, $410.00 plus mileage.
3. Budget and Finance
1. Five retroactively approved contracts for student services.
2. Joint Transportation agreement for 2024-2025 with Gateway Regional School District for Pre-School transportation at a cost of $178,000.00.
1. Approval of resolution regarding application for Late Liquidation ARP Consolidation, approval by the NJDOE 9/26/24
4. Report of the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary- Approved
1. Bills Lists with payroll - Bills #20--24-2025 and payroll #170-2025
2. Voided check
5. Old Business: None
6. New Business:
1. Broad Street TOP Dogs for the month of September 2024:
Mrs. Beckett- Rhett Gedling
Mrs. Walsh-Wesley Ridgeway
Ms. Fowler- Marianna Maccarone
Ms. Barker- Samuel Camp
Mrs. Ballinger- Patrick Kearney
Mrs. Maxie- Trey Grimes
Mrs. Exley-Julianna Medica
Mrs. Nastase- Maxfield Little
Mrs. New-Rowyn Gedling
Mrs. Pezzino-Eile Kearney
Ms. Wedgwood-Julian Romero
Mr. Camacho-Elly O’Donnell
Mr. Guzzardi-Richard Tighe
Ms. Vicino-Ava Grimes
Broad Street School: Heather Crisostomo, Tina Sayers, and Salvatore Guzzardi
Nehaunsey Middle School: Jennifer Ellick, Adriana Marini-Cossetti, Trish Seiner, and Jennifer Walker
Team Members are selected by their peers and staff in recognition of something they did that made our district just a little better!
7. Correspondence
1. Letter from NJDOE regarding 2024-2025 Preschool Education Aid Expansion application.
8. Public Session: Topics brought up included -
Test scores
9. Executive Session - Yes
10. Approval of Settlement agreement with GTEA.
11. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:36 pm
Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 6:00 pm
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 6:00 pm
Nehaunsey Middle School
Next regular Board of Education meeting is Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 6:30 pm
The schedule for the 2024 Board of Education meetings is available online.